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Christ Church,Eastwood Trinity,Beachville,one Bd of Ed- need half their money by Dec Beachville- Central School Wdsk explore Cyanamid Canada, Gillespie Beachville- Cyanamid of Canada picketers fined for damage Beachville Education rate increaase Beachville to Become Incorporated Beta Signa Phi- XI Beta Gomma,Mrs Gertrude Row president Birght- once a year tax bill, S J Currah, clerk-treasurer Blandford Twp reunion Blenheim Tax increase Bonds Corner Farm Youth Club banquet Bond's Corner Miss Flavelle, Cody-Williams, Mrs George Innes Bonds Corner's School Bell Blandford Twp offices, Mrs Robert Ferguson Burgessville- Spitler's Creek, Edgar Stoakley caught a salamander Burgessville- Theresa M Bruch & Nick F Rogalski marry Camp Binimi- Jill McLeod, Nancy Armstrong enjoying camp Canada Cement Co, Safety Teem First Aid award for third time Car thief Gerald W Gregor Charales E Wheeler Army Charlie Tathan picture City Hall picture College Ave SS- new school council, Patrick Paquette president College Avenue United Church remove old for new Sunday school rooms Court House picture Cow picture Curries- 50th Anniversary CGIT, Canadian Girls in training Curries- CGIT mothers & daughters banquet Curries- Community Hall now opened Curries- F D Sumsion received Massy- Ferguson scholarship (2) Curries- Marion E Buchanan and Robert B Harmer wed Curries- post Office closed, Mtr & Mrs Cordingley Post Masters Curries- United Chruch history 115 years Curries- United Church Annual meeting Dairy Princess contest, milking day, Cuthbert, Leuszler, Allan David M Cunning R.C.A.F. Dereham Twp Ross Mitchell killed, wood-cutting accident Drumbo- 7 wolf cubs found by MacLean family when older off to zoo Drumbo- church can not be turned into a home,too small Early Oxford history Byron Jenvey Embro- Jacob Balkeman dies tractor accident Embro- Men of Might, Tug of War team 1893 (5) Embro Men of Zorra 1893 Embro tax increase Embro- Twister damaged home and farm of Alex Whittaker, M Clark hurt Embro- Vandals damage machinery used for Union Gas line Embro, Don't call Embro a village Estelle Trolley history Fanshaw College bought Oxford County Home for the Aged Fewer Caders WCI Flower baskets to hang along Dundas Street Folden's Corners School closes Folden's School Class of 1907 Folden's School Reunion Folden's School teachers Frank L Nancekivell Tramsport Army Overseas Frank Sumsion - Thank you letter Golspie- Wayne M Branneman struck by car while on bicycle Gordon "Sparky" Innes poem Helen Shumsion Certificate Hickson- 20 mile walk for Muscular Dystrophy, King, Oliver, Kalfleisch Hickson 20 mile walk, Oliver, Kalfleisch, King Hickson- Mrs Norman Park centennial medal for helping community Huron Park Sec School- cheerleaders Huron Park Sec School- Memorial Day Service Huron Park Sec School, Helen Vero, Marjorie Kitchen, Stan Blair Huron Park SS- awarded scholorships, Karen Smith, W Shearer, H Vero Huron Park SS student council, William Rowe president Ingeraoll Saaga of the Town Hall Ingeresoll- International Plowing Match (5) Ingersoll- 1st Municiappal Electiot Ingersoll- 5 Quarrier Firms own 30000 acreas Ingersoll- a porcupine came for a visit, A R Robinson Ingersoll A W Kennedy teacher Ingersoll Alexandra Hospital laying new courner stone Ingersoll- bad storm, Mrs T R Lee views damage Ingersoll Byran Jenvey, James Milne retiring 45 years Bordon Ingersoll Carl Wilson gradates U of T Ingersoll- charm School course, Mary Lambert Ingersoll digging widening and deepening river Ingersoll- Ecumemical service for centennial Ingersoll- Education Board visit Norwich District High School Ingersoll