535-03 Page 3437" Receipts ------------------- 1964-1963u ksprrditwnr....a..w-..a.+.1�64•1966 Gash on hand, Iaril 1/64---- 99,43 Grasea Cutting, gas, oil, Bank Interest--------------- 3.11 ° reaAirs and labour-------- 603,57 intere t on :?A uritiea------ 301.75 Caretaker 4k varitse:'46tut-------- 2052 Inturest frFxa Truant 'Fund---- r,7:3.45 ° shovels------------------------ 6039 E <>le ,Mats ; , i00---`•2--., 1,' w .'v0 New P o"er---------------------- 140.51 Calf dots .i w50------- 5---- 211-11,c ''kfoty Box--------------------- 5.00 graves a40-•-..---al---- 40.00 ;aortary•e '.:al<zry------------- 10,00 8 grave lots 25----- 3---- 75.00 j Gash on hated-------------------- 419.75 Single graves $15---- 3---- 45.00 Daby czaves t 5------- 2•_-- 10200 awaww. w.,......... w1,257.74 u %,TAL-------------------- 3.Y�fi.fii 3 -MYrwisi xcrf.."i"uxeu.u::ws+ca...h�mv3x;a . ,<.—�—�..•:m-m:Y'Su::s".:aa^.az� rs-.,m�sC.=.:ceu:adu3rII�,+ c..a4s-n;xe.�saea .v;ra.s+;�:'¢Eier.�.:ua March 1,2, 1965 3+*Wltie.-----------------------w--.' LD OC Cash on hand- ------------------------ 54S'.75 TUTU ---------------- -------------- 5,649.75------------- _--------W5,649.75 field in trust by Canad?3 arc,Truant---------------------------------------- 6,. aU J69DTCTAL-------------------------------------------------------------- 12,11j,43 Total 1564------------------------------------- -------------------------- 1 6n 1 IN:GRME----------------------------------------------------------------- 450.32 hydro Electric Power Comissi u of {intdrlo ).a. K00224 6% maturing April 1, 77------------------- y1.000.00 0=1nion of `"anada T.29 110 49W5 4-11- Sept. 11 85------------------- 100,00 30 26667 # -----------------_- 10000.00 28668 4j% - w----------------- 1#000.00 T.36 40 $492 3�$ " ct. 1, 75----w-------------- 1*0�00000'y0 8493 5kl - - •---- -------------- law-Q.00 .w........ .„.......................... ....._........... -----i5,100,00 rotak*Fs am 10yed last vr.<r - Fred 1'ec=, Uilf jchrany Mr-1. W4. Avaxloy, Lawrence Moakley, and t ,lforci Bcthurcott Durl"U than past Year we Lava sold a total of 46 y,ravea, Which a:ius up to six (6) full pints. :'acording to tle Jept. of health we must de�3osit la the trust fund at Canada Perwmant :,67.20 per plot soide T% is &m,-unts to "03.20 and When this our bank balance will .eo:.uae r549.75-403,2E or 14u.55. d/iraw.