535-03 Page 80The building in use for Faith Haven was once a nursing home, and contains safety features such as emergency lighting and smoke detection systems, ideal for a resident school. Faith Haven- aY unique ministry BY KAREN MONCK A Bible Training Centre that is the only one of its kind in - Ontario operates in Ingersoll._ Faith Haven is completely a faith venture, says the Reverend William Hickson, founder and director of the unique school. The school, which opened in September of last year, is "financed by prayer and faith", said Mr. Hickson, There are no regular tuition fees, he said, but the students are asked to pledge $100 per term as an expression of their faith. Other money comes from outside sources. In the first term of the school's operation, about $25,000 had been donated by different sources around the area. Faith Haven is a non- denominational school that teaches the Bible. The students there come from widely diversified faiths. The main emphasis is on the individuaIIs spiritua development coupled with th academic to lead them into a deeper devotional life, said Mr. Hickson. There are 14 resident students at the school now, and one who commutes from Embro. The course at Faith Haven will train them to be ministers, evangelists and missionaries, said Mr. Hickson, to prepare those who feel they have a calling to the ministry of God. "The school came into being in a miraculous way," said Mr. Hickson. He said he was supposed to take a job at Pinecrest Bible College in New York but "we found a need, particularly among young people here in Canada, because they didn't have the financial wherewithall to go to Bible College in the States, because they couldn't get a work visa to work while they went to school." All teachers at Faith Haven are ordained ministers, and Mr. Hickson said a minister comes in every Thursday morning as well to teach, There will be two more teachers arriving for the fall term when he expects enrolment to almost double, he said. One of the students coming in the fall will be from British Guiana, he said. There will be two levels of study next year because there will be first and second year students, he said. Every term there are five or six units of study, this term being Minor Prophets, Romans and Galatians, the Gnsnel of John, Psaln Christ, and scripture is i content, i denomination The course after which completes it a diploma. Th of advanced 1r'.ontinuec Faith Haven (Continued from page 10) teacher -disciple relationship to lead the individual into the ministry in the Body of Christ. The completion of the third year is rot based on a set curriculum or a period of time but on in- dividual progress. In spite of the diversity of faith among the students, there is a "wonderful unity among the staff and the student body" said Mr. Hickson. "God is blessing us to find our way to him and to each other," he said. Because of the small enrolment the school lends itself to a family atmosphere, said Mr. Hickson. He would like to see about 30 or 40 students eventually, but wouldn't like to see enrolment exceed that because of the limited space available. The purpose of the school is to provide an atmosphere con- ducive to worship, prayer, Bible study and Christian fellowship; to develop sensitive and mature Christian leadership and vision of God's purpose in th Church and on earth today; to (Continued on page 12) TRAINING CENTRE I . i Faith Haven Bible Training Centre, as the sign out front clearly reads, is completely a faith venture that is financed by "prayer and faith" says Reverend William Hickson. Faith Haven (Continued from page 11) teach the five -fold ministry gifts as being restored and revived in the Body of Christ; to encourage the development of a vital relationship and walk with God as the most important aspect of a person Is life; and to impart a vision for end -time revival, restoration and visitation. Faith Haven seeks to ac- lighting and a smoke detection system. The group, both students and staff, have been working on renovations to the building since the school opened. All the work is done by the group, with some outside donations of materials and help. As well as the course for full- time students, there are two Grouped together for a Gospel sing -along are some of the students at Faith Haven. Back row (L. to R.) Steve Scott, Gerald Span, Lawrence Bernstein. Front (L. to R.) Debbie McMahon, Coleen Konoby, Nora Cullen ( seated at piano) and Arlene Anderson.