535-03 Page 58mayorsIndersoll eff orts ®rt leadto CyanamiddCCOr -6y Free Press Woodstock urea wage increases ranging from ical Workers, said the union INGERSOLL — The 3r/, 50 to 56 cents an hour. membership favored the pro - month lockout and strike at In lieu of retroactive pay, posal 70-8 at a 1 p.m. meeting Cyanami of Canada Lt ., employees with the company at Beachville. Beac yr le, ended ednesday since Sept. 22, 1968, the date The contra c t palls for w eF`n ire company and union the old contract expired, will immediate increases ranging agreed on a two-year contract. receive $75 settlement pay from 23 to 29 cents an hour de- The 92 union employees, when they return to work. pending on classification. who have been off their jobs The proposals which result- On Jan. 1, 1970, all employ - since Dec. 9, begin returning ed in the contract were made ees will receive an increase of to work tonight. by Ingersoll Mayor Gordon B. 15 cents an hour and on Sept. Over the life of the agree- Henry Wednesday morning. 22, 1970, another 12 cents an ment, wfuch expires March 31, Alva Murray, president of hour. 1971, employees will receive Local 546, International Chem- Union medical service pay- yi �rh� q�`� r 0 mentk � � menu made by the company E. R. Whitby, plant manag- } , are increased to 70 per cent er, extended thanks to Mayor ` 4-�'- from 60 and will increase to 75 " jj yflm. per cent Sept. 23, 1970. Henry, saying: "I feel very - d7u A Sunday premium in- Personally appreciative of his ch creases to 40 cents an hour help." He said Mayor Henry t from 30 and to 45 cents April assisted by studying both u 1, 1970, sides after they found they '0_ Mayor Henry said when he were unable to move. met with company and union f - officials to make the contract Mr. Murray said the anion _ Proposals he was interested in also appreciates Mayor Her - the economy of the individuals ry's efforts. and the community. _. -------.- _ -: The meeting concerning the � Beachville plant was set up I Lime workers ratif contract after eWelland plant work- ers voted 60 per cent in favor of accepting a company offert ��--.. 7NauU 13-I f 6 Y _ last. Sunday,Rk 6 `�a�e. tc� CL'tF'cL�f `i!z(�7 INGERSOLL — Employees � following the vote by 39 em- frontWaes of $2.40 to $3.08 an hour improved vacation benefits: g union employees r prior to the new contract. two weeks after one year in. at Beachville ranged from of Canada Chemical Lime pioyees the contract calls for P' 5' 52.33 to $3.06 before the con _ Among other benefits re- stead of one week; three y R orks of Ingersoll, members a 25-.cent increase in the First Tract dispute ended in a lock- ceived, Mr. Hutchinson said weeks after eight years, un- out by the coin "�'A CCYxGLtct�ibav lock - of Local 9774, Oil, Chemical year, retroactive to Dec. 31, shift p r e m i u m s were in- changed; four weeks after, 18 company Dec. 9 and Atomic Workers, Thur 1968. creased from 10 to 12 cents an years instead of 20; and five. The company ended its lockout t g.b'R,v C•-g.�x, at the end of January and the day night ratified a wage pact (,aftng for a 43-cent-an-hour The second half of the con- hour for afternoon shift and weeks after 25 years, un- union went on strike. tract will boost wages 18 cents from 1. to 16 an hour for night changed. _- increase over a 24-month peri- an hour on Dec. 31, 1969. shift. Sunday premiums were Mr. Hutchinson said all 39 The company had offered in l od. Wages at the lime plant, a boosted from 30 to 50 cents an employees were present for creases of 22 and 16 cents an Union president Robert subsidiary of the Steel Comps- hour. the vote and 32 voted in favor hour in the first and second Uutchinson of Ingersoll said ny of Canada IAd, ranged The contract also calls fin of accepting the new eontract. year of a proposed contract. r � _ The union had been seeking �,. �.y� fii',1,,,; K _ 0& �f /p�'a 26 cents the first year and 24 r G cents the second zi- i�-aWvrvJ tG.uYf�'.L.' �C x.'%_2vv .z--rc�iG !y ffCLi>vwzzL+��.•.,_la r� c.s �xG✓ „ y-' _ ' t h��u a s c�,�-v 6hu ' — - z,- !f7'6 ............,�,,, we io ovl pruyw- es four piece bath sets, televis A ion and two double beds in each Of its spacious units. ' lbrothersill i honour major credit cards 'seated at the motel as well p1e i f .r, Ten 25-foot light standards on jthe site will keep the motel ` well illuminated f r o in dusk to 'dawn. Wiring for the modern met- -'' cury vapour lamps is located I dot;' underground so as not to de- • tract from the pleasant land Iscape. the property arc- a (Gracing variety of trees and shrubs in- Vu of Jet -Set Motel which is due to officially open tomorrow rut Highway �g --- -- 6 eluding red flowering crab, (red -- ----,,-I. 5 crimson -king maples, sun- ----- — �:. - Jet - burst lucust, variegated maples' land evergreens. An extra large parking lo,. ® !will accommodate travellers on . .both Highways 19 and 401 as '�!!//���g� i opener t•Om®r1'�/ (well as visitors to Ingersoll and ill area. p Its expected that heavy VV a vol nine of American tourist traf-: INGERSOLL — Two, to c a I�' Pete and Harry Van Ryswyck iilies,fic will make use of the facilit- - .brothers, in business partner-.. are owners and operators of the !'I Almost all of the construction' :ship for the Past 16 years, are Jet Set Motel located on High - and furnishings were supplied' - lembarking on a new ventur,lway 19 just south of Highwal by local tradesmen +nd mer- 401 which will be officially open- _ week. led _, it chants. -_... _�,,-this Friday.