535-03 Page 60aCommunity Community Dcentre board, centre grant established received S.�` $sd 7 g-, t.`c Frei Press Woodstock Bureau FOLDEN'S CORNERS — A Free Press Woodstock Bureau- ' seven -member community cen- FOLDEN'S CORNERS — A�,' the board was established by $3,100 provincial grant for Fol-` West Oxford Township coon- '`i den's C o r n e r s Commumty oil yeaterda to supervise op- ,_—� erations of a relocated com- Centre was received yesterday munity centre, now being re-'. by West Oxford Township - novated here. ._ council. Reeve Vernon Cuthbert, Ox- The community .centre, a ford County warden, COtln. former Forester's Hall was C Max Franklin and Mrs. W!l- '. for ' moved to a four -acre park set- t._.. bur Jellous were appointed tfng a year agor the balance of the year. ± Mrs. Keith Hammerton and Clerk-treasUrer L. B. Curry Norman Dorlan were appoint said remodelling of the hall ed for 1967 and 1968; and Wil has yet to be finished. \ llam Johnson and Bert Somers In other business, council ilt- tor ItG, '6s and 's9. creased its 'payment in a fire protection agreement w i t h R!�—sp Meathrell Beachville. The township will. Br*dgQ pay $50 for each fire call for; - tenders Called thefirst hour andeach - hour after that, rather than WOODSTOCK — Tenders the previous $50 for each fire.' _ have been called for the J. N. Mr. Curry said an alterna. MeathrOl Bridge which will live would have been $100 for span the Thames River atthe each fire call. I n ge r s o I 1 waterworks two miles west of Ingersoll Closing date is Dec. 20. Esti- mated cost is $120,000. The Nridge will replace one more than 60 Years old. - v' GJ eG+Z - tigtc i .t 1 � Ll� `L4,c+C.ti �5lry,� V Er- Z70,wwm, gRatPaGs L'0a .g am O Man, 74, fined after death crash WOODSTOCK -s E l m e r Heeney, 74, of RR5, Ingersoll, i was fined $200 Thursday by ! Magistrate R. G. Groom on a careless driving charge laid 52 after a Feb. 25 accident. Mrs. Heeney. and Bruce Walter Ruby, 21, RR 1, Tavis- t.ock, died of injuries suffered in the accident at the junction of Highways 59 and 97 at Hickson. Mr. Heeney, who was seri. ously injured in the accident, was found guilty Sept. 12.16 S - aity $entineReviem zraDers Limited at 16 - 18 Brock Street, Woodstock, Ontario Kerry G. Lambie, Managing Editor JUNE 19, 1968 Merchant Navy? ' Marchand dition was that the merchant 'in wanting marine would be a strong right hant navy arm to national defence, training ,t held just the men who would man the fight - he would -ing ships in time of war as well as a to solve providing the means of trade in sfactorily. peacetime. 'eased his Conditions remained stable for as he ad- a time with high freight rates 1 hundred helping ships to operate at a pro- Ut to lose fit. But, in time, ships became un- hipyard in economical to operate in competi- City, has tion with those of other nations. i Orders. It Dropping freight rates and other )yard to be conditions — including increased Canada in operating costs — caused a sharp drop in the number of post-war that a na- vessels in the merchant marine vily on the which fell from 173 ocean going n da does types to 27. merchant This is hardly consistent with ears even urns that Canada's position as an exporting nation, with eight of her ten prov- JAMES CHARLES .and robbed 'by two Farmed bandits head and ordered him to lie Nellie Correy of Sweaburg I t m . One of the robbers down on the living room sat around their kitchen table In ed a shotgun at James' floor. today telling of how they were '1--��d Pair Rob burg Family, Two masked bandits last night ing room and made them He on ed it at his head and told him held three elderly Sweaburg the floor. to go into the living room and - people at gunpoint and robbed Almost $900 of the money, be- lie on the floor. them of about $1,000. - longing to Charles, was kept in "I looked at that shotgun and The three, two brothers and a a wallet in an upstairs room. I went in and day on the floor," sister, were forced to he on their The thieves took a purse be- he said. living room floor and tell where longing to Nellie which contain- Two burlap sacks and a length they kept their money. ed around $30 and forced James of rope the thieves brought with James Correy, 64, Charles, to hand over $8 from his over. them, apparently to tie the Cor- 167, and Nellie, 62, said the men alls pocket. - reys with were not used. iwere wearing cotton masks John McCulloch of the On- A third brother, Warren, was which completely covered their tario Provincial Police, Wood- out of the house at the time. faces except for hales for the stock detachment,said there. is.: —It's a good. thing 1 wasn't eyes and mouth. One held a shot no indication of how the thieves home. I had about $275 in my gun and the other brandished a made their getaway. The Cor- pocket and they would have got tire iron. I reys did not see or hear a car that, too," he said. The two entered the small red start up after the robbery. Charles, who earns his money 'insul-brick Correy home through The Correys said they were doing odd jobs around farms, ,the kitchen about 8 p.m. and told to remain quiet. James said said he kept his money in $20 '.forced the Correys into the liv- Ithe man with the shotgun point. bills After the thieves left James bran to neighbor, Vernice Ruth- erford, who called police. The I Correys do not have a telephone. All area police have been asked to be on the lookout for the two men. One is described - I as six feet tall, slim and weigh- ing about 180 pounds. The sec. -- and is said to be about five foot j six inches tail, heavy set and weighing about 150 pounds. "They took everything we had," Nellie said, 'even my pocketbook and wallet." I James smiled a little and said, it"Almost everything. They missed a. pocketbook I had in another room. All they took Ilfrom me was the old one in my overalls with $8 in it."