Evelyn Peck teacher Ingersoll Frederick V Heeney 100th Birthday Ingersoll- gasoline blames for fire- blew off roof Ingersoll- International Plowing Match, A D Robinson President Ingersoll- International Plowing Match, executive making plans Ingersoll- International Plowing Match, many exhibitors, eg. old Thresher Ingersoll- John Hargraves training Bernadette Smith for plowing match Ingersoll- Kenneth McLeod dies boating accident Ingersoll- Kiwanis 30th Birthday Party Ingersoll- Mr and Mrs Wolford, 67 years marriad Ingersoll Mrs Grace Smith 98 years young Ingersoll Mrs J A Budd 90th Birthday Ingersoll- Mrs J Mayberry 94 today Ingersoll- new Council, Mayor J G Murray Ingersoll Rodney Gee house burned Ingersoll Ross Hurst teacher Ingersoll- Saga of the Town Hall Ingersoll- tax increase because of education Ingersoll Twins for th Waud Family Ingersoll- Wilfred L Kenny centennial baby Ingersoll- wine and Chees Festival Paddy wagon ready Ingersoll- Wine and Cheese Variety Show (2) Ingersoll- Wine and Cheese Variety Show, Capone style Ingersoll, Alexandra Robins takes wine and cheese to Lucien Lamoureux Ingersoll, Mr and Mrs John Wilford 66th aniversary Ingersoll-Chambers of Commerce, F H Stone past President Ingersoll-Town Council preparing for meeting Ingersoll-Town Council in centennial costume Ingerson Fair- 1934 picture showing horses Innerkip Central Shool needs expansion Innerkip grade 7-8 students interview grade3-4 students to type notes Innerkip Public new school now open James Pullin Keeps Diary for 50 years Keith Turner Army Kelsey Hayes ends walkout Kintore- hold parade, Children's Day, Bruce Taylor on bike Kintore-no increas in tax, Gordon Gregery , clerk-treasurer Main Street of Woodsock picture Max A Poole Navy Mount Elgin- Centennial at United Church Mount Elgin- Mrs Arthur Chipps to pay husbands debt Mr and Mert Nanckiveill 4th National Liberal Convention Mr and Mrs Aubrey W Meet 25th Wedding aniversary Mr and Mrs Bert Nancekivell 50th anniversary Mrs Franl Simsion Mrs James Maybery 92 years young Norwich- $104 raise in tax mostly for schools Norwich- Cameron McCabe and Barbara A Casler motorcycle wedding Norwich North- cut budget Merlin Howes cler-treasurer Norwich- Oscaar Gare sued by Coles Brothers Norwich- tax rate increased, education costs Norwich Twp- Fred Cohoe new 60 feet silo Norwich, found first grove Hilliker 1890 Norwich,IOOF Hayden Lodge, Norman Hearn receives 60 year jewel Norwich-United Church, Rev Doulgas Flint minister Norwich-welding shop created log-cutting steamer for Kitchener Oc Cty Court awarded death of Kimberly Vale from car accident Old St Paul's Church picture Otterville- Alford Moore, farmer was also stone cutter Ox County- Psychiatric Hospital nees repairs Ox Cty Bd of Ed - Tillsonburg need money for school, refused Ox Cty Bd of Ed- vote no to reigional government Ox Cty- Davis, Johnson, Sumsion & Robertson graduate Ont Agi college Ox Cty Ex Reeves Ass, new executive, Alster Clarke president Ox Cty Ex Wardens annual meeting, Cecil Riddle president Ox Cty Jr Farmers- guest Bernard McGirr from Ireland Ox Cty- Mrs B R Ransome winner Girl's wardrobe Ox Cty Museum receives donation of Anchor Belt from Tug of War Team Ox Cty Museum receives donation of Trophies won by Tug of War Team Ox Cty New Fair Board Executive, Harry Ellery President Ox Cty-Warden's dinner at Sebastopol, Robert Rudy new Warden Oxford Centre- Christmas with Frank Sumsion family Oxford Centre- Croman and Sumsion Wedding Anniversaries Oxford Centre- Mr & Mrs Frank Susmsion Oxford Centre, Mr and Mrs Peer Old Stage Road Oxford Centre-St John's United Church- baptism Ceryll M Kitchen Oxford County- 15 Reeve