535-03 Page 218Mount Elgin United Church
celebrates 75th anniversary
The 75th anniversary of the present church" building was celebrated Sunday at Mount Elgin United
Church. Cutting the special anniversary cake were the oldest active members of the church, Mrs.
Kiah Clark, left, and Mrs. Harley Jolliffe, right. They are shown flanking Rev. Garth Cowper -Smith
of Malton, minister of the church in the 1945-47 period, who spoke at the morning service. To cut the
cake they used trowels used in the cornerstone laying. Mrs. Clark is a daughter of Reuben Smith,
who participated in the original cornerstone laying. Mrs. Jolliffe, a Mount Elgin resident for over 50
years, holds a trowel used by Thomas Prouse, great-grandfather of Mrs. Earl Moulton, who served
as chairman for the anniversary committee.