535-03 Page 200"Dairy Barn and Milk House wilt on the Farm of Glen l;artram, R. R. No, 1, Salford"
AT�i` give bet-'
1 township,'
,it will do
ig trips to
d Ltd., of
''{{��(°� aided the
pro ect the new
;lud m a kit
lisor H. W` J'
ire marshal's Il
district office in Brantford
ed films on fire preventi.
the open house.
Chief Sharpe said the r
Elgin fire hall has a 500-Z
Pumper and anticipates a
tank truck next year.
—the comimission; W. A. Hollister, vice-chairman, and W: A. Pollard, chair-'QAN , ' IVIUUiv I L' LUUN — MIRY
— - — --- - Savill Construction of Otter- O WeL 76
ville has been awarded a •
e $19,736 contract by Dereham -
o'PownsTip Council for con `' i ' j '� f ' "' -,
struction of a firehall in the _ /fc Ui {
northwest of the village.t `�
new f i
Clerk-treasurer F. E. Barris < � D z h a•. r 6;i�a,�_�®rve said construction will begin af-
additional land is pur- ,j
chased to enlarge an existing . • �� ' '
75 by 114-foot site, adjacent to
Free Press Woodstock Bureau burgs Public Utilities Com- The new substation is on the -
the waterworks building.
TILLSONBURG — To ac mission said the station, Townline Road. said Fire �iief Joseph
Mr Pollard said the town's Pi`'
commodate industrial expan- which became operational last Sharpe, Brownsville, is looking
sion greater than had bean ex Thursday, should satisfy pow industrial growth to date has for 20 volunteer firemen to
pected in Tillsonburg, a $100,- been far greater than antici- f `� - • ` =
er demands into 1975. � serve the north half of the
100 municipal hydro substation pated. For example, the steel township from the Mount El-
Y Stanley Webster the corn- manufacturing firm of Tote gin static
El -
was official) opened Tuesday Y g
to increase average daily pow- mission's secretary -manager, Systems Ltd. recently com a station at Brownsville,
er capacity from 8,500 kilo observed that the five-year pleted a plant expansion. New containing a fire truck and ' l q J ��
watts to 15,000 kilowatts. projection will depend on the firms at Tillsonburg include
p P tanker operated by 23 volun-::-
Opening the station, W. A. rate of future industrial ex Mastico Industries Ltd., teers, and which has been
Pollard, chairman serving the entire township, of Tillson- pansion. Eber-East Productions Ltd., �
q} A
- and Balazs Enterprises. The will service the southern por- 4t / tIf
�) 1i�4; �'� v i f •- j `=f `Ft�
a Balazs firm is under construe- tion.
t.ion and will manufacture Mr. Harris said a new fire
items including automobile truck will be bought on con?
A seat cushions.
sir'uction of the new hall. •
Former Mayor Clare Essel- The 34 by 56-foot ball will
tine, now a PUC commission- eventually house two fire;
er, recalls the town's indus trucks. . t c' r '-
trial site originated with the: - 7
purchase of two tobacco farms
during his term as mayor.
The proposed Highway 3 by
-.. v Pass will be just south of the
new substation and the indus-- s _ .` - �•
trial subdivision..