challanged to milking competition Oxford County Board of Education in dept Oxford County- deer hunting begins in Novemeber Oxford County Farm Safety Ass Presiden Wm Chesney Oxford County Jail picture Oxford County School Safety Patrol leaders off to Ottawa Oxford County- School tax rise 3 mill Oxford County- Thelma Sumsion garduate U of T Oxford County- too much rain, corn and grain not planted Oxford County's Fair Ground harness season opened Oxford Couonty- traffic deaths, Putman, McKenzie, Quackenbush Oxford Cty Council Nagle, Armstrong Garner, Hossack, Budd Oxford Cty new Warden and family, Glen Kitchen Oxford East Council, N M Holdworth clerk-treasurer Oxford East- Eernest Sumion dies Oxford East- G R Row Holtein Ass, received Canadian Centennial Medal Oxford East higher tax rate increase because of schools Oxford East history, Curries Oxford East history, Z Burtch, Canfields, Perry, Eastwood 1861 Oxford East- Old Stage Road plaque Oxford East- reduce budget Mrs N M Holdsworth Oxford Farmer's Co-Operative Board of Directors Oxford Hostien Ass- how to judge cows competitions Oxford North John Carroll Lots 23-24 Oxford North Womans' Instutite, Mrs O C Powers president Oxford Road 31 near Tillsonburg to lbe paved Oxford South- Tweedmuein tea, Mrs William Wallace president Oxford South- Women's Institute Mrs Fred Shelton president (2) Oxford Travelling Classroom, Donald Saton Oxford West- 1/2 mill raise, L B Currah clerk-treasurer Oxford West- mill rate raised Peter Teeple history Planting trees, Pye, Argony Power tool fires 22 calibre cartridge Princeton- Camp Shegardaynou, Herbert Milenes 45 years a Scout Princeton- Jamboree protested, Don Messer Princeton-600 boys expected to Jamberee Princeton-only flesh wound, John Omoreen shot by boy shooting birds R W Bowman Navy Rev Linden Harvey retired but no working on copper enameling Robert Orum died Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Wodsk,raise money for student Bursary Salford Alma Electa Johnson died July 11 1957 husband Arthur Hayward Salford- Boys Cubs and Scouts,Bill Wallace & Tom Way homoured Salford- Canadian B C- stopping advertisement on tobacco Salford- Floating Bridge near Bowmanville, R W Newton Salford Helen Mitchell and Ronald Matthews wed Salford Public School 90 years old going Salvation Army 85th Birthday Sam H Bowman Veteran Guard Separate school rates some higher orthers lower Shivaee parties Shrubsall director play HMS Pinafore Spike steals golf balls Craigowan Springford- mounted Boy Scout unit Sulllivan picture Sweaburg W.M.S. meetingMrs Gordon Masson Sweaburg, Pub;ic School spening Sweaburg, Teachers Unite Reunion Tavistock- Annex approved Tavistock- Margaret Bickle and dog Heide Thamesford Ball Club- Walkathon 13 miles for new flood lights Thamesford- Calithumpians Parade (2) Thamesford Margaret I MacKensie to George H Sutherland Tillsonburg- 2 Arsonists jailed for damage to barn Tillsonburg- 25 mile walk for funds Community Centre Tillsonburg- 400 new homes on 90A of land Tillsonburg- daffodil Tea, United Nation Food Drive Tillsonburg District Memorial Hosital-- annual disater practise Tillsonburg- Keith Somers at Vienna grows seed Chinese Chesnut trees Tillsonburg- Miles to Millions for new community Centre Tillsonburg- Mrs Sarah Abbott 100 year young Tillsonburg- Otter creekboat race, Tom Marshall & Bob Vincent won Tillsonburg- OWRC, needs to increase sewage treatment Tillsonburg- Oxford's WCTU meet, Mrs E Wells President Tillsonburg- plans on hold lfor 400 new homes Tillsonburg- searching for Indian burial ground Tillsonburg- Tillson Ave Public School opening, Sam Sergeant Chairman Tillsonburg-Jack Becht builds 