535-03 Page 27THE OLD DA1VI AT tY,°+TNT,.4 fA 1 Work On Future Park Starts In West Oxford. .t~wrl. Jj t ti h n t •9 •nd • av .rat fo '$g, . Foundation work for a se reationl eii`e believed to h� favorabPe for er was derived for grant grind area which will eventually become the establishment of a park site.1tr, as well as the making of flour. a park has been in progress for The new pond will receive its To the north, comparativelyclose the past week in what is known water supply from the Reynolds to the Thames rive-, was a saw as the Williamson swamp in WesUereek which has its source in mill for the operation of which Oxford, immediately south of Cen (springs in the Folden's Corners�power was also supplied by Skrjl treville. - swamp. This stream is an historicw.itha.nison daanThis chain of. The project is sponsored by the link with the early pioneer days (dams have all been given recogni-�I Upper Thames River Conservationand as a source of water power it tion by those who have compiled' Authority on which the local .rep -'served in the operation of both' historical records of pioneer days, resentatives are Gordon We Pitt- grist mills and saw mills in ear -'and with the preparations now be. ock, chairman, Ingersoll, A. D. Ro- lier years. ling made for the. restoration of the binson, West Oxford, and J. Doug For many years, while still in)Wills iamon pond, with added rec- i�l Campbell, city of Woodstock. its Primitive form, the stream was reational advantages an entirely' Work now in progress is being known for its sparkling, pure, cold new era is being ushered in. done by the Matthews Construct- �water, and which slaked the thirst: Mr. Pittock said "This project ion Company of London under alOf both man and beast. is a part of the TVA program for $9,000 contract. Of historic interest is the fact the restoratioA&of mm cams roc The importance of the prajectl that at one time there were four small reservoir storage areas thro- dams on the stream. The first,ughout the watershed. has created intense interest am one, not far from its source, sup-1 This'w•ork is under the direct ong residents in the immediate plied the water for Mabee's pond supervision of the farm and com, vicinity as well as with others in West Oxford where the younglmunity advisory board, and is or - throughout the township of West folks of a hundred Years ago Bath-! der the chairmanship of Robert Oxford• eyed to skate during the winter. Rudy of Tavis"k. PARK PLANNEb land the late A m b r o F r e n -: Present work, Mr. attock said, ch in later years established who: RUN OFF SYSTEM is the beginning of what it is ex- was known es "Oxford orman At Farmers even have a system in was park there was aand boating their contour plowing in hilly areas petted will develop into a park'i � for the retention of runoff water, site similar to ,those created at and for picnic parties and boating Harrington and Shakespeare. The and fishing were enjoyed. Closer Whismall storage emphasizes the value of g P T Centreville, originally was another dam. small storage. areas. This has a. work that has been undertaken is This was originally known as tkie direct effect on the return of water expected to e completed before "Burdick Dam" and ii- later years to the underground water table. the end of the year. It consists er it became known as the "Nichols"' The re. removing the silt from the former property on which operations Irane- Williamson pond, the re-buildinglda.m, as it was on the farm of t- redare now e progress was 'hemier- and re -enforcing of the dam. Con -hate George Nichols now oialso -red to Ltd. TVA by the Chemical mete is being poured and the work Tack 5hudating th,ba which also has lime Ltd, This, d addition to generally said to be proceeding in a pioneer dating back to Lit:: e..- __.:, properties purchased a the Auth- a very satisfactory manner. Pioneer days: has addrom adjacent laud owners, 'BIG FACTOR .has made this project a reality. Another feature of the gran Only a comparatively short dis-�l It is the hope of the TVA com- transformation anticipated will be tance to the north was the Will-Imittee that this restoration project the ceation of a sand beach on the iamson.dam, which was an import. will expand to include the restor. ast side of the site far a distance, ant factor in the industrial life of ing of all other former dams on the f 200 feet. (Centreville when it was a thriving stream as their program moves to In all their aspects the conditioss[ village. From this pond water pow -[completion. NEST OXFORD — Joq_n Hargreaves 623), THIS AREA WILL BE TRANSFORMED _.» ail THE SENTINEL -REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1957 Beachville Baptist Church Holds Anniversary Services B E A C HV I L L E: — Beach- church has a witnessing tongue) ville Baptist Church held its an- The Church that endures will b6 niversary services: This church a church that has a co-operative -----�n ed in 1866. Special spirit. The Church should be the A large gatherinS attended both services was Rev. centreofour religious life; All the service held on the occasion ieman D.D., Toronto, Christians most be (1) baptized of the laying of the cornerstone retary for the Conven- (2) added to the Church (3) Then of the Baptist church, now under list Churches in Onto go forth to be witnesses. The . Pastor of tharie Church Church does not require GREAT construction in Beachville, ,gitt was also present. things from us but does expect Taking part in the service were ^ring service the choir fidelity. Rev, E. S. Barton, Rev, E. I. .nthe-a ' I rest my Mason, B. A. Finch, Mrs. Mor- tee", and "Into the The evening service had a unique ton Todd, Dr. F. 1. Orchard, e Lord", Mr. Zieman character, the dedication of the Rev, John Ward, Rev, Martin K, ,ripture lesson din new parsonage, which was started from verses 1-14. in 1953 and is now completed, all Brown, Charles Buchanan, Mor- ig of these verses four during the ministry of the pastor, ton Todd, F. M. Cenfield. -s are' named to help Rev: J. Suggitt. At the parsonage. Harold Kipp, Stanley Post, Rev.' prevail: Believe on Harold Kipp, chairman of tha Peter Graham of Los Angeles, �it the fact that Jesus building committee presented the California, and a former Beach- ind Resurrection is ,easy key of the parsonage to Mrs. Mor. understand. Great- ton Todd, clerk of the church, who Ville boy._ OG,/- (fy-,t -t Resurrection was the received it on behalf of the •cnange in the lives of the Apostles. Church. The congregation remain - Have a believing heart and listen. ed in the Church and heard the dedicatory ing ears. Tarry a while and see part of the serive over what the Lord has to say. The a public address system. Gordon Stevenson Moderator of Oxford and Brant Association ex. tended greetings to the Church from the association and spoke of ;. The township re'resentation on the strength gained by building and helping to meet the challenge Oxford County Couficil wil'1 change that lies ahead. Special musih for the first time in 26 years consisting of two anthems "How after elections. next month. beautriiful upon the mountain" West Oxford will nominate -a and "'The Lord is my Shepherd" deputy reeve to increase its rep- were -sung by a full choir from resentatives on council to two and the B r o o k e-Enniskillen Baptist the overall number to 21, Church: Ross Cameron sang "Bless Townships with more than. 1,000 This House". Scripture lesson read property owners are entitled to by Dr. Zieman from 2nd. Timothy, elect reevee and deputy reeves to chapter 1 from which he spoke the county council. about "The Home". The church West Oxford rnUbas 1,289 voters and home are linked together m- registered. - toy(, separately- We cannot have the It will be' the township's first Church without the home, he deputy reeve to go to the council said, and cannot have the home since 1896, when James S. Cuth- without the Church. The first bert held the .post. Church began in the home in. the `West Oxford's first deputy reeve Upper Room. Rev. D. E. Freer. was appointed in 1859, and, after a two year break in 1861 and 1862, astor of the United Church, re.• P when the number of voters was i avneed the Benediction. insufficient, it reappointed another from, 1863- to 1896'-