535-03 Page 50Y
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Construction of Harris Heights Public School has been put one
and half weeks behnnschedule due to bad weather according to
George Hammond, assistant business administrator for. the
Oxford County Board of Education. Mr. Hammond said the
Twelve, The Ingersoll Times, July 4, 197
Teachers Move To Harris Heights
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school, which is south of Ingersoll, is expected to be finished by
the third or fourth week in August. Gilvesy Construction of
Tillsonburg received the $698,000 contract for the 20-room school x -MPMRORM
in November, 1972.
Four teachers from ulam's corners r•„u ..... --• - e----
in Oxford County to be closed by next September, will soon bid farewell to the four -room school to
take up positions at the new 20-room Harris Heights public school, south of Ingersoll. Tbev are from
left Mrs. A. E. Budd, Mrs. L. L Shier, E. J. Farneis, principal; and Susan Young.
on the east side of Wellington Street just outside the town limits, shows a front
view of the building. The tenders for the $800,000 project are to be called in
West Central PS Gets Approval`
Approval for the sketch
plans of the new WestCen-
tral Public School in Ing-
ersoll has been grantedby
the Ministry of Education
and tenders for the
$800,000 project are ex-
pected to be called next
The new 20-room school
s designed to take pres-
ure off enrolment figures
i Ingersoll's existingpub-
.c school system and pro-
ide a new instructional
centre for area schools that
are to be closed won in
the centralization pro-
Students from Ver-
schoyle, Dunn's, Dick-
son's, Clarke's Corners,
Salford and Mt. Elgin are
expected to attend the new
school once it is complet-
Construction is to start
in the fall with the school
ready for occupancy in
1973. Included in the 2C
room structure are
general purpose room, lit
rary resource centrt
kindergarten to grade si
classrooms and staff fac
Assistant business ad
ministrator George Ham
mond said the school is on
of the largest projects,i
terms of capital expend
iture, being undertaken k
the Oxford County Boar
of Education.