12 caulk boards Toll Roads UAW elect Noel Stoodley Vandecar, Mrs Sumsion 80th birthday Warden Edwin Pearce and Mrs Pierce picture Wayne Hartley WCI- building sailboat during cadet inspection WCI- good place to park your bike WCI- new school council, Robert Rainey president Wdsk - Bd of Ed reduce Administrators Wdsk Council- Ontario Housing Corp ...Why delay? Wdsk Art Gallery 11 annual Art Exhibition, Mrs Forrest Telfer Curator Wdsk- banquet to build 2nd arena Petra Burka, K Buchan, B Cook quest Wdsk Bd of Ed- corner stone for Oliver Stephens School, Graham FLowers Wdsk Bd of Ed needs money for new administration building Wdsk Bd of Ed Oliver Stephens School now opened Wdsk Bd of Ed- Oliver Stephens' School opened Wdsk- Carl H Kitching & Gertrude E McConnel marry Wdsk- cattle judging Wdsk- Chalmers United Church, women's group, speaker June Callwood Wdsk Chambers of Commerce honours T O Jefferson Wdsk- Christmas Draw won by Marie Hartley, from Hudson's Wdsk City Council 5 year work budget Wdsk City council- Surprises, new CNR overpass, firehall, second arena Wdsk City Engineer T O Jefferson returning to Ireland Wdsk construction increases 95% Wdsk- Fireworks law in affect Wdsk Gen Hospital School of Nursing, 40th Anniversary, Wdsk- Jaycee, teen driving championship, Deklech, Sutherland Wdsk- Jaycees Ivan Zilke president Wdsk Lions Club install play ground equiment Eastdale Public School Wdsk- Lions Club president John Van Dyke Wdsk Little Threater- Brian Leadbetter best supporting actor, Tango Wdsk Little Threatre in Kelowna BC for play Tango Wdsk Little Threatre nearly caused a riot in Kelowna BC over play Tango Wdsk- loan ceiling needs to be higher for new homes Wdsk- Marlene Pletsch to Beirut, Canadian Embassy Wdsk- meters on Dundas St, price to be changed Wdsk- Mr Earl Corman dies agae 84 yrs Wdsk- new RC school needed? Wdsk- P M Dewan says senate member shoud be elected Wdsk parade Elgin Regiment Veterans 22nd reunion Wdsk- Polish Holy Cross Mission, Marian Owczarski skulpture Wdsk R C Board St Mayr's School new addition Wdsk- Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, Hank Knecht outstanding cadet Wdsk- speaker, Thelma Susmion at St Andrew's Church Wdsk St John ambulance need nore volunteers Wdsk swin-a-thon, for pool in Antigua Wdsk tax credit- 2 payments June and Oct Wdsk- Timberjack Machine, Hans R Bachr good because of exports Wdsk to Ingersoll Pony Express, Ken Carter, N Mason centennial event Wdsk- Toastmasters Cbu president Mrs John Davidson Wdsk- trailer parking in residentual areas Wdsk- tree corner of Light and Buller gone - driving hazard Wdsk- Wardens' Dinner Wdsk- Womens' Institute Achievment Day awards Wdsk- Young and Yates fined for hunting deer out of season Wdsk, Fanshaw sudents rent 78A to plant 4 types of corn Wdskand Thamesford safety patrols to Jamboree in Ottawa Wedding, Joyce Annd Warren to C W Lewis West Oxford S S #8 student reunion West Oxford S S #8 student reunion West Oxford W.I. 30th anniversary Meek, Thornton, Shelton West Oxford, G Nancekivell celebrates 85th birthday William Luasmore Air Force Womens' Institute- 50th anniversary, Woodsock- breach of promise, Daniel Jansen will have to pay Woodsock- Firestone Textiles has new building Woodsock Oxford County Dairy Princess, 5 ladies Woodsock- student UN should stop exchange with S African countries Woodsock- Truck Engineer avert strike Woodstock- 4-H Achievment Day awards Woodstock- 585 Acres for new plalnts- Harry Ubelacker Woodstock accident record down Woodstock Art Gallery 11th Annual Art Ass Woodstock Board of Education pay increase Woodstock Board of Education-tax cut (2) Woodstock- car crash, John E