535-03 Page 70Ry y I r r F R N O i Y � U v v �vm I / mroo d v� ma� xab'� II �� rod, euR p m F i v .°. t �+ qua a'On 1 \\ O w Y N SALFURD UNITED CHURCH with glaggi Historical Outline Tells a H o of Early v" Y Y I L Days of the Salford Congregation v 3 v m i y °ro w h The following Interesting histor- Rev. John S. Atwood; 1538-7; Kev-. ° m ro ,; ° ical outline has been prepared by�, James Norris; 1840, Rev. Rev. R. B. Cumming of Salford, in'as Fawcett; 1540, Revs. Peter Peter Kerr, Henry Byers, Isaac B. How. " connection with the reopening services held there Sunday follow- ard; Revs.; 1842, Coleman, a o f q�ki1 ing the period of renovation to the h541, Matthias Holtby; 1842, Rev. S. C. Philip George Young, (London dis- church building . It tells of the efforts made during the pioneer trict, Woodstock circuit;- Wood - �ro ° « days of the church, and of the ob- I stock now became head of the eir- cuit)-1843, Revs Samuel C. Phil- � I.a w � ° tacles encounters d b the first) t t' y. th � ip, William Dixon; 1844, Rev. ° v y 3 .7 pas or m connec ion tvi e Methodist preaching in the com- Heyland, George Kennedy y ro m o munit y' 1845, Revs. s. Matthias Holtby, Jo a e Mr. Cumming has also secured Il seph E. Ryerson; 1846, Revs M, Holtby, J. Gray; 1847 Revs. T Faw. ; v w �,p, v a full list of the various pastors of. -the church and they are as fol- ° cett, J. W. Cawrhorne, 1848, Revs, • lows: 1801, Rev. Nathan Bans d KennedyCreighton, F. Chapman; g p p m (from Niagara); Y807, Rev.Henry r Brantford district, Ingersoll cir. cuit (Ingersoll nowbecame heac o ft Ryan; 1880-09, Rev. Thomas Whitehead; 1810, Rev. Robert Per- s- of circuit)-1849, Revs: K. Creigh 3 U ry; 1811, (connected with Ancas-. s ton, Joseph Shepley; 1850, Rev. ro w° ° R„ o ter); 1811, Rev. George W. Dens- Joseph Shapley;..1551-5Z, .Revs. $ v v ,Fa more, Enoch Burdock; 1812, Rev. her; Uerar185354 RevilJohn Wakeford; John p.q tjp �i Peter Coven- ia`Tuer,- . Bende; 1813, 1 Rev. John Rhodes, David Culp; 1, Revs. O. . William Williams; a t o m ro .3 1814, Rev. David Culp, Ezra Ad- 1856, Revs. Geor. Ken- nedy, James Morgan; 1857, Revs. q _ „ b w a °'"m ,a ams; 1815, Rev. Thomas White- head, David Youmans; Y816, Rev. G. Kennedy, Timothy Edwards; m x 6 .y David Youmans, David Culp; 1917, 1858, Revs. G. Kennedy, John N. o.$. .. p o „ E Revs. Isaac B. Sim, Joseph Hick- Lake; 1859, Revs. Joseph Shepley, Harold Chris, Madison A. Rice; v v i H o ox;. 1818, Revs. David Youmans, '- James Jackson, Alvin Torry; 1819, i 1S6Q, Revs. J. Shepley, W. F. s. J. a S'a ° Revs. 'J. Jackson, W. R. Rundle; t Campbell, Revs. J. Sha le P p y, ° ro m ° ° $ q a 1920, Revs. James Jackson, Wil- { liam H. Williams; 1521, Rev. I. B. W. F. Campbell; 1862 Revs. T Cleghorn, Ezra A. Stafford; 1863 'm c y "o x Smith, W. H: Williams; 1822, Revs. - sm smith; 864,1 Revs I.e George WWarner, w m q 0 9 T Revs. David Culp, George Fergus- I on 1823, Rev. Dan Shepherdson; R. G. H. Starr, 1865, Revs. L. o a ,w, 0 1824, Rev. D. Shepherdson, George Warner, Wiliiam W. Winnans 'a I Sovereign; 1825, Revs. Rowley 1866, Revs. L. Warner, William H. :6 o ° He land, Timoth Martin; 1526, Musgrove; 1867, Revs.. W. W. Clark, W. H. Musgrove. Salford G F m0 Z5 Rev. Rowley Heyland; 1827, Revs. William F. Griffis, Robert Corson; circuit (Salford now became head 1828, Rev. William Griffis; 1829, R '9 of the circuit, Ingersoll became a station. Formerly Salford was F-- tS F- 1tI Z lJ a Q evs. oseph Gatchell, William Patrick; 1930, Revs. Joseph Gath- ✓ part of Ingersoll circuit); 1868-70, Rev. Augh McLean- 1871-73, Rev. N W Z tL p ® CQ ell, Ashael Hurlburt; 1831, Revs. Henry Wilkinson, John Ann- f Thomas Crews; 1874, Rev. James l- i )- 1- Q Z � LLl � L•? J rV strong;; Oxford circuit (West Ox- ford now became the head Kennedy; 1575, Rev. J. Kennedy, George Beavers; 1876, Rev. Char- Q- W LU g O m (X Z V) S -1 T }- Q ® Z �.,- a circuit).-1832, Rev. John Bails Bailey 1833-4, Rev_ Richard Phelps_ 183� - - - - t p (Y 0