535-03 Page 65.yf
Majority j
Votes Wet
Free Press Woodstock Bureau
questions In a liquor votehere
yesterday were .approved.
About 68 per cent of the 515
eligible, voters oast ballots.
The sale at beer under a
Public house licence where
wcmen are admitted was ap-
proved by 78 per cent of the
voters. The count was 233 in
f r and 65 against.
Bcvera,ce means for men
were approved by 222-77 or 74
Percent. Establishments which
serve wire with meals were
Rproved by 77 per cent, with
236 in favor and 66 opposed.
The sale of liquor under a
dining lounge licence was ap-
proved by 242 voters with 60
opposed, The sale of liquor in
cocktail lounges was approved
by 242 and opposed by 62.
Both votes represented 80 per
cent approval
The liquor vote was request-
er by Beachville Royal Cana-
0i2a I_c"on Branch 49,.
On the occasion the centenery of Beachville Baptist Church held Sun
Poynter student pastor of the church 1941-45 was guest speaker at the ser
left with veteran membees Miss Emma Carrifield, Ingersoll, 60 years and
who has 46 years in the church ,
Centennial Tea Held
tures and an autographed quilt
in Beachville" `y'
were on display at a centen-
nial tea sponsored by the
--- -+ Ladies Aid of Beachville Bap-
tist Church. Guests were re-
ceived by president, Mrs. Ross
Ewards and Mrs. A. J. Cents.
The tea room was decorated
with bouquets of spring flow-
-_. II ers and nosegays. Conveners
e were Mrs. Jamey Hellsdon and
Mrs. Charles Reeves. Serving
were Mrs. John Nadalin, Mrs.
Ralph Kilcup and Miss Flor-
ence Reeves. Assisting were
Mrs. P. M. Graham, Mrs. Edith
Scott, Mrs. Morton Todd, Mrs.
j "Preserved'
Sidney Ellis and Mrs. Cecil
reset 7 ed' Todd.
A 25-acre plot near Sttc�
burg called the 'Trillium Wowl �i l.t -(��
'lot' has been purchased as a jam'%r,�JLi'
']nature preserve by the Ontario e t,
'Department of Lands and For-- zv-C l
a ests, Gordon Pittock. Oxford IT
t PP announced yesterday. Mr. Pittock Pittock salute lot, to
be bought from the Seeley es-
tate, is unique because it growsayy�,J-
" more variety of trilliums than yw
I' any other known area in the Md 1.tv v
province.` G
The lot bas been bought as a
nature reserve under the wtid- �ao��p� �,p�(, wt`+%
erness areas act. It contains JM4 "o
stands of black cherry, sugar
day May 1_st, Rev. A, R ' maple, hickory and red and (,,..ig�, k
vices - lie is shown on the white ash. The price was not ,r Gv
B. A. Finch, Beachville disclosed, j�,, ,-„1, 1, 1d 1f
The moves comes in response �- I 11
to pleas from both the Feder-
ation of Ontario Naturalists and
1A� Enl L' 41h
the Woodstock Naturalist Son.
iety to have the area set aside
,{,{++y�--�� ��,�� dddd """"
itP 'rt,4Q
for nature study and enjoyment,
'Air, Pittock said.
"";;t��,, OOO Addition
He said he has personall re- -
a number of letters re-
Open To Public
n. ating to the area, and refer-
` .,. red to it as - a "unique piece
Of - --
J, " I P - rr&7
BEACIIVILLE — The $99,000
f Award Contract
ddition to Beachville Public
tar C
trIl For JChO'DI Wing
chool will be officially opened
tonIghtin conjunction with Edu-
-.. WOODSTOCK —R. J. Yohn
aron Week and the annual
i'Construction of Woodstock
( Open House at the school.
has been awarded the can.
The. three - room addition.
Tract for a three -mom addi-
whist was started early in 1966
Lion to No. 3 .and 5 West Ox-
has been in use since school
began in September.
,. or d public school at Beach-
Contractors for the building
I The firnYs bid of $98,735
were Yohn Construction Co. of
t.was the lowest of five. Two
Woodstock. Architects were Ha -
classrooms, a recreation area,
Mil -
Buid, Brevik and Mil-
girls and boys washrooms, and
- cs of London.
a teachers room will be added
to the two -store four - room
0 to 9..30 P.M.a held ent
I; 7.30 to 9.30 .m. and parents
^� building.
Work is expected to start
next week. Deadline for cam-
and their children will be al-.
lowed to tour the whole school
including the new addition. The
->,,pletion is September, 1966.
opening is sponsored by the
- -
West Oxford Township School..
For School at Beachville
'.,°«, -
a' -. `
BF.ACHV[Li.A/ / Construe- Miss I.euiaa Foster, of fiF t
'tirnr will start this summer enKerwood;
Carolyn Tuc1..
Ala $75,000 addition to No. 3 and
or of RR 5,
Wondatock and- `
5 West Oxford Public School,l
Jack Mart•her.�"r,
of RR 9._
The addition will. add two
I'rea Press Woodstock Ban
classrooms and a recreation
room to the two -storey four.
West Oxford Township coun-
it a uthorized the village a'
roam building. The arrhiterl<
Hagarty Bniat,
Beachville to issue $100,000 in.
twenty pastor at the church from
er member, recalled her mar-
stock was movedto the pre-
Blackwell, and
of Landon, were contseted
debentures for a three room
Ithered to core- 1941 to 1945. Miss Marion Char-
riage in the church in 1937.
The building was de-
sent site in 1948. The building
was bricked over, and the of
about two months ago, said
public school extension in
Beachville, yesterday at its
anniversary of ron of Woodstock was a mem-
Baptist Church ber of a sextet formed at the
strayed by fire in 1943, how.
ficial opening held in May,
Stanley Arlin, of RR 5, Inger-
Stir secrets for the a Tna A, .
1966 inaugural meeting.
. A. R. Pointer church by Mr. Pointer, and
ever, the chape` from the
army training nature in Wood-
trustee board. -
Council appeared its 67.1670
nr Barney, a
Only one cla:s:sr•aam will ha
per cent share of the cost in
-ti niched this year, but Mr. Al
the addition to the Na 3 and
'lip said it was not expected I��,"^-
ii West Oxford public school.
be emnplate by Sept. 1, Temp.
Beachville's share has been set
Ascary quarters have been a,^
at 27.1406 and North Oxford's
.god for one class, he said,
at 4.4924 per cent.
it] the new room is rompiete
The contract for the project
res new teachers have laeen..
has been let to R. J. Yahn
1,A, the board. They are, '• ., ,-•.
Constraetion of Woodstock.