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535-03 Page 98 a
Jan. .... Feb. .... Mar. .... Apr. .... May .... June .... July .... Aug. .... Sept..... Oct. .... Nov. .... Dec. .... SALES ACCOUNT Lbs. of REVENUE ,x a Premium Cheese - .G '� N a a (ri C �- ha 19.2 o°i ° °� •_ °a ac�i in � v ''E mvV C 14 W �++ ,�-1 U .54 o a rn 04 V q P. O 217971 217621 385215 594477 729856 792667 697408 613824 482143 876783 268493 224296 5600754 3.46 1" 7560.1 3.43 1$ 7477.5 3.29 20388.3 3.13 30425.0 3.07 j 37015.8 3.09 40337.3 3.10 35624.2 3.13 31472.9 3.24 25255.0 3.43 20469.1 3.44 14638.8 3.49 12314.8 11.44 8994 22.3/16 6728 136 1994.30 11.00 33235 22.3/16 13109 583 7329.90 12.20 48794 22.3/16 24410 1655 I 10842.94 11.94 61087 22.3/16 1 32766 ` 9968 1779 13575.65 11.81 67107 20. 36268 7509 1129 13408.26 12.20 57162 20. 135720 I 7759 { 2430 11432.40 11.88 61629 20. 30465 9621 1195 10325.80 11.60 I 41110 20. �18869 14968 993 88&6.00 20 24560 1809 1 10.55 25460 22.1/8 18643 I 937 5632.01 10.46 1 21442 1 22.1/8 1 11574 1 835 4744.04 451982 ,ht fat j REVENUE ly 1$ 4886.39 1 $ 1103.25 67 2�8 j 44.98 2li52.15 j 838.80 131.09 192.39 j 770.43 244.10 612.3'5 11&8.95 527.02 658.23 2189.56 612.86 1342.14 417.73 2378.00 510.12 1143.24 j 899.10 2092.22 497.05 1032.58 442.15 j 1841.47 480.00 838.60 367.41 1446.42 281.53 % 285.42 426.99 1130.3,4 186.43 346.69 805.47 115.74 308.95 1 1 672.88 12799 1 95096.44 13553.22 4641.98 1 4716.87 1 7438.54 16457.77 PATRONS' CASH ACCOUNT Valueof Cheese............................................................................$ 95006.44 DominionPremium........................................................................ 3553.22 Ontario Cheese Subsidy................................................................ Valueof butter............................................................................. 4641 87 Fluidmilk sold........................................................................... 7438.54 Milksubsidy.................................................................................. 16457.77 1945 Credit Balance.................................................................... 5.65 $131910.47 SUMMARY EXPENDITURES 73. 68.5 33. 33.4 34.3 34.5 34. 345 35. 37. 37.6 37.1 2.55 2.40 2.01 2.03 2.18 2120 2.17 2.20 2.22 2.33 2.37 2.34 Paid for: Cheesemilk ................................................ .... .................................. $93747.11 Dominion Premium........................................................................ 3553.22 Ontario Cheese Subsidy ................................... .......................... 4641.98 Milk Subsidies ................................ 16457.77 Bruce Harvey account........."h.-:a:.`.Y........................................... 10591.77 Stock Co., Commission ...................................................... 2336.70 - Marketing Board .............. .1::-.................... .................................... 222.55 A-► Trucking cheese............................................................................ 296.91 Intereston O/D............................................................................ 16.66 Postage and excise stamps............................................................ 30.50 CreditBalance.............................................................................. 15.30 Milkreceived.......................................................................... 5600754 lbs. Cheesemade........................................................................ 451982 lbs. Whole milk sold...................................................................... 332627 lbs. Buttermade............................................................................ 12799 lbs. 36.85 .i^. 9 Priceof butter perlb............................................................. imaoi Price of cheese per lb............................................................. 21.04 -.,� ...:.r. Average price paid 3.5 milk .................................................. 2.20, gib. I hereby certify that I have examined the books of the Mount Elgin Milk Products, Limited, and believe the above statement to be correct. WM. STOAKLEY, Auditor. $131910.47