535-03 Page 23{/may � �% 1 p - 0 V derr ation O f Plant lant Library 1Aeceive� 11 A'.ie a av 19 ,3, 1 brought jj p /� to the area m 1913 Umnimon '� Quarry Beae{1Ville Grant ilGas handled the service�� ������ BEAublic Lb ar The '!Union bou ht the corn pan] <<uf Beach- ville Public Library board has in 79 �5- received a special village grant 41t�q 20 / ✓r-7r� of $750 to open a fund for the ✓ QQbdBy DAVE' SCOTT � f e :g purity horizon pinches renovation of the village hall for `�, .GrCYt/ Ai72C�v J-utt A� much a new pan s ou pu out in the vicmidlty of Noawvch. g library, y'({jy.23- f1�R / / � ��LL'�� p ,� j Every dnvo woks, a 21 haLe blast of pebble lime, but there is also Along strike to the northwest, the 7 - sends 50-60,000 tons of 350-million- capacity in the. 300-ton-per-day A board re - organizations] [fj �-- high paur�iby horizon extends meeting is scheduled for Jan. 3I, zJ year -old rock cascading in swirls 'rotary kiln ffi make time avail- through Zorra -Station' and Ein g 7Lead�„ of dust and sQrlwnitelns to t&te fkaox' able to many other segments of bro, but by the time it reaches - Appointed to the 1962 board ,q„z, �'� �/'t� (Y✓ of the Cyanamid Quaney at Beach- Canada's rapidly expanding in- St. Marys, it begins to inter -fine were: Alfred Cowell, J. C. �"uj vdll�. dustnes. er with Dolomite, and. loses its Smith, Jack Olmstead, Tino J 9(,y ryftQwti Anotherhigh lime character. - Odorico, Mrs. C..W. Pullin, Mrs. ' •?'• The mass- 2 shattered stone company's expansion phasenog a8 rive � bloaded. into 2shon dump trucks company's expansion program m- The Beachville limestone p the Hugh Doyle, Mrs. Edna Muss- pp - a+.�L � � 2yv. uan� by mammoth shovels, and the eluded the replacement of a great lar largest de sit of hi h /a laden trucks haul it to the rim- deal of obsolete quarry equip- g deposit g Purity Iran, Mrs. W. E. Brooks and p P- chemical limestone available in Miss Marjorie Cropp. ?1r2mJ CLUB- R/�twrti°� ary crusher where the first steps ment. Ontario, and is one of the best in A membership of 211, withWv d .- toward 10 production sizes of The narrow-gauge r a i I w a y Canada. There is no other de- • ?limestone are started, which for so many years. had posit known in the province of. circulation of 4,416 books in f ez". ,%i 7N.Nx- This year saw the completion of faithfully hauled tons and tons of comparable size, and it is regard- 1961 was reported by the li the heavy rock was scrapped, and brarfan, Mrs. Edward Brookes. &Wu" a program which modernized and ed as one of the most important `{,� a=1.� C BL�aet' i s. diversified the plant operations, the track and, rolling stock was limestone resources. Income for the year was $1,710 replaced by a fleet of five, dump The deposit P A previous hourly capacity out- p t was laid down :n compared with an expendrtu�• mlov6+� �o"'fiy v trucks. These trucks have speed, marine seas during Devom3n of $1,251. �C put of 100 tons per hour has been � r /�,� s+ ' and as the rock face gets farther time,, and owes its hi h un'.y ,gu.g�i�tu, e boosted to 500 Ions per hour. g Py The 500 per cent increase now and farther away from the prim- to the fact that a is o built un .�/�(�'`'-'_'`, 33LL!iLrGt✓eC, C "'" '-"'-`' /�QD P ary crusher, the trucks can easily lazgaly of sedentary organis ns �`^" d �, 2rt� Dasury Q�tpesJ makes it possible to meet not only be used to maintain the flow of tope hµ2�` the greater chemical limestone limestone from .the shovels. such as cosial�s, sRroma rds%J needs of the company's electric and other animals. �f S•� n Lflu�✓ furnaces at Niagara Falls, but it A belt conveyor system has Uses to which the raw ]im^ uz C also been installedreplacing the stone are -ultimately put vary im - ..!! i will support a new lime kiln, and ��,.�" L4q 2 l0otonhra rail ears over choir m1oP mensely, and include almost t�Gow"-+ �'n'" (/ (� an expanding limestone .business. for so many years rs had hauled G p� ` every form and manner of manic ��// - '6, , %�+^ tazr 42yk c� Per tmmi .Gt��%• , OPERATE INDEPENDENTLY -- -- .-- facture. Limestone fords its way /?ZGbW a. `�A-z' 'ft� �' p � C�'r For many years, the production the quarry to the old primary into glass, plastics, steel, brick, CGZ&a m1 mtiv 6 . , L,.�2 yr � � yCLLew -aul, �ouQ-L LUC • p i y - eock mptied usher where the were used in the V,-� v C*7"t��L x� 1 caz,.�LpG �ad .Onp.2CE'u'.�/�prvt closelykept to the. limestone re- used m amoral feed mixes, and F-" i onlye the a the Beachville ducts were markd the primary oevru her tilde asdacfertilizer tLimestone serves o ,_ � .,�MLf C7��",,,, �j�„ a,4 +k 4�R/,g�Q 1,�,, 1.._.-d f/p w�..,,9'q"y w toot pile on the 11o, of th qr _ - — _ G „ by-products — c Q system y builds eted.grim Since the expansion pro uaa-I� —Gant Scrapers Uncover New Limestone Bed gram.. the crushing and screening ry; while a long, inclined beit plantsareoperated independently conveyor reaches from this pile lfR' of the electric furnaces: to the'topof the secondary crush-. Mining operations at the Beach- er building, to keep the screen- ville plant briefly include the fol- ing and secondary crushing sec - lowing procedures: li'<.d. ons of the plant operating code + A blast loosens the rock, and . spi11� it to the floor of the uarr Pendently /. 3 il. ., c, r,, < y� k ,„,�..s r �y 3 s*$x� where giant .shovels load. it into 99 PER CENT 22 and ton capacity. trucks. Limestone at the Beachville 3: ° o-s a €^• .,:x":* � �, „�^ The trucks carry the shattered quarry averages about 99 per rock, which is of a remarkable cent calcium carbonate in the top chemical purity, to crushers. 