535-03 Page 39SATURDAY AFTERNOON south of Ingersoll on the Cullo- the house was dedicated for its the Faith Have Rest Home den Road was officially opened purpose. In the photo, from for elderly persons and conval- I by Mayor Winnifred Williams. left to right are the owners, escents, which is located just In a service Sunday afternoon "Faith Haven" Rest Home Is Opened, With Dedication The Faith Haven Rest .Home tic understanding without recour- Utevcl 1 S R • Cpoaotmr� was officially opened by Mayor) $e to mental hospitals. Winnifred Williams, before a Mayor Williams commented of Salford United Church charg large representative gathering onfavorably on the and comfort ble" rooms,a drfelt ous a soli Baptisv. James t Church, Captainimpson of the s Sa rday afternoon. aj ca on e Culloden Road, sure the glories of summer would E Wn Rthe e5aladmknkstraSor just south of Ingersoll„the. home add new charm to the already Alexandra Hospital, all or will serve as a refuge for attractive sur+roundikuga. those requiring convalescence ands The mayor said at while it highly of the new home. care from the ravishes of psychi- facts u fO tobe, d that nevertheless the man of ]the welfare com'mrtt' attic and nervous disorders With present accommodation or later some re our number and Dan Aitken, the re admfn for same 10 guests, the home will would require care and attention) e and between clarified the reland i be able. to cater to twice that that this h it every Successin the e could Faith Haven home.nvy and 1 many when renovations are com- mission it was undertaking. , Tea was served in the dins ply of the In a brief but inspiring talk, room. Mrs. Marion Armstroi In ebplaming the purpose o8 Putnam suiperintendent of the home, a home, Rev. Edgar W. Gill of Rev. Douglas Craig, Norval United Church, described charge of the United Church, held' Mr. and Mrs. George Skmo the venture as a kindHal duns audience with the functions christiaf respectively and assisted Scapa' way House' where guests find rest, comfort and sympathe- a home such as Faith Iia'ven.' with On Sundayafternoona dedi< e• ion service was held at the ho with clergy from Ingersoll, I again taking part. Ten Gids copies of the New Testairei were presented to the home the Woodstoek-Ingersoll Camp Gideons. @81enJ 1l R'xd lS.b TV 49'ii0EN'S ITae-i7-1 S .z e`s MARKS Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Gill; to ,e, �� C:0"✓t-t� t,,4(1 �CL�'>� GQnt°.b (iwi�� „�'a'✓j 4� "./.uowr cacw/ Y�ec ow G/OsL' .f.t-.x •p.Lp[af.e.,l�" u � LO. `i tu�tn.2GL 'N+Y XJAA (ice c,.tat..iJ Cue �yrQ .,+�.:cr,E e, e•�. 6�Q..ev-ra.o q u.x.f5 Q� fs,�r c, 1.rlr w6v v 7 i ew :,9 J'n �.2"f.+[F. :�iti `2�J ,,��rfC 'J/` � .4d'nt%1'o-�L�-• , f✓ (�`"' �A.L 1. .Q.r.G+i1 LutE.Clr liYx-GL SYLLI�A�e640 4C� AQ/ LL M ayor Williams, and superin- ndent s. M. Armstrong. °"l Mr'La�f' '"`ate/w�'r.cI t1�. A'a,tev:d- Charter embers tten e W. Oxford WI Anniversary f GD- Z5 -19 'T• West Oxford Women's Institute I Taylor, Brantford; Mrs. Mina At- for her topic at this anniversary) observed their 30th anniversary!kinson, Salford; Mrs. Royal Cook, gathering `Stepping Stones to yesterday with a dinner at Mrs.IHarmattan, Alberta and Mrs. New Horizons" and closed withI F. Wolstenhohne's banquet hall.lRussell Currie, the president. one of her own .poems, "Little, The Institute eglors, .gold and Mrs. A. W. Meek, acting presi- Things". She was introduced by royal blue, formed an attractive dent, welcomed the guests and Mrs. Bert Somers. setting for. the noon hour reunion Miss Margaret Thornton, the Corsages for the charter mem- which saw many of the charter first president of the group prt, bers were by Fernlea Flowers members present including: Mrs. sided over the following program- and the artificial corsages for Alice :Merrill, Ingersoll, still a Toast to the Queen; toast to the'each guest present were by the member; Mrs. Mabel Fairbanks, charter members, by Mrs. Glen committee members. London; Miss Margaret Thorn- Mayberry, granddaughter of thel Mrs. F. Shelton was convener' ton, Woodstock; Mrs. Murray late Mrs. Arthur Budd at whose of the event, assisted by Mrs, Gray, Woodstock; Mrs. W. W. home the organization of the A. W. Meek, acting president•' Rudd, Sweaburg; Mrs, Lynn Zu- Institute .was made by the late' ---- _—- felt, Sweabukg; Mrs. Walter Pul- Mrs. Dgiron, at that time pre- lin, Sweaburg; Mrs. Ralph Fol- sident of the South Oxford group; ,Mrs. L. lmas,, vice presides den, Folden's Corners; Mrs. Mor- reply by Mrs. Murray Gray; Mrs. dL. Almw, secretary; Mrs, ley Cook, Beachville; Mrs. Mary piano solo, Mrs. Ernest Lowes, Howard Rawlings, treasur Jakeman, Tillsonbur Mrs. F. Mrs. G. B. Somers, past g: an early member; solo, Mrs. Clif- dent. � �helton, Ingersoll. ,ford Esseltine; community sing - Replies to the invitations and ing, Mrs. Horton Brearley at the letters were read from some of piano with Mrs. C. Esseltine lead-' the other charter members .and ing; roll call of past presidents) present members who were un- and secretaries by Mrs. L. Caf- able to attend, including Mrs. E. fyn; institute memoirs (excerpts Knaggs of Woodstock; Mrs. Alma of journals written many years Davis, St. Thomas; Mrs. Wray ago) by Mrs. Earl Jenvey. The birthday cake was cut by 1, :rs. Alice Merrill. Guest speaker for the occasion as Mrs. Charles Elsom of 'oodstock. Mrs. Eisom chose Mrs. wax.+ -`-- g is seen talking with .--.....,,gars. Mrs. Mary Jane....... of Lon - Mrs. Mabel Fairnk-sT,jrornRon don; Miss Margaret Alice Mer- ;�f Woodstock; Mrs. Mrs. Mox- rill of Ingersolll and i,t=. Ceok of Beachville. In s, A contract awarded to the - Construction Construction Company, Oakville, t�ryry{{ for $113,420, for structure and"'' approaches on Highway 401, oni Concession 2, in West Oxford Township, two miles east of Highway SAN-!R