535-03 Page 22 bSECRETARI' STAN ALLEN TACKLES KEFAIKS Vandals Smash No✓•zz-fQ��• Sweaburg School No estimate has been made ficulty with the furnace, and he yet, of the damage to West had called William Norrie of xford public school No. 7, at RR 4, Ingersoll to check it. Mr. veaburg, following a. break Norrie discoverd the damage id enter between 10 a.m. and p.m. on Saturdayat p.m. Stanley Allen, of RR 5, I - OPP Constables, All Marshall ersoll. secretary -treasurer of and Henry De Heer are invest whoever in a me tenance staff, said that it I from Saturday afternoon t 1 a s t night to clean up. mess. Two windows in the bull( were broken, but it's belie that entry was gained thrc the larger of the two, loc, open. Mr. Allen been in the clock on Sal everything v time. There that he had ng at 10 o'- morning and right at that eon some dif. srf> OLD SOr�'i'I SWEABUU:G SCHOOL UUYED 46a Only ruins remain of the ( ture, is located south of Swea-. burg school was torn down to [210yed acant South Sweaburg school burg. The Beachvi11 F f r e make way for Highway 401 and uthat was completely de- Department under chief Jack at that time the North and Soo;:h by fire Moy m�o_rn- Watling kept the blaze under Schools were combined into tae g The school, a bri- c rdc- control.. The old North Swea- p i e s e n t Sweaburg scbool. Ceremony In Sweaburg ' ;open S32,000 Annex To W. Oxford School -----,-4 SWEABURG, Nov. 5 -- The. $32.000 two -room addition to No. '7 public school, p Pi eat \l:,rd'' Tp., at Sweaburg, was offiulal-. Iv opened by J. C. Webster,' Public school inspector fo,'. Brant County, i' i He urged parents and teach- I�ers to give the students habits 'of critical thinking and sound t .,judgment. Students, he said, must think their way through i6 j they are to survive. it The speaker was introduced by A. P, Silcox, Ingersoll, West Oxford district school inspector, �)- Greetings from the township F were brought by Reeve W. gyp,' 1 ,Budd and from Gordon Innes, MLA of Oxford County. Mr, Innes Is a life-long resident of this school area. A school Bible was. presented by Walter Leaper, Ingersoll, president of the Ontario School (Trustees and Ra.lepayers Ass.- at group. re pre- the Ox- �t leons by '-= es were�� I D B. achville SIMON MAYBEE'S HOUSE IN WEST ram 0tt.4 4ale&� �y 64. 1l