535-03 Page 71GUNS OF THE BRITISH NAVY have taken heavy toll of German sea forces in action off Scandinavia and have been used on land batteries. Apart from numerous small vessels and destroyers, the Nazis have lost the cruiser Blucher and the Scharnhorst was crippled by H.M.S. Renown. THE EXPLOITS OF THE R.A.F. have been no less daring than those of the navy. In quick succession flight after flight of bombers have blasted German concentrations on land and sea at Bergen, Stavanger and other points. Here are raiders loading "gifts" for Hitler W[THIN A FEW HOURS of Germany's lightning assault on Denmark and Norway, last April 9, the British navy and R.A.F. were in the thick of battle hammering enemy transports and warships, blasting their airdromes. A day or two later the first Allied troops had been safely convoyed across the perilous North Sea by the navy and air force, and were fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Norwegians. Said the French premier: "The Allies will carry the war in Scandinavia to the bitter end from the northern tip to the southernmost Norse coast" FIRST LORD of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill devotes every waking minute to winning the war