535-03 Page 213Residents to build��� co munity centre Free Press Woodstock Bureau The completed proposal would include a 250- tennis courts plus a ball diamond. MOUNT ELGIN Village and area resi- seat auditorium, to be used for banquets and A letter has been sent to township council in' `. dents have decided to buy land and build their sports activities, several meeting rooms, a forming it of the citizens' progress and inquir f own community centre, rather than lease the kitchen, a library, and possibly volleyball and ing about financial aid. old Mount Elgin School, a spokesman for the _ citizens said Tuesday •, - "�' Murray Crawford said residents voted ` against leasing the school from Oxford County board of education because they felt it would not be worth sinking a large sum of money in- --- to a leased building.—---L--�-� He said residents also voted down a lease �. . �"j-------. �- _ agreement because the community would not cral ,flan / / _ be eligible for a community centres grant. � "And if we used the building we figured we I! would have had to add a banquet room and au- ditorium onto it to meet our needs," he added. o ll o a l A committee of area residents was formed tw pe in May to approach the board about the sale of 2 the building to South-West Oxford Township, WOODSTOCK 'i�-`a 3 f 7 s but the board decided it would only lease the (Bureau) — Oxford able because it exposes members to first - structure. County council gave final approval Wed;, rate speakers experienced in their fields Trustees voted against its sale, citing the nesday ,to an official plan change which and it allows politicans from all parts of high cost of land and the future development clears the way for relocation of a Tillson- Oxford to mingle and discuss each oth- of the site. The school is used by the board for burg peanut plant on Highway 19 north of ers' problems. storage and the land rented to residents for Ostrander. as vvll ,----- in recreation purposes. With only minor discussion, councillors mses)-in rural artao• Crawford said residents were presented approved a bylaw redesignating a cultural. P./ 7.2- „�-- with two alternatives. Purchase of land for a acre parcel of land industrial from a ri- community centre only and continue leasing g Township ORs' recreational land from the board at the school or relocating the centre altogether on ample On May 10, council gave initial appro- s � land for both. ; val to the proposed relocation despite ob- t peanut plan They chose the later, he said, adding that i jections from county planner Peter the land will continueto be rented for some Atcheson and the Oxford planning coin- is time until the new complex is built. mittee which said the planned 18,000 r- /'�'`'� The lease on the Mount Elgin School Park ; square foot plant would encourage strip D,- �Qj ro�ja tl on jq7� runs until 1986 and can be renewed for 10 development on Highway 19. re - years at that time, Crawford said. Jay Coyle, owner of Coyle's Products on - Crawford said a decision on the proposed Ltd., plans an immediate start on the ere DEREHAM CENTRE (Bureau) — R - centre's location and its probable cost has not j $300,000 peanut plant and sales outlet to the location of a Tillsonburg wholesale an� been made. Estimated cost of renovations to replace an existing overcrowded facility retail peanut outlet and packaging fact the school was $50,000, he said. on Tillson Avenue in Tillsonbur tory on Highway 19 a mile north of Os� Fund-raising drives and applications for g• and ( Wintario, community centre and Canada La- The new plant is to employ 20 to 30 per- ck- Westtrandr, has been approved by South 1, bor grants are planned. sons who will sell specialty goods and luld West Oxford Township council, clerk He j Crawford said the residents will request a farm products, process and package and eRelo Relocation of the pn Prouse said e"o`wn�d Gy Jay debenture from the township for the purchase peanuts and cater to tourist trade. s $1_ y g q of the land. Construction of the complex could Earlier, Coyle said the new plant s o le of Tillsonburg, requires an official begin later this year if all runs smoothly, -he should be open by the spring of 1979. _ )Ian amendment re -designating the se - added. After the meeting, Coun. Wendy Calder en -acre site special industrial from ag- "I have no doubt the community will re- of Woodstock said in an interview that icultural. Township councils comments spond and help us raise money for this pro- two speakers have been scheduled for the All be sent to county planning commit- ject. They are anxious to have something. Pe- third annual county councillors` seminar tee which will make a recommendation ople will get into the spirit. here June 10. to Oxford County council. "We have to be able to do it on our own," These include the treasurer of Haidi- Mrs. Prouse said councillors favored Crawford added. "We can't expect the town ti mand-Norfolk re who will speak on the location in South-West Oxford be - 'lip �p to dip into its pockets —this has to be a � region, cause the plant will likely use area farm -unity efft:rt." marketing of drainage financing, and the produce and because they didn't want it i treasurer of Hamilton who will do a pre- to move outside Oxford County sentation on zero -base budgeting. The plant is now on Tillson Avenue in The all -day seminar will also include a Tillsonburg, but president Jay Coyle says discussion of conflict of interest, possible it is overcrowded. hiring of a county industrial com- The proposed plant will cover 18,000 missioner and a question period at the square feet at a cost of $300,000, Coyle day s end. The seminar, which is open to all mem said. It will sell various speciai.y goods - "._ bers of Oxford's eight area councils, will and farm products and process and pack- age peanuts. be held in the board room at the Oxford He said the rural location was selected County board of education office on Gra- because no suitable seven -acre lots were ham Street beginning at 9 a.m. available in Tillsonburg. Construction Mrs. Calder said the seminar, which will start when all approvals are granted attracted 44 councillors last year, is valu- with completion set for spring of 1979. In other business, council gave permis- sion to the fledgling Dereham District Lions Club to use the former township of Dereham crest for its emblem. The Mt. Elgin based club will be South-West Ox- ford Township's first Lions club. It will get its charter in June.