535-03 Page 60Community Community
centre board centre grant
established received
Free Press Woodstock Sure.m
FOLDEN'S CORNERS i FITC Press Woodstock Bureau)
seven -member community FOLDEN'S CORNERS — A`
the board was established by $;$,100 provincial grant for Fol-t
West Oxford Township coun- ?,
den's C o r n e r s Community{ I
cil yesterdayto supervise op- yJ
,rations of a relocated com Centre was received. yesterda _
munity centre, now being rc- b1' West Oxford TCWnship
F nvated here. council.
Reeve Vernon Cuthbert, O) - The -Community centre -
told County warden, C011.1. former Forester's Hall was
Max Franklin and Mrs. Wei- moved to a four -acre park set -
bur Jellous were appointed far ting a year ago.
' the balance of the year.
\ors, Keith Hammerton and�� Clerk -treasures L. B. Curti
k Nnrman Dorlan were appoint- said remodelling of the hall
!� ed far 1967 and 1968; and Wil- has yet to be finished.
Jc m Johnson and Bert Somers I! Ill other business, Council ill-
... 1967, '68 and '69. creased its payment in a fire
protection agreement w i t It "�,
Beachville. The township will a
' Meathrelldge Pay $50 for each fire call for
i Ptender$ called the first hour and $25 each `
hour after that, rather than
WOODSTOCK — Tenders the, previous $50 for each fire.e --- -- "'
have been called for the J. N. I. Mr. Curry said an alterna- "Man 74 fined
Meathrell Bridge which will live would have been $100 for
span the Thames River atthe each fire call. ( .after death crash
I n g e r s o l l waterworks two �j l
miles west of Ingersoll. WOODSTOCK -* E l m e r
Closing date is Dec. 20. Esti- i� - Heeney, 74, of RR 5, Ingersoll,
mated cost is $120,000. - was fined $200 Thursday by
The bridge will replace one Magistrate R. G. Groom on a
n,me than 60 years old. - careless driving charge laid
after a Feb. 25 accident.
Mrs. Heeney and Bruce
tGnA'Lo'u Walter Ruby, 21, RR 1; Tavis-
7,._>Y lock, died of injuries suffered
in. the accident at the junction
ti9t� d c I q61 — of Highways 59 and 97 at
4 j ti `�� Hickson.
,r �u',j'tZj�. ap, >2Soosg��rY•�✓ ously injured inho thewas sera,
L v
was Found ,",uilh: SePI. 12.te�'
ty'_Pe% 0 i
uh seQ . CYlao 3e51-r LL, �A _.
JAMES CHARLES and robbed by two Farmed bandits head and ordered him to lie
Nellie Carrey of Sweaburg la5t night. One of the robbers down on the Giving room
sat around their kitchen table m ed a shotgun at James' floor.
today telling of how they were
Armed Pair Rob
As soon as the hand railings started at the end of Decentby local traffic. Located at the
are installed, the work on the her, 1967, and due to be com- boundary of North and West
J. N. Meathrell Bridge will be Pleted 'by the end of this Oxford, spanning the Thames
finished. The $103,000 Project, month, has already been used River, the bridge was named
On- reys with were not used.
Wood- A third brother, Warren, was
out of the house at the time.
�CTe ts.. —ft's a good -.-thing I wasn't
Nieves home. I had about $275 in my
Cor- pocket and they would have got
a car .that, too," he said.
Charles, who earns his money
were doing odd jobs around farms,
s said said he kept his money in $20
point- bills.
After the thieves left James
ran to a neighbor, Vernice Ruth-
erford, who called police. The
`- Correys do not have a telephone.
All area police have been
asked to be on the lookout for
the two. men. One is described
as six feet tall, slim and weigh-
.g_ ing about 180 pounds, The sec-
ond is said to be about five foot
six inches tall, heavy set and
weighing about 150 pounds.
v. r_ "They took everything we
had," Nellie said, "even my
pocketbook and wallet."
James smiled a little and said,
"Almost everything. They
missed a pocketbook I had in
another room. All they took
from me was the old one in my
,.overalls with M in it."