535-03 Page 56Kennel Club gets old school The former Foldens School is going to the dogs literally. But this time everyone seems to he: happy about it. Rat,. gV-,r9'7O Until the meeting of Oxford County Board of Education last n�iabt,/he Oxford Kennel Club was up in the air as to ether its tender for the former - school building had been accepted. The situation was that the board. had received two tenders by itsduedate, but a third had been inadvertently opened two days, later, with a bid $2,200 higher than that offered 'by the Kennel Club. There was also a question of zoning in the mu- mwioatity where the school building was located.. The education board was not sure whether it had to take responsfbility for ,the use made of the building by the new owner, Both questions have now been cleared up. The board has accepted the tender of $6,500 .offered by Oxford Kennel Club. And the club has made clear than no animals will be boarded at the building or on its grounds. The club may periodically use the Property as an obedience training location, and two or three times a year for dog :bows. In other business., Mn Curry said that Dorchester contractor John Dzus plans to erect three:P homes on a one -acre site where:1 the one -room Foldens Public t School stands. 1 Q-71 Mr. Curry said the township council has agreed in principle on the Dzus proposal. T he old school currently is being to r in down. Jh Ip CLUBHOUSE FOR GOLFERS NEARS COMPLETION A new clubhouse for town struction on Holcroft Street is "has served Ingersoll Golf and awarded the $94 00 contract golfers becomes more of a nearing completion. The build- Country- Club as a clubhouse- ,to erect the mo-Tern facility. reality each day, The two- ing- is being erected on the since 1952.. McKi e floor clubhouse under con- site of the old log cabin that bee Co. - oaf We so Ilt'ock w a s (Staff Photo) Parts of two wails are all that remain uprigint dit-1 d - -• _ _ - IIZO --N__ 31-- u - : _7 r �F