535-03 Page 44a00(d, a ii : -_ : each i, 6s Obtains Figures'I By BOB HOWE Free Press Woodstock eau le `��. BEACHVILLE, Aug. 20 Approximately two- thirds of Beachville taxpayers can expect a cut in their tax rate, if an application by the community to become an incorporated village is accepted by the Ontario Municipal Board. Affects 500 John Smith, chairman of the. three-man board of trustees, said today that approximately,�iP�/Y fl Oct. 9!s {' K 500 residents in the community 88 fiS.JR L l ,5j./ 1, a, ry 3 can expect a 1.3 mill decrease (^tatSAI s Talks J in their taxes. .'l1 iA K The community is located on; the borderline of North Oxford and West Oxford townships. About two-thirds of the popula- tion lives in West Oxford where] the change of the municipality's status will have an effect on. the mill rate, he explained. Same for Others f The other 300 residents, lo- cated in the North Oxford sec- tion of Beachville, will be charged the same tax rate as I they are paying now, Mr. Smithy. said. At a meeting of the board of trustees of this small communi- ty, on No. 2 highway 10 miles west of Woodstock, a resolution was adopted this week request- ing the Ontario Municipal Board to incorporate the police village) into an incorporated village with 1 its own government. Beachville was the first settle-. meat in Oxford County. It was L. ''E. Currie, clerk-treasu and tax collector, and A. D. R inson, assessor, will still ret their township positions. Step Forward Beachville Reeve J. C. Sir noted the village had taken step forward when it became incorporated village on Jan. At one time, he said Beachv ranked with Woodstock and gersoll in size but these plc had grown larger. He expres. hope in the future Beachv would grow attracting new community he said. ;t dustries. Office Space Council passed a resol Cecil Cowell, a board trustee, - appointing Councilor Frank said the community comprised ,iris as welfare and relief o. about 500 acres within its -and passed s bylaw appoi boundaries. I_I Councilor Cecil Cowell bui He said a new library has Inspector. been planned and he expected) the building would contain mu- nicipal office space. Mr. Cowell said he realized that administration costs would .5 increase if the village was in- corporated. Instead of a board 9 of three trustees, the commum- ' ty would be governed by a 1 reeve and four councilors. John Natalia, the third mem- ber of the trustee board, said he felt the community would) ) benefit greatly by the move. - IIf Beachville becomes mcor-�� - porated, the reeve would auto-l. r �matically become a member of l t ,(oxford 0--f- ­• ;, At Beachville, Frec Press 9NN�dstock Bureau) BEACHVILLE, Oct. 13 — Of- als of this police village will :meet here with Ontario Munieb' pal Board representatives Oct. 23 in their bid to have the mu- nicipality incorporated as a full-fledged village.. Decision to seek incorpora- tion was made by the three. man board of trustees in Au- gust. Chairman John C. Smith said then that approximately two-thirds of the ratepayers could expect a 1.3-mill de. crease in their tax rate if in- corporation is approved, The community is split by the Thames River, and the 500 residents south of the stream, onWeat Oxford Township, are the ones who can expect the'i founded in 1784. The Thames�"1--� "►-` River divides the comwnship 1. Cirst Council between North Oxford Township i r 1`.r and West Oxford Township. Assessment Figure I'll Meeting Held Mr. Smith said the 1959 as- sessment for Beachville was$1,100,000''. ry commercial with industrial soli' At Beachville commercial assessment compris-. /Y j, Y ing about half the total figure. i ILLt A �! 