535-03 Page 61Cmrnoletely�It ®vated and freshly painted the Stew' community hall is a landmark in the community. Hal -I now a finished Centennial project, Free Press Woodstock Bureau property of one of the town Mrs. Howard Rawlings, Bert supporting the hall and recant -I FOLDI.N'S CORNERS — A residents. Somers and Mr. Shelton. ly voted money for a new fur', centennial project of the wom- It was moved about 1,000 The women's institute is still race. ,.,.,'� ,,,,,;,,,,,, ,,r w,,., -n.-r".a feet to the corner of the four em, will while you b" to drink- - buddies put - 'et cued in. klet "Booze Teen-Agers mn Landers Condon Free 35c in coin and a long, Stamped en- 1 be glad to r problems. 623 in care of RICHMI Press, en- NO'RT ressed, un- ASHOP plus 6c for A' Itemher, 1967. It was renovaled additions to it. portsmen Plan Lot Development —„ /T� (The West Oxford Council erday approved in prin- a proposal 'submitted by the Oxford Sportsmen's Club- far it. are he b's els let nd as he in he r- er 's s- it if i- tion Authorities to see what kind of assistance could be made available. The club intends this winter to start work on the land which is located just north of Folden's Corners. The development would in. clude a fish pond with ap- pnoxfmately 75 ft. by 3oo ft. m dimensions and the erect - 'on of a club building owned by the club. Park facilities would be open to the public. The club would: — manage the property for terms of 10 years; — carry adequate insurance and pay assessment taxes if necessary; — not to allow firearm con- tests or events during relig- ious services in town; — not permit the sale of al- Cohelte beverages. z o a said $18,000 1t 6 ,venth Dyed a 'barn and heavily lama- -5 8 3 day afternoon, has caused an -6111 damages. Damage to the barn mogi Vd Almas, RR 4 Ingersoll was damage to the 'house, owned is $4,000. n implement shed and a field ost in the fire. 6 {-�CKvl-ytscCr^t CB'YJ ��"�i G00.