535-03 Page 22 aVandals Smash !Vo✓. zx - �46.�. Sweaburg School No estimate has been made ficulty with the furnace, and he'I as yet, of the damage to West lhad called William Norrie ofl Oxford public school No. 7, at RR 4, Ingersoll to check it. Mr. Sweaburg, following a. break Norrie discoverd the damaged and enter between 10 a.rr and 2 p.m. on Saturday.tVOY.i�Iµ at 2 p.m. Stanley Allen, of RR 5, S - OPP Constables, All Marshall gersoll, secretary -treasurer of and Henry De Beer are invest-, the West Oxford'' school board, igating. said that nothing had been taken- in the break-in„ but whoever it was, left the building in a mess. The vandals smashed. 15 light bulbs, 4 boxes of chalk, eight cans of paint, two bottles of ink, a carton of paper towels, duplicating paper and two car- tons of crayons. T'he debris was trailed throughout the school. Mr. Allen, who heads the mam. tenance staff, said that if took from Saturday afternoon until last night to clean up. the mess. Two windows in the building .were broken, but it's believed .that entry was gained through the larger of the two, located in the library. The other was in the pprincipal's office. The. culprits left the building through the front door which was found open. r. Allen said that he bad been in the building at 10 o'. clock on Saturday morning and everything was all right at that time. There had been some dif-` Iglz Ono �I s�pr OLD SOUITH SWEABUB.G SCHOOL BUB DIED ruins _ Only ruins remain of the I tune, is located south of Swea- burg school was torn down to (house acant South Sweaburg school burg. The Beachville F i r e I make way for Highway 401 and that was completely de- I Department under chief Jack 1 at that time the North and Soa. _h Ii' stroyed by fire Mo morn- Watling kept the blaze under Schools were combined intq tie +ja& The school, a bri str�c- i control. The old North Swea- p r e s e n t Sweaburg school. Ceremony In Sweaburg en 22,000 Artmex To W. Oxford School -+ SWEABURG Nov 4 'mit murder in the box death of night watchman Fred Vincent O'Neill. The three, all facing ch themselves in connection O'Neill's death, were sent to eight days in jail an hearing was postponed to 28. Georges Schoeters, 82,E gian-born economics st, Raymond Villeneuve, 19, a. dent, and Jacques Giroux, photographer, each refuse. speak on grounds of "poli principle" and Judge E Trottier cited them for tempt after telling them objection had no legal vali The 65-year-old O'Neill when a bomb exploded the of Aril 20 behind the arm cruitmg office in the-hea Montreal. PLACED BOMB Yves Labonte an 18-yea clerk, testified 'at the he that he placed a bomb be the recruiting office the of April 20. He said Hudon made bomb and gave it to him. The charge against H was the first of 164 to be h Igainst 18 persons in conne pith terrorist activities bet (larch 7 and May 20 this v SIMON � Ther "2.000 two -room addition to No. I7 public school.. West Oxford 'Tp., at Swealmg, was official ly opened by J. C. Webster, Public school inspector foi IBrant County, ' Be urged parents and teach t lets to give the students habits' if critical thinking and sound '7 '.,judgment. Students, he said, must think their way through if they are to survive. The ,speaker was introduced Eby A. P. Silcox, Ingersoll, West Oxford district school inspector. �I Greetings from the township were brought by Reeve W. W. j '.Budd and from Cordon Innes, MLA of Oxford County, Mr. Innes is a life-long resident of this school area. A school Bible was presented by Walter Leaper, Ingersoll, 'president of the Ontario School' Trustees and Ratepayers Asso- ciation, on behalf of that group., Personal - Bibles were pre- sented to students by the Ox ford camp of the Gideons b, (Brock' Snell, Dedication ceremonies we,, � conducted by the Rev, D. P. Suitor, pastor of Beachv,11e . United Church, 01aP 7 a � ' r�8`zk ,Dorf Sclew�)