9L A. He said one reason for the (f 1�EACHVILLE — Two men application was that Beachville who have served West Oxforc taxes would be spent entirely ',; T wnship as clerk -treasurer ant in the community. He explained tax collector and assessor, Iasi that last year approximately 'inigh were sworn into similar four mills paid by the residentsl positions at the inaugural meet in the part of Beachville in' 'ng of Beachville council. ,West Oxford was returned to i the community .while another. four mills was spent elsewhere' Tin the township. The trustee board chateman ll said the population of Beach- ville had every indication of in-�r creasing. He pointed out that heavy industry had locatedi in., - the surrounding area and it had 6 a major effect on the economy of the municipality. A new sub -division containing 48 new homes now is under construc- tion at the west end of the I Items Set Aside A number of items which co not be handled during the me ing were set aside for a. spec meeting Jan. 19 in the village beery. Council also auction, it would hold its regular mont: meetings in the library for I remainder of the year. When Beachville became incorporated village from a pot village on Jan. 1 it also receh the right to have a member the Upper Thames River Ce servation Authority. The i pointment of this member will made at a later meeting. To .- • r r� • - Free Press Woodstock Bureau BEACHVILLE -- This police tillage of 826 persons was granted the. right to incorporate A., a. self-governing village at zn Ontario Municipal Board hearing here yesterday. Incor- norition goes into effect Jan. 1, 1962. Until the village is officially incorporated, the board of trustees comprised of J. C, Smith, chairman; J. J. Nadalin and C. F. Cowell, will continue to represent the village on West Oxford. Township and North Oxford Township councils Beachville is on Highway 2, three miles southeast of Wood- zfock. P.a.tepayers will have to elect four councilors and a reeve. Mr. Smith said a returning officer should be named within the next few days and an application will be, made, to the OMB for con- firmation of the appointment The municipal board con- sidered the petition signed by 80 ratepayers who asked that their village be incorporated. W. R. Marshall, QC, of Ingersoll, acted on behalf of the village at the hearing at West Oxford Township hall. Tho 130 public school pupils and 14 high school students will continue to attend school In Ingersoll and Woodstock, public school Inspector A. P. Silcox, of, Ingersoll, said. Henry Finiayson, reeve of, North Oxford, and Stanley Auto, secretary of West Oxford Town- ship school area board, also told I the OMB that there would be no change in the present school I ayrtems. ` i a IJNE i3 -/ �4 f' —Free Press Woodstock Bureau BEACHVILLE MOVES UP — The police village of Beachville in Oxford Coun- ty was incorporated as a self-governing village yesterday at an Ontario Mu- nicipal Board hearing in West Oxford Township hall, Beachville. The village's present trustees are, from left: J. J. Nadalin, C. F, Cowell and J. C. Smith, chairman. The incorporation goes i 1962 �AEEVE — J. C. Smith 230, Fred y L CO CI t�Harrs 261, J. J. Nation d)24- C. F. Cowell 193, Lawrence Lusk 188,,, 'Reginald Pinney 163. I' l IRvi1sorrtt�00b9Z; TO OPTS �J zO� Paeog I'�rdsog pOl�d P Ilea aq IITm SaaplrOylgn FIRST COUNCIL IS ELECTED AT BEACHVILLE Fr r,; reuse Wham Beachville becomes sent, Beachville has had the cement on result of the voting, an incorporated village on status of a police village, the successful candidates sat January 1, 1962, it will have with its affairs handled by a for the photo. Front row, left s° zc:r°% .'`✓';=/.� , e its first duly elected reeve three-man board of trustees. to right: C. F. Cowell; J. C. and four man council, chosen On Monday, the citizens of SmtGh, raeve, and S. J. Nada- %��` by the ratepayers to Set Assessment--�-went to the P En. Standing: Frank Harris fstor the communit Set the assessment of th%edi and edaately and Lawrence Lusk, (Staff cipal affairs. Until newly -incorporated village of pronoun- photo) Beachville at $1,144,628, and re- LINK WITH PAST — Miss Shoran Lichty, 14, of duced the assessments of the c4z R.. aM Woodstock, is shown sitting on on old grindstone townships of North Oxford anal used in one of Beachville's first industries. The mill West Oxford (of which Beach- in the background is the original building in which ville was part prior to incorpor- flour was ground for area settlers. " athm) by. $492,530 and $652,098 }.A.yyWyd�w (k'1 respectively; s?A'Y 2S-/yb¢. 1-