Historical Outline Tells of Early
Days of the Salford Congregation
The following interesting histor-
ical outliue has been prepared by
Rev. R. B. Cumming of Salford, in
connection with the re -opening
services held there Sunday follow-
ing the period of renovation to the
church building . It tells of the
efforts made during the pioneer
days of the church, and of the ob.
tacles encountere d by the first
pastor in connection with the
Methodist preaching in the rnm-
nming has also secures
of the various pastors of
!h and they are as fol.
., Rev. Nathan Bang;
gara); 1807, Rev. Henry
i80.09, Rev. Thoma:
• 1810, Rev. Robert Per.
(connected with Ancas•
Rev. George W. Dens.
ch Burdock; 1812, Rev.
)x; 1818, Revs. Dav
fames Jackson, Alvin
3evs. J. Jackson, W.
1920, Revs. James J
ism H. Williams; I&
imith, W. H. William:
Z a
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Rev. John S. Atwood; 1836-7,-Rev.
-James Norris; 1838-9, Rev. Thom-
as Fawcett; 1840, Revs. Peter
Kerr, Henry Byers, Isaac B. How.
ard; 1841, Revs. William Coleman,
Matthias Holtby; 1842, Rev. S. C.
Philip George Young, (London dis-
trict, Woodstock circuit; Wood-
1 stack now became head of the cir-
cult)-1843, Revs Samuel C. Phil-
ip, William Dixon; 1844, Rev.
Rowley Heyland, George Kennedy;
1845, Revs. Matthias Holtby, Jo-
e seph E. Ryerson; 1846, Revs M.
11 Holtby, J. Gray; 1847 Revs. T Faw-
n sett, J. W Cawrhorne, 1848, Revs.
d Kennedy Creighton, F. Chapman;
Brantford district, Ingersoll cir-
;: suit (Ingersoll now became head
s of circuit)-1849, Revs. K. Creigh-
s ton, Joseph Shapley; 1850, Rev.
Joseph Shepley; 1851.52, .Revs.
Charles W. M. Gilbert, Ozias Bar.
her; 1853-54, Rev. John Wakeford;
1 1855, Revs. O. Barber, William
( Williams; 1856, Revs. Geor. Ken-
nedy, James Morgan; 1857, Revs,
G. Kennedy, Timothy Edwards;
1858, Revs. G. Kennedy, John N.
Lake; 1859, Revs. Joseph Shepley,
Harold Chris, Madison A. Rice;
1860, Revs. J. Shapley, W F.
t Campbell, 1861, Revs. J. Shapley,
W. F. Campbell; 1862 Revs. T.
Cleghorn, Ezra A. Stafford; 1863,
Revs. T. Cleghorn, George Sex.
• smith; 1864, Revs, Lewis Warner,
1 R. G. H. Starr; 1865, Revs. L.
Warner, William W. Winnans;
1866, Revs. L. Warner, William H.
Musgmve; 1867, Revs.. W. W.
Clark, W. H. Musgrove. Salford
circuit (Salford now became head
of the circuit, Ingersoll became a