535-03 Page 47t ----a r C _ _ E d M c Y to ■ V Free PressWoodstockisyCo Bureau T WOODSTOCK — Gih sy Construction. Till- Vx f o rd RC bop rd 0 Ks m ove (> r,"—14af�^�y Lur(, A.Wl'rk_ _ sonburg, has been awarded a contract to �•1 a� build a 20-classroom West Central School, V i option site' ust south r Ingersoll, for $698bv to b u y 1 O-p c re school o o I site to The contract cos awarded by the Oxford/ County board of education Monday afte__rg� �� g`''C' •�' �' f^'' Free Press'R'oodstock Bureau March .31, since the 1972 grant regulations r school v used tenders were submitted. have not INGERSOLL � Approval to purchase a yet been published. He said there George E. Hammond, assistant business — will not be time to prepare the final budget 10-acre sitetm West Oxford Township; one- admiuish•ator, said modifications were made - r and calculate tax rates by March 31: ,Are, A/�r 1 7/ half mile south of Ingersoll, for a new school, Free Press Woodstock Bureau to the plans after high bids were received 1 . Any adjustment, he said, could be made on l Oct. 23. was give onda by Oxford County Roman the second instalment. INGERSOLL — A 43-acre site south of In- Catholic separa a school board. Instalment dates were set for March 31, He said the Gilvesy tender plus fees, furni- William Pargeter, board chairman, said no June 30, Sept. 30 and Dec. 15. ship l's Victoria Park d West Oxford Town- ture and equipment, will be below the maxi - ship has been optioned ct Oxford County mum of $,781,585 established b the ministry - date has been set for planned construction of _ board of education, director of education of education. y y { what officials expect to be a six -room school. George A. Simmons, said Monday. -- Mr. Simmons, who acts as secretary of the A bid -of $700,063 was submitted by Logan He said Ingersoll Sacred Heart School, the --------- - - board, announced the board will select the Construction of Stratford, one of $729,759 by largest in the system, with 327 pupils, now ` ` A �w /'r most suitable 10 or 12 acres of the property Ellis -Don Ltd. London and one of $730,559 by has two portable classrooms. There is consi- Limited open area Van Bets Construction of Toronto in the re- �% for a for kinde om,gar $7 to Grade West Central town, h growth in the south section of the n1a,nneL1 of school - School for kindergarten to Grade 6. vised tenders. town, he said. !'� The option was obtained from Frank and Plans are for completion of the school for e y $ opening in September, 1974, on the site just Pupils there he said, have been receiving 'tn� {7�Free press Woodstock Bureau Ernest em n, of which 5 Ingersoll for $20 in east of Ingersoll's Wellington Street South ex- bus transportation, which started during the - an agreement which sets the price at $2,000 s g WOODSTOCK — The setting tension in West Oxford Township. The school 1971-72 school year. g up of a "1£m- per acre. The option may extend to June 30, ' will replace smaller schools in west Oxford, iced open area, has been approved in a pro- 1972. and »arts of north Oxford and Dereham Fie said the board has an option on the posed $760,000, 20-room central school in The board announcement explained that townships. property, owned by Frank Caffyn and his West Oxford Township, near Ingersoll by the the property extends from behind houses on son, Robert. - Oxford County board of education. Wellington Street extension in West Oxford Trustee J. Vernon Cuthbert said a name selection committee has yet to snake aroc- The property was described asn north of Director of education George lA.a Simmons Township, near Cross Street, to behind prop- ommenda[ion. Concession 2, West Oxford Township road said Wednesday the board has planned "the erties on Highway 19. establishment of an appropriate organization A direct access to the school from High- Mr. Hammond said it may take three and east of houses facing Wellington Street and program which will involve the tradi- weeks before the start of construction. Ap- extension south. tional form of instruction as well as that way 19 was noted as a possibility. proval is required from the Ontario Muncipal In other business, Samuel A. Capobianco, which will be appropriate to a limited open Approval for construction of the schools by - Board for debenturing costs. area." the department of education was announced co-ordinator of curriculum, announced plans by the board, Dec. 14. A ministry of education working drawing for a March meeting between French teach- The decision, he said, was reached, at a The 20-room school, to accommodate 590 approval was received by the board at the ers of the board with French teachers of -Ox- special board meeting and will allow plans meeting for a $304,800 addition to Maple for the school to continue. pupils is to open in September, 197vf'• Lane Senior Public School, Tillsonburg. ford County board of education to co-ordinate Mr. Simmons said the next step will be the Small schools at Dereham Centre, Ver• Director of education George SimmonsGrade 7 and 8 French with that of Grade 9.. hiringof aprincipal. schoyle, Mount Elgin, Salford, Clark's Cor• ge A. Ile said there is a a PP - ners, Centreville, Dunn's and Dickson's will said construction is expected to start in Jan- "gap between the The board, in other action, appointed the be closed on completion of the construction. nary. The addition will consist of two class- amount of written work taken in Grade 8 and London architectural firm of Hagarty, rooms, an art room, a music room, a coup. the amount of written work that is taken in Hoist, Breivik and M. L. Milics to design a i selling and guidance room, a library re- Grade 9". five -classroom addition to Maple Lane Public source centre, a theatre arts lunch room, two "It was found that although. our pupils are School, Tillsonburg. He said the addition, k _ change rooms, a physical education instrue- holding their own when they enter Grade 9� which will replace five portables, will include --xa��- tor's office and washrooms and storage we feel that there is room for improvement,' a library resource area, shower and dressing PtiLLL'\, Mrs. Janres, 92, �I areas. The addition will replace five porta. he said. rooms and additional storage space. It will West Oxford Tp., yesterday, tiles. James Page, business administrator, said cost less than $200,000. Woodstock General Hospital. Widow, former Harriet Ann The board approved working drawings for providing estimates for tuition and transpor- a $212,037 addition to Victor Memorial Pub- I tation from other boards are not far out, the Lows. Survivors: Dr. J� W lic School, Ingersoll, which will be submitted board will come "quite close" to its budget. Charles, Sweaburg; to the ministry of education for approval. Preliminary 1971 expenditure figures Pullen, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, The beard proposes adding art and science showed an anticipated surplus of $967 with p,Q,.; daughters, Mrs. Grant - rooms, a home economics and shop facilities expenditures totalling $1,530,723. Ile said the (Waity) Hudgins, Sweaburg; i ro the south end of the school. audited figures are expected to be completed Mrs. Hal (Ida) Stevens, To- g ronto. Service 2 p.m. tomor- - --- by the third week of March. Smith Funeral The board set its March 31 requisition row, M. D. - Home, Woodstock. B u r i a 1, from municipalities at 25 per cent of the 1971 H 1 11 v i e w Cemetery, Wood- levy. ' Mr. Page said it will not be to stock.— prepare the final requisition in time sforethe first instalment to be paid by a municipality Harris He hts picked as school name Free Pres-y'Woodstock Bureau 7;__TT aw cried the contract Nov. 13 for the con- WOODSTOCK/, Harris Heights was ap- struction of the 20-classroom school for proved Monday night as the name for a pub- $698,960. he school being built near Ingersoll by the A letter was received from Mrs. George Oxford County board of education. Clements, secretay of Dunn's Community The name was recommended by a commit- Club, seeking a meeting in regard to acquir- tee composed of Vernon Cuthbert represent- ing Dunn's school on completion of Harris ing West Oxford Township, North Oxford Heights school as a community centre. She Township and Beachville; Lawrence Stoak- said it has been used as a community centre ley; of. Dereham Township and Barry Hunt of for a number of years. Ingersoll. Director of Education George Simmons Wesley Wallace, board chairman, said the said the committee preferred a name which municipality where the school is located described the location on the former Harris would have the first chance and that perhaps farm. the club and municipality could work togeth- Harris has been a sigmicant name in the er. A letter explaining policy will be sent to growth and developent of that part of the the club. county since 1810 or 1811. The board approved submitting an applica- _ Gilvesy construction of Tillsonburg was tion to sell a 15-year debenture to the Ontario Education Capital Aid Corporation in the amount of $711,000 to finance part of the cost of Harris Heights school. Total costs, includ- ing $40,060 for funiture and equipment and $44,069 for architect's fees, have been set at $762,060. A letter from Woodstock Mayor William Allen asking the board to reconsider provid- ing a day nursery site on the Northdale Pub- lic School property was referred to the 1973 board for discussion. Mr. Wallace said the board had explained it had no surplus property at the school site. A policy on school -politics recommended by Mr. Simmons was adopted by the board. The principal of each school will be en- couraged to invite elected members and can- didates on an equitable basis to explain their platforms and opinions on current issues so they may be examined and better understood by the students. Development of awareness and under- standing of Canadian forms of government among students was listed as one of the objectives of the policy. Approval was given to continue an elemen- tary school swim program for Grade five students in 1973. Peter Pitcher, physical health and educa- tion consultant, said more than 2,000 Grade 5 pupils are awaiting the start of the program. At a newly -opened indoor pool in Tillson- burg Community Centre and at Woodstock Family YMCA. The cost of transportation was set at $7,- 720.