535-03 Page 57Ready for the f ootngs''l'
for frozen _food _ plan t-
', 7A1.t.6, r47Z
WGERSOLL — A building hope to be in production bylsummer periods, the new plant4
'permit was issued by West Ox 'spring." will have an estimated annuals
ford township council Thursd A subsidiary of Hardee Farms payroll of $150,000.
for construction of a frozen rod International Ltd., frozen veget-ail The plant will also purchase
plant just north of Ingersoll. able products will be processed produce from area farmers for
Ralph Richards, spokesman�at the plant- an estimated $240,000 this year.
for Produce Supply Ltd said: A 60,000 square feet process-' -
preliminary work is finished on ing facility is included in con
a 90-acre site and his firm in- struction where corn, peas,:
tends to start digging for foot- Ibeans and root crops will be-
ings next Monday. processed
We are very anxious to get Employing 18 full-time work -
going," said Mr. Richards, we I ers when it opens and an ad -
are a little behind schedule, but ditional 80 workers during peak
$=TIE LON62N FREE PFESS, Thursday, August 24, 1972
Corn is loaded on conveyor belt at Hardee Farms pany employee explains operations. Operation also
International Ltd, plant near Ingersoll while corn- has large warehouse area.
free Press Woodstock Bureau. the frozen food operation per-
mits consumption of vegeta-
bles in virtually fresh form 365
million plus plant of Hardee days a year. Peas, corn,
farms International Ltd. Iroz- squash, carrots and turnips
on foods division will save are being processed by the
housewives a. greatdealof company.
work, Dr. H. C. Parrott, MPP Its market is Ontario and
(PC —Oxford), said Wednesday Quebec.
in officially opening t opera- Construct -on of the plant on
tion. a 95-acre site on IIamilt n
He said a lot. of leisure time Road, three miles west of In -
is being created and it is a gersoll, he said, was made
challenge to use it productive- possible by Ontario Develop-
ly_ ment Corp. aid, bank borrow-
C. H. Franklin of Toronto, ing and internal financing.
presidentof the company, said On -site work on the 30,000
square foot processing and re-
ceiving area started .Ian. 6
this year and peas were first
processed .July 12.
Initially, Mr. Franklin said,
the plant will operate six to
seven months a year on pro-
duction, but storage and pack-
ing will be year around.
A 30,000 square foot ware-
house has capacity for 10 mil-
lion pounds of frozen vegeta-
Production lines in peas and
corn are capable of processing
8,000 pounds of finished pro-
duct per hour.
Arthur W. Walker of Toron-
to, executive vice-president of
Hardee, said the Ingersoll
plant is a "twin plant" of the
Lambeth operation Produce
used will be mainly from Ox-
ford and Midlesex counties, in
addition to some from Elgin
and Kent.
Donald Ford is plant man-
Reeve Archie Longworth of
West Oxford Township said
the 60-employee operation is
good for the entire area. It
ties in well with agriculture,
he said.
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