535-03 Page 32 aModern Structures RM There still are a number of one -room school -houses around, but the new ones going up aren't made of red brick. This bright, modern structure, is near the South - ittle Red ool Douses - ern limits of Ingersoll and is one of three rjew schools opening soon in Oxford Township It opens January 22 with "open house" January J;K (Photo by Watmough). sOw.r. - LA { THE SENTINEyREVIEW, 3 "Many Attend Official Opening o, 3 r II New School At Clark's Corners 1 1q. A large number of interestedllic schools for Oxford introduced persons attended the official' the speaker, L. B. Hyde of Lon - ".opening at Clark's Corners new. don. During his address, Mr. 'school last night. Chairman for Hyde stressed the importance of SCH( the evening was Jim Wilford, a children learning to work hard member of the school board. The and learning- to like to work. program opened with, the sine Rev. C. D. Daniel of Ingersoll 28 ing of "O Canada", followed by dedicated the two room school. 1 the introduction of school board, The boys' clacir from 2A and in e in b e r s, chairman, Leon- 2B school favored with a num, PU2td and Caffyn; Jim Wilford, Glen her. General Mayberry, Wilbur Cuthbert, Fred' ,gppre!ciation remarks were ex- ! Roberts, and Stanley Allm sec- tended by John Wilson, president ,n the $ retary-treasurer: Also introduced of the Home and School Associat- $ as were John Inch, music supervis �ion, and at the close of the pro. , or, and Ronald Mulligan bus' gram lunch was served by the driver. 'association members. A number by the girls choir 3.41 was followed by greetings from George Wallace, Deputy reeve of West Oxford Township. The presentation of a bible from the Ontario Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association was made by Walter Leaper and ac- cepted by Howard Bowyer, prin- cipal of the school. Class study Bibles from the Gideons, were presented by Jack' Douglas, and accepted by Miss \TURDA ,'Grace Kemp, teacher at the l school. Teachers introduced by Leon - IF and Caffyn were Howard Bowyer,l)n Teachers' Ccllege, .principal; Miss Grace Kemp;o of Clark's Corners 'Mrs. V. Churilia; Mrs. M. Duf- ersoll, has o capacity Pin. rced to accommodate The program also included re- marks by S. McKinney of Wood-: (aft and Stanley E. stock, contractor who built thelaelcoming Mr. Hyde. d A. scP d3 r45y A. P. Silcox inspector of pub-. SCHOOL AT CLARK'S CORNERS IS OPENED J,rrisis All spruced up and as shiny I the open house which was held at yellow side walls and pink front is their new class room, a group I the school last night to give the wall. Modern lighting and the Hof the youngesters who attend 1 parents an opportunity to see the modern g the new school at Clark's Corn- new school. The teacher, Terry green lass blackboards 'ers, West Oxford Township, are Heeney, is shown standing in are a feature of the school. (Staff , shown in the above photo taken at the photo. The�[school has a Photo) Dpen f/oaxe Tyy��/J-� J,Q /ove b �_V School days will be happier difference a new green glass ship. The bottom photo shows ys for youngsters in the Clark's blackboard with yellow chalk school board members Mrs. arners and Dorland school makes over the old black and Elizabeth G„ riffioen and Alfred eas, now that new schools have white, to parents attending an en opened. The top photo shows open house at the Clark's Corn- Cowell looking over the Dorland �Gtr� Vron Jenvey demonstrating the err school in West Oxford town- school. (Staff Photos!. V rz Tti`� . 3r 6