75 feet of the ledge. Even the where it is broken into regulated "fines" where impurities norm. sizes. Altogether there are 10 ally concentrate always assay production sizes of limestone, and better than 97 per cent pure. -seven grades of fine limestone. - The existing 150-acre quarry is: The different sizes of product- The south of the mainline of ion limestone are graded by the Canadian National 'Railway, screening. about six miles west of Wood- „ stock, near Beachville. North of411a THREE STEPS Three major steps were under- 'he tracks, Cyanamid of Canada �,es taken to transform the plant and has about 5M acres in reserve, a the quarry into: a. more efficient, about 100 more should be good f n- a ? high -capacity operation. The first. ?rsv r ,ak contin- uous plant operation., £? step was tq re -equip the second - Gross, sand, r i ary screening and crushing area gavel, and other in order to handle the .stepped- extraneous mattei which covers up quarry production and to pro. the limestone vein, is called duce lime kiln_ feed_as._weli "over -burden". This must be re- moved 1— -. — before stone is quarried. 'the large range of marketable The "overburden" gets deeper a e s sizes of limestone. north of the CNR. line, and in - The second part of the program creases from an initial depth of was the installation of a large 25 -feet to nearly 100 feet hi , primary crusher as well as the depth. a ul -jnslta8➢a,tdnm of additional equip-. When this reserve area is open -,.j?A ZZm ment to keep up with the, new ed up, it is planned to drive a t M r' s demand for stone tunnel beneath the railway to en' s .m The third and most important able trucks. to reach the primary addition was the installation of`a crusher. ; Sin to coal-fired rotary kiln, com- plete, with the necessary new .DEVONIAN AGE equipment such as conveyors, Accordingto elevators and storage bins to geologist D. F r g ment of the Ontario Depart - bring in stone and to prepare a men+ of Mines, who has recently Anew field of pure calcium carbonate is being ripped open in the gigantic Beachville quarries in o $300,000 develop - pebble lime for shipment. completed a study of limestones ment of the North American Cyanimid Company. Two million tons of limestone will be uncovered, officials expect. Plans for even greater modern- in Ontario, including the Beach- Shown above are some of the huge scrapers. (Photo by Free Press Woodstock Bureau), ization and improvement are be- ville deposit, the Beachville lime- -- ing studied. An example is the stone belongs to the Detroit Riv- I Scrapers Uncover Limestone new pneumatic drill which- has P It age is a of D ately, Age. ! already been purchased to re- Its age is a • - g pprad a thiy ness o New Development Pushed At Huge Beachville Quarry place the two churn drills in the 000 years The high purity lime- 1 quarry. This new unit is capable stone horizon had a thickness of of drilling six-inch holes in the 75- 100 to 110 feet It is overlain by I (�' 5 R foot ledge of limestone well ahead sandy Columbus limestone, which il. Free Press Woodstock Bureau In all some 375,600 cubic yards ditional acres on near -by farms for Diamond drills have probed th of the hungry shovels and the can be seen on. the downdip side WOODSTOCK, March 18—Roar of earth is being moved by massive future development. The extrac. underlying deposits of limestone.• trucks. at the Chemical Lime Quarry. The formation is underlain by ing - Diesel -powered scrapers are machines mounted on man-sized tion rate for an acre and a third a and the underground picture has: r�DIVF.RSIFIED MARKETS ripping open a new field of the year is about 500,000 tons a year. A new lime. kiln was also shorty, impure Bois Blanc lime- tires that cost $3,000 each. When gradually unfolded with the result part stone. purest by calcium carbonate in a In a round the clock schedule, '�of the mass -expansion. program, The B e a ch v i l l e limestone $300,000 developmentproject at the the development of the new field the huge scrapers move tons of that certain areas, at one time con - and -pens up e'versified markets strikes northwest and dips to the North American Cyanamid Co. is completed about 2,000,000 tons of earth to uncover the new deposits. sidered unlikely, have surrendered for the production of the quarry. southwest at about 30 feet to the Ltd. at Beachville these days, limestone will be uncovered ac- They stop only to change drivers it the requirements of the indus- The leading Canadian market for mile. Tb the somheiaslt along lime is the new Blind River area cove ie The fourth largest chemical com- cording to Arthur hM.e Beachville and for refueling. try. strike, the limestone is covered' an in the world, the Beachville g p bygone River beds have been diverted, `:vith its concentration of uranium P Y general manager of the Beachville In sharp contrast to p p with a thick mantle of overhand- pp g property. years when .sweating teams and overlying timberland, farms and mines, mills, and recess ]ants. company is stripping an over- q en which makes quarry uneconov s his market already takes up mic. burden off some nine acres that In addition to their present ex- drivers labored hours to move the watercourses have been swallowed vfte ,rs ,s:iz has been lying unworked for the tensive holdings in that area, the earth, modern, machines do the job ^- - $ g j up and transformed into gaping - - - -- ._ past 25 years. - I company has acquired about 97 ad- in a small fraction of the time, hole.5..