JENVEY SCRAPBOOK BOX 535 INGESOLLAbbot, Mrs A Accidents C.N.R. Ackert, Clarence Ackert, Fred A Adair, Adair, W Adams, F E Adams, Mrs F H Adanis, Jadre Agur, R Agur, Robert Agur, Robert Agur, William Air of Prosperity Albrough Albrough E H Alexandra Hospital Alexandra Hospital - 50 years Alexandra Hospital Board -1960 Alexandra Hospital New Adminsrator,picture Alexandra, Queen Alford, Mrs W Allan, Miss M Allen, Allen, Norman Aller-Thorn, John Allison, Mrs Wiliam Almas, Mr Alter, Lloyd Alter, Lloyd Amos, Ale 105 Anderson Mr Anderson, Beverley Anderson, Beverly Anderson, Harold Anderson, R J Anderson, R V Andich, Betty Andrews, Mr. Annex Bid Prepared Annexing pros and cons(3) Annison, W Anthony, Tony Arkell, W H Armstrong Armstrong Evinrude, New Business Armstrong, JW Armstrong, Walter Armstrong, WH Arthurs, Sarah Ashman, W S Ashwells Atken, Daniel Atkins, F Atkinson, Joe Atkinson, R Atkinson, William Atlas 1876 Bace, Louis Badden, Badden, F Badker, J F Baggatto, Rev. J N Bagley, Hazen Baigent, William Bailey Bailey W Bailey, Charlie Bailie, Ross Bain, Norman Baker, F A Baker, M Baker, Moulding Baker, W A Baldwin,Thomas Ball, R N Ball, R N Ballow. Stephen Bambrick, Ken Banbary, W Bangarth, Mrs Stephen Bangs, Nathan Bank of Montreal Baptist Church - history Barber, Miss E M Barber, Rev Barker J Barker, Barker, Bert Barker, E Barker, Edward Barker, Frank Barker, JF Barker, Joseph Barker, Max Barker, Mrs Hilda Barker, William Barker,Max Barker,William Barnes, Judy Barnes, Norman Barnet, J Barnett, Beth Barnett, H Barnett, Mrs J R Barr, George Barr, Mary Barr, R W Barraclough, T H Barret, Barrett, Louis Barrie, Captain Barrie, James Barrie, James Barrie, Vincent Bartlett, George Bartram, Ross Barwick, John Baskette, Jack Baxter, Mrs Gordon Baxter, Mrs James Beard, Bearss, John Beattie, Dr. S Beattie, H Beattie, Peter Beatty, David Herbert Beatty, Louis S Beck George Beck, George G Beck, George Sr. Beckes, William Beckham, Mrs L A Beemer, Ralph Beer, Bruce S Belk, Mrs Pera Bell, A Bell, Fred Bell, James Bell, Mrs Bell, W C Bell, William Bellamy, J R Bellcamp Moved to New Plant Belldaire Milk Products to Get New Container Belllamy, T A Bell-Smith, F M Belton, Willis Benson, Mr Benson, Mr Benwell, Freddy Berry, W J Berry, W J Berry, William Better Roads & Sidewalks needed Beynon, Clifford Beynon, Mrs C Beynon, Mrs Clifford Bickerton, R G Bickerton, R J Bid to Annex Part of West Oxford Biddle, Ken Bidwell, Dianne Bigham, R A Bingham, Rev H H Binns, Snap Bishop, Tom Bixel, Max Black, W J Blackburn, Josiah Blackburn, Josiah Blackburn, W J Blackwell, Mr Blanchard, Donald Blancher, N L Bland, Edward M Blinkhorne, D