535-03 Page 34aReceipts ------------------- 1964-19b5: LxNenditures--------------- 1964-1965 Cash on hand, April 1/64---- 59.43 Lrass Cutting, etas, oil, Bank Interest--------------- 3.11 repairs and labour-------- 603.57 inter A on 700"ities--.... 301.75 -drotakes e..veritse mat-------- 2.52 Interest from Trust -Fund- -- 273.45 >hovels-------»--------------- 6,39 '-hale Mats , $100----- 2 --- - 200*Lyi Now rA =er---------------------- 110.51 Half Mats at $50------- 5-.-_. 250.00 ,"ai''ety &a-----„-------------- 5.00 3 graves a $40--------- I.... 40.00 recr=tarys aalary------------- 10.00 2 Qrave lots ' :t25----- 3---- 75.00 Cash on hand ----------- ------ _619,75 File graves $15---- 3---- 45.00 ' fiabY graves �, 4,5------- 2---- TOTAL------------------ _. ,1U.00 1,247.74 '!' ,TAL, .--.......«.--......... 1 257 74 . a March 120 1965 securities ----------------------------- 5,1t0.00 Cash on hand------------------------ 5 9 7 A04------ ------------------------- 5,649.75............................ 4,5,649.75 Hold in trust by ann.i; ers,:znont------------------------------------- «. . Jt.>.h➢ TcTAL------------------------------------------------------------- 12,119.43 Total 1964---------------- -------------------- ----- --------- ------------ 114 � 9.11 l�iC%tfIVZ------- ---------------------------------------------------------- 450.32 F�/R"-'�'�c i1..<.Y.aY..a:F1'!:-•:''t�'1��.iG'vRu..s�'m��.c=:'2-a61+:.:.:Y.Y,'ia'MTrtaiG.2s:=a+fil�•.,.¢Ysi��a!st.y�pp, Hydro Electric Power Conssisslan of Ontario 0,I), K00224 5`X szsturing April 1, 77--- ---1,000.00 Dominion of "wsnada T.29 A0 41a';175 4�j7 selt. 1, 83------------------- 100.00 LO 26667 4'11.------------ ------- 1,000.00 28669 4i% -------------------- 1,000.00 1492 $A oct. 1, 75------------------- 10000.00 Resigns Post 493 5 :1 - ---------------- -... l.0VQ.QQ After20 Years `— -------------------------------------- ------------ ------a5,100.00 FOLDENS CORNERS — Af-`'r°'..w�.``e""e"a�as`-""c .._"".m�s"':.""rr"m°aw""%s�w:�.xi°'`'r'.:`,au'' ..AMMUM ter serving for 20 years as see. retary-treasurer of the Town- ship of West Oxford Cemetery takers o��ri last Xy,;r . Fred PeoL, Will icltra;, z'1r'-.. ..�'�+teakloy, Board, Leonard Caffyn of -Ing-lay, aZdq ,. i,fgrzi Kethaar Cott ersoll has retired. 4Aa4l4ff & Psat yk.ir WO lcaYs, sold a total of 46 uravas, wahiah tdjdX up to six (6) At the annual meeting of the Cemetery Board held at Fold-OCOrdilIV tc, tlxo Depte of health we ,wsust d*s Oait is the trust fund at ens, Charles Wheeler was ap- pt " 67.20 per ;.,lot soici. Tian azcuuts to � 403.20 and wwben this pointed to succeed Mr. Caffyn and also act as salesman for a" bank bzslance will , eo:ae '549.75-403.20 or 4146.55. the Board. The Board retained F. J. J "" Mills as custodian and discussed '�'" ✓" �' a'u'��' �. �p �"%�:,,� the possibility of making water available at the Harris Street cemetery.. dit.esai. Mr. Wheeler, who resides at ; Clark's Comers, RR 4, Inger- f soli, assumes his new duties im- mediately. �.