535-03 Page 203S.S. No. 3 Dereham
The Old And
The New -1912
A Building Bee In 1912 At S. S. No. 3
An, Early Class In Frame School y
Page Six The Ingersoll Times June 7, 1972
The School In A Recent Photo
Former students of SS 3 Dereha m__N.
r q.
gather to reminisce of school days,,,,,.:,7,,,r
Free Press Woodstock 'Bureau y � %ir Rock Mills, recalled seeing Annie Semple
SALFORD —About 250 former students McPherson waiting for the CPR train to take
her to high school in Ingersoll
and teachers met at SS3 Dereham, Sunday,
Arnie, an SS 3 grad, later went on to be -
to revive their memories of the one -room come a famous evangelist in the United
school. States.
The school, which had been vacant for the Basil Wilson, 79, of RR 5, Ingersoll, who
last year, was the learning centre for Salford attended the white frame school in 1903, re -
residents from 1840 to 1971. members school as a big event because you
Former teacher Mrs. Warren Rock, 82, of Were allowed to wear your button shoes.
Two schools have stood on the Culloden ,
Road site two mile west of Salford. The orig-
z final building lasted from 1840 to 1912 when
# Y s of t V'n ,�,
E ,u the present brick structure was built. a ` F
R The school is now the home of one of its
former pupils, Tom Parker of Salford, who 4
bought it recently. n
The S. S. No. 3 Class Of 1889