535-03 Page 84The two -cell Beachville jail, believed to be the first in Oxford County, has been reconstructed inside the Beachville District Historical Society Museu which will be opened May 22 for its second season. From left, Mrs. Nor Thompson, curator, resident William Force and museu age 14, g ie% L ro Bred." Free P�force rem sentlysinthatimpostch ,arges in BEACHVILl Sect for 1976, subject to review for it ical Soc secomvi 1977, with the exception of JamesRiddic A major chs cell Beachvill from its site .,i d J&,"oop, Ai hous in g electrical underground servic which is now under review. Impost charges, including $30 for electric underground servic amount to $1,290 per unit fol single family lots. TWO killed in explosion at Tillsonbur poultry I' B g p y b, y dOANNE RAMONDT t41k of The Free Press Dead are Michael Eu ene Underhf�, ly, nt Straffordvllle, TILLSONBURC —Two men were killed an o n one �abbev, eE, oP 21 Third Concession R ednesda when the burning poultry feeder car ey were ., son urg. Both were employees oP Hawkins Feed Co. attempting to push out of a barn near here exploded and trapped them in I.he building. Ltd., just outside the town limits where the ex. plosion and resulting fire occurred. (A picture Is on Page 4.) r"s WS'A 31q, r second season last Saturday aneru,,,,... ✓ `�,,,.,* chairman, William Force, president of the Beachvwe..._ The original Beachville Jail, first used In the town in the late 1800's, is one of the many exhibits on display at the Beachville Historical Society Museum. The museum opened for Its second season last Saturday.