535-03 Page 43� 9 r l: Yi N 19 [ t CORNER NORTH OF THAMES RIVER �aj`q _ _ SURSTANTIAI/OLD HOME IN VMLAOE / from which circumstance -the I /�y • • • road is named. 1 In 895 electricity was a ® . ^ 'aril inn? lig � LL HESTONE I� able and et ee a streetcar Oil H�ML Set i \I V iii i,,, running between Beachville r All ► e l About 1938 John Downing emi s Woodstock. 7n-y Xf- l yr ; Ij grated to Canada from Clovelly, i- In 1923 the highway went' Q" ���y ��y �'� $i�iii�n$ vonsmre, England where he D le A.f \.a what hasonviidbeea Beachville he Beach 7, lice Beachvquarries. ir- ilei first became and ea{ MONT RE AL —Cyanamid of Canada Limited, has formed De Of ®u$y s $ a Going to Beachville he started Minutes a�trie der Cahada I,Sdd Selkirk jelled- acros vtfil md1fier do'll!ar imdus (tees were elected January'"i By MARY MARSH [ Council Chamber, Upper and Lower Canada in 1804 Ins' I i1905 at the Town Hall. Oxford Natural Products When the the trustees of Beachville bet, Navy Hall and stopped with the Canfield) Ifirst named the Staindaird White March 23, 1793, state that a pets Tamil i Lime Company, !�,I • �.lited, explorer for natural gas the miemessa�meet t� sU� cto onsider the iakarg � signed by Gideon Bostwill, repots we this rrthat the land Tmis was wild to Gytpsum, Lime ,y/ 1 i in Southwestern Ontario in the 5 �p Iiabeint WilID�iams, Seth Hamlin, was thick) .and Alabastme Canada Ltd., m� • illage Plans poration of their village, they will Abel Kelsee and Thomas Inger- l Y wooded but extreme- '.� 193A and has been resold again vicinity of Beachville. be adding one more page to the, soll and associates, prayed for y fertile and roads almost im-1recently. Drilling will be carried out history t the oldest settlements a townshu Thomas Ingersoll a Passable. In 11916 a son.., Charlies Downing by Oxford Natural Products or in Oxford county. eared on behalf of the P-H He mentioned Putnam's saw ,. started a second venture, tnz 'i ncorporatior�in conjunction with other com- petition After consultation. with Woad- ers. ,and grist mill and another mull Beachville White Lime Company. /9T .panics formed or active in the stock historian Miss Lauise Hill Their Petition was ranted, further east which may have ! WOODSTOCK, Aug. we emerged with these facts p % g'" :been 'Beach's Mill". P He sold this plant to North Am- g. lf/— Cecil same type of undertakings. ing Mr. Ingersoll about 64,000 - erican Cyanamid Limited in 1929 Cowell, one of three The head office of this new about the pioneer settlement on acres which he and his associa- The first Oxford GazeteEr; pub-' I police the banks of the Thames, teswere to select, This they did It, in 1852, lists the names,. Charles Downing founded the 9 village trustees at Beachvillelcompany has been designated It is said that the first settler with the help el Irt. This friend, of � 64 men, stating that they were Innerkip Lune and Stone Corn- said today the communtiy o as Niagara Fails, Ont. Mr, Bow- im Bealchvdala was one John Car- Chief Brant, choosingthe section al the "whole inhabitants of the en I pang, in 1931, After a few yneians man is president and director.1 about goorat may soon apply fo r+dl'1 from New Jersey. He seWeck-. comprising i, fire county of Oxford" in 1812 anew charter was taken out un- p mg what is now the three Other officers: G. W. Russell, ed a site s the north side wf Oxfords. der the name of the ChemicalI,.lmcorporation. the Thames on what are news WAR OF 1812 vice-president and director, G.' The Ingersoll party arrived in! Lime Company and in 1945 it was. He said a meeting will b C. Walker, treasurer and direc- knawn as lots 23 and 24,-in 1784 i` During the war of 1812 the sold to the Steel Com, an of Can-" thesummer pf_1793. ! P Y held earl The Carroll family, consisting ---- - -" - / ford Militia was in active see- ada. Y next week to deter. for; R. S. Kyle, secretary, N.• of 'nine sons and one daughter.' Most of dive settlers by 1793 vice almost constantly. Before John Downing startedl''I mine whether a representative)G. Misner, assistant treasurers later Contributed much to the .were situated along the river It is reported that two young . his million dollar project. in 1838,E of the Ontario Municipal Board and assistant secretary. founding and development of the ,along Concessions one and two of Slads from Beachville, hardly big small privately owned lime kilns will be asked to meet the) m d a x county. John Carroll died at the West Oxford and four and five of ilenough to hold muskets, foughtl. stretched along both sides of Uhe ° o S u age of 102 and is buried in Harris ',East Oxford. Settlement extended through the campaign and, when Thames and the remains of some trustees. ! 