535-03 Page 197Tillsonburg clears wav Tillsonburg Mayor 'Andy Balazs makes a slice in the giant birthday cake commemorating Tillsonburg's 100th birthday. The cake w residents on hand at t n for mall TILLSONBUR own council gave final reading Tuesday to an expropriation bylaw clearing the way for acquisition of downtown properties needed for a new shopping mall. The proposed development, known as Till- sonburg Town Centre, will be located east of Broadway Street and will include a new town hall. Altogether, 39 properties will have been ex- propriated or purchased in putting together the land package for the $6.8-million develop- ment. The centre will include a mall with 180,000 square feet of retail space, consisting of a de- partment store, a food outlet, and several smaller stores. The project is expected to take a year. to complete. In other business, council approved con- struction of a new arena to be built near the community centre. The cost of the new arena, estimated at $375,000, is to be covered by cash from the Li- ons Club, $100,000; Wintario, $85,000; a citi- zens' committee, $100,000 and the community centre, 95,000. Council also approved replacement of the roof on the existing arena for $140,000. Borden building. work fork to begin"r5 I Free Press Woodstock Bureau TILLSONBURG Construction of the $410, 000, 12,000-square-foot Borden (Industrial) Laboratory building in the Forest Hill Indus- trial Park will begin immediately, Tillsonburg industrial commissioner Gerald W. Layne said Saturday The company, which employs 30 persons, is A cairn with plaque commemorating the Brownsville public school was officially unveiled Sunda, a gathering of former pupils. The cairn is built with bricks, and contains the insignia and bell fr the old school building. Mrs. Edward Harris, a former teacher, unveiled the plaque. Owen Bawl served as chairman of the cairn committee. "