and Lynn Maria Riepert hurt Woodstock- Cecil Elliott found Brass cradle for Bruce Murray family Woodstock Central School, Writt, Patterson Woodstock Construction Gang 1909 Woodstock- Dune Buggers crash and face charges Woodstock E A (Sanday) Innes honoured, Hostein Breeders Ass Woodstock Flying Club on Goveneror's Road Woodstock- fountain gets a new coat of paint Woodstock- have election of council save money if every 2 years Woodstock Herman the Hermit Woodstock History Woodstock- James Talbot re-elected Provincial Fed Ont Pro Firefishters Woodstock- Jaycee, teen driving championship Woodstock- Kelsey Hayes accepts offer no strike Woodstock Legion- new president James Talbot Woodstock Little Theatare repeat Tango performance Woodstock- Local Resource Centre at St David's United Church Woodstock- meeting of farmers to in form things that affect them voting Woodstock- Mrs Eernie Kegs, Michelle at Woodstock Farmers' Market Woodstock Oliver Stephens School opened Woodstock Onario Housing Corp Council "Why delay" Woodstock- Parade, bands, floats Victoria Day Woodstock- parking meter still a penny Woodstock Phone Story 1877- Woodstock- Rev C G Rees adressed Huron Park School memorial service Woodstock Rotary Club 45th Anniversary Woodstock telephone operators 1924 Woodstock- truck semi and train collide in fog Woodstock- Victoria Day parade- freckle contest for girls Woodstock- Wally Nesbitt at cadet inspection Woodstock-Federation Naturist M Edwards shows slides Woodstock-John and John Armstong pay lfine YMCA Swimmers in Antigua Zorra East- by law on trailer parking Zorra East- tax rate increase Zorra Highland Park School- L B Hyde speaker at opening of school BK 3 5 5 5 5 5 6 3 5 3 5 3 6 3 2 3 3 5 5 7 6 6 5 5 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7, 5 5 6, 5 1 1 5 1 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6, 6 7 3 5 7 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 1 1 6 5 1 7, 6 1 6 7 3 6 4 1 7, 6 5 1 1 1 1 5 1 6 7 6 6, 1 6 7, 1 5 7 4 4 4 4 4 6 1 4 4, 2 5 5 5 6 7 5 5 5 6 7 4 5 7, 7, 7 3 7, 5 5 5 5 5 2 6 3 3 2 5 6 2 5 5 5 3 1 5 5 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 6 3 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 3 5 5 5 7, 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 6 3 6, 5 5 3 5 6, 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 7, 3 3 5 7, 3 5 1 7, 7, 5 7 5 6 3 5 5 3 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 7, 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 1 5 6 5 3 7, 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 7, 6 7, 7, 7 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 6 3 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 PG 27 23 38 52 28 65 6 13 8 34 42 37 27 33 3 8 29 59 1 5 30 31 29 22 30 30 5 7 15 1a 11 26 22 44 4 5 9 32 7 24 44 19 23-25 42 17 54 23 13,14 15 4 25 59 3 4 3 5 32 56 1 39 6 6 13b 1 2 5 10 36 26,27 9 1 57 18 9 22 8 18 2 6 18 3 15 9 11 34 10 11 10 14 44 5 2 4 11 2 2 21 9 28,29 23 3 8 7 4 5,6 3 4 4 7 7 5 56 53 49 26 5 12 35 8 31,32 5 2 27 10 10 6 21 10 20 18c 9 63 25 4 8 30 45 1 61 30 2 49 19 49 1a, 13 51 45 13 20 21 2 1 41 38 20 10 16 37 55 49 9 32 28 13 19 38 50 31 7 14 17 28 7 22 25 24 13c 10 12 9 11 48 57 35 26 7 8 21 25,26 1 11 18 6 15 62 5 40 36 54 6 41 19 3 11 8 31 5 21 17 36 12 47 42 28 5 28,29 3 60 18b 33 8 28 30 10 17 18b 3 45 24 5 19 7 19 16 6 14 27 42 23 7 27 3 36 29 38 65 57 64 63 19 63 61 8 12 37 51 3 51 55 61 60 28 31 18 25 56 46 44 37 39 20 20 37 23 25 64 58 65 62 50 27 51 58 40 21 1 27 36 36 18 7 40 48 20 8 28 28 9 2 5 17 30 4 42 15 3 6 2 64 58 59 11 6 12 42 16 6 12 58 10 41 19,20 15 51 15 9 50 9 43 22 41 42 65 35 41 17 1a, 60 16 23 29 4 7 16 42 53 50 14