535-03 Page 63 cWoodstock Sentinel -Review, Mon., June 19, 1967 Page J
Pla ue Dedication Honors
ioras Uldest Church
.. Guest Speaker
tl West Oxford
i United Church
Ceremony Set
p INGERSOLL — Went Oxford
.` United Church will be honored
as the oldest Protestant church
' in Oxford Presbytery this Sun-
day at 2.30 P.M.
Following a service, a plaque
will be unveiled to commemo-
rate the occasion. The church
was founded in 1804.
Rev, R. B Cummings of Lon-'
on and former Pastor of the f,
church wili be guest speaker.I�
Rev, Wells Robinson, chair-
man of the Oxford Presbytery .
of the United Church, and Rev.
arley Moore, Pastor of West
ord Church, will officiate at a
A plaque recognizing "Ox- He was married in 1806 to,the early days of the church,
sI "Every minister is told that
ford County's oldest protestant Mary Boulton of Edwardsburg lfan Jmg, according to Rev. H. the church is closing when he
congregation" was dedicated in Upper Canada and he and his J. Moore, minister of West Oa -'•takes over the charge," said Mr, yesterday to West Oxford i family, eventually Il children, -ford. The congregation share Moore. `But this is never true.
United Church by Oxford Pres- spent most of their time around their worship service with their It is a strong rural congrega-
bytery- Quebec and the Delaware cir- children who attend the church tion with a strong h s congregation has g young peo-
The chary ' suit in the United States. service after Sunday school.- pies grout and Sum.. SchnaLl.
'given lfi3 years of continuous Vest Oxford church has been ---
service since its founding in 1804 part of five church circuits. A
by a saddle -bag preacher, rural church, set peacefull
housesy in
Rev. R. B. Cummings, As. the country with no for
sceiate Minister of Empress half a mile on either side,_ it
Unified Church, London, was was first part of the Long Point
the guest speaker for the ded} Circuit from 1802 to 1810. M
cation service Mr. Cummings Bangs founded this circuit.
Who was statied at West Ox in 1811 until 1831 the church
ford from 1936 to 1944 is one of became part of the Ancaster
the 74 ministers who served at ,
the Church for periods of time I Circuit involving,a large area
ranging from one to eight yearsclose to Hamilton and Dundas. V
The Church's Toots date back West Oxford Circuit existed
to 1802 when a youngpioneer from 1832 to 1842 and had ear- x y
saddle bag minister, Rev. Na- her been part of the Long Point
than Bangs of the Methodist Circuit. In 1843 it became part �� ��*
Church heard about the smalP,of the London
Ito the larger Niagara Circuit ;me circuit when the London unit
and was visiting Burford, 10'was presumably broken down I ,l
Miles north of the Mohawk Vil-Ii�nto several smaller districts.
lage, when he was first told T The first organized church at '
about Oxford. West Oxford was a frame build -
He left immediately for Ox- mg erected in 1824. It stood -'
ford but because it was De- close to where the present build.
camber and conditions were his stands. Local labor b u i it
muddy and cold travelling was; the frame church which served
slow and he could only go 141the congregation until the prey
miles a day. When he reached dent building was built in 1854.
the area be lodged with Major 'A church shed stood on the'.
Ingersoll. roadside south of the church tin-
For church services an inter- til 1948 when it was sold b3
ested settler would inform the public auction.
scattered pioneers when Mr. The oldest member of the
Bangs was in the area and they present 72 member congrega-
would gather at each other's tion is Clarence Scott. Mr. Scott
homes to hear him speak. 80, was born and has lived in
In August, 1804, after three !the community all his life. Rep-',
,months in southwestern Ontario, resenting the congregation, he
Mr. Bangs returned to the Nia- unveiled the plaque at the dedi-
gara Circuit and it is believed cation service yesterday.
that he visited Oxford only Church layalty is as strong' to
hviec in 1804, �dav as it owst have been in
UE HONORING Ox. Church. The oldest member Rev. R. B. Cummings, centre, ter of the church. and Mr.
runty's oldest congre- of the congregation, Clarence and Rev. Harley Moore. Mr. Moore is currently minister of
was unveiled rester: Scott, 80, is shown at left with Cummings is a former minis- the ehoreh
{E S
Clarence Scott, Ingersoll, left ,oldest rrember of the congre-
gation of west Oxford United. Church is ghown left at the imve£ling
Of the plaque noting the founding of the oldest. con,t the ion ei '
Oxford County in 1809 , Rev; R B. CwmTing, London minister of
the church 1936-13 right was finest minister at the service attended- ` by many former men:hers .