535-03 Page 226"THE DAY for the offensive is not yet here, but is not too for off " Such is the promise of Francis M. Forde, Australian army minister z.. and his confidence is borne out by the fact that Aus- M.. ,•- trolio is forming the greatest _ - striking front in Pacific his- A'�� w':' { tory. The post few months have seen almost revolution- s ary changes in the sub- continent's defences, includ- ing the "zoning" of the country for defensive opera- "'tP' ; tions. But there are fast - forming plans for a United Nations' offensive based on Australia, and offensive pro f .' *y equipment is pouring from production lines in record quantity. At left is a strik- ing view of Alice Springs, the great inland arsenal from which the truck convoys carry supplies of men and steel to the important air and naval base of Port Dar- �;;"��« s#, nr r "`,� •+"` a'� "`' �..'� ' o•• . ti%" win on the northern coast, Built around on oasis, Alice' Springs is connected by rail with the important portont cities. A CA,NADIAN CORVETTE gives its signal flags a chance to dry on return to port after an Atlantic convoy job, on which the flogs, as is now the rude, get much use in wet weather They can be seen 15 miles with glasses, and now replace radio signals which tell U-boots a convoy's position. THIS HUGE MANCHESTER super -heavy bomber of the R.A.F. is now mak- ing regular visits to the Hitler gong in Nazified Europe. A calling card in the form of this pretty 2,000-pound bomb is left after each visit. REAL DOGS OF WAR are the huskies who make up this fine team photographed on re- F-- connaissance duty on the Soviet Arctic front.