5 .43; u v c o St. cemetery, Ingersoll, back from the trail which later the. army disbanded, found theirs m v o 0 A o � B 1791 there was a consider- { of tthie aid kiuns may be �sclen yet.. I "We have just about made up � q o 0. u ❑ Y became known as the Ingersoll !way home on foot, begging Pod'1 , d u able settlement at Beachville, so road. and Idgings from 'armers along��{. In 1837 discontent among the our minds that incorporating is °' 0 vy q;,., 'CF named for Beach, operator of the!, ` the way. settlers in Upper Canada over the proper thing to do," he said o 'Si 0, > [ v ^ a, first mill. There were sufficient DEEDS One boy bad gone to war in ,I land -grabbing, local corruption .I Beachville, a police village) IG, 51 00 mac,,., ,g3 R residents that a postal service Some settlers now applied for' place of his father. The necessity land Anglican clergy privileges;, u y am', 4 ❑ 0 was granted by the British gov- deeds for their land. Many did not of wresting a living from the soil flamed into open rebellion. Prof -I since 1906, has an assessment) y o - a ernment in Canada. and found later that the land be- as against fighting for something orty was destroyed and lives were of about $1,000,000. Contained '"PQ T > 3 u >. ro o o Although Beachville was the longed to the Crown. They were uncertain gave no altern. threatened. L partly in North Oxford and) ��� 0 H o w o 5 a �f first settlement in the county, a. dispossessed upon being paid the In 1821 elections for .Oxford Men were taken to London fore ea communitysprang a on either) $5 F 'West Oxford townships, Beach ?-�° A" p g p per acre required by law for county were held at Martin's Tav 'trial as rebels. Forty three were vine at side, called "Os a poostalh Centre the Inland 1798they the Oxford Militia was at Beachville.er of Old Stage Ro ®d tli s localitnced y death, same from the councilsofboth townships,)' met," later_ as a calf red ' Ingeasolll," and -"Oxford" organized with one f eempary Acting surveyor General Chew- In the 1840's the main part of o �. q y ct a village fur_it settled by "Zaach- from Burford district, one from ett reported that Oxford contain- Beachville developed on the south s e think we have the as 3 „ m o u.S q c`% ro later sessment to make it worth- -- arias became atch st ]l center which Blenheim with Thomas Horner e'd "tie most valuable lamed in side of the river. Taverns, stores - - Woodlstocie." 'Ville and ringersoll,, under Beta n the Province" in returned and businesses e8 ell) kinds while," Mr. Cowell said. "And as IP _— g p When the army returned home sarong Wes Hs travel had fbo tend-. if incorporated we will money able Meeting To Draft GOVERNOR SIbiCOE ;Thomas Ingersoll. after the Napoleonic wars in 1833 fat sta�h'els as tnaveu them was to spend our own money and Q., In 1792 Governor John Graves .'t Drilling was carried on, often many immigrated with their fhorse-drawnentirely by horse-drawn vehicles. run our own affairs."Letter For FMB a'. mcoe passed th�rouggh on 64s way ¢ by moonlight, with poles and ilies and retainers to the new I Six stages a day passed through �"" - j to Detroit, plotting town plots and', brooms in place of missing arms. land, Canada. the town and honsos. were chang- Jqd bestowing English, names on the That same year, Governor Sim-, Attracted to the English place ed every 1!5 mWOODSTOCK, Au iles, .; gust 16 — little Colony he was founding. coe was recalled to England an names, half -pay army officers ; Fs A meeting is to be held in' These names were to be a bea the new governor refused to vali- and men came in dro- - The Great Western Railway ''?. g BeachvilleTuesday night to was built from Hamilton to Lon- r con light to his fellow country- date. the large lad grants which, ves and settled. don in 1853 and was officially op- _ f draft a letter to the Ontario Lon - men later, had been made to Ingersoll; Ox- At this time some of ffie set- I- ened December 15 of that year. ) - Municipal Board in Toronto re - BThe following year Settlers at net and others. Ingersoll in Ox-r tiers who 'ha!d neglected to obtain Beachville at this point was one It ' questing a representative to at- eachville found That all their ford and Horner in Blenheim wene deeds to their propern were .. of the most imrtant and buss I) t tend a meeting to discuss land and the territory comprising. given 200 acres squatters deeds ejected from their farms. PO public g the three Oxford townships, Nor -dike everyone else. There was much unpleasant- hest towns in the county. A branch d 'f incorporation as police village. th, East and. West; had been; Ingersoll moved his family and rail line ran to Em�bro. t Trustee Cecil Cowell said to- L piss and disturbance. Since plank roads through the granted to a group of Americans settled near YorOt whe In 1832 one Jed Jackson had! g� day that it wouldn't be much of in 1812. due educed county required an enormous is ` the contract for carFying the ,i mount of timber, local Saw mills s Ia meeting, only to draw up the With the withdrawal of Gover (mail from Brantford to London letter. The real meeting he said t did a roaring trade. c public, meeting when` nor Stmcoe and Thomas Irthe twice a, week. He carried it at an In 1893 the first telephone poles fi,`-' C't. 1 "will be a Boll settlers received no further average rate of three miles an •iconnecting Woodstock and Beach- 1 everybody Hill discuss the Sit -I - aid in improving fhet oads. .hour along the "Old Stage Road Ic'ville were erected. v q l i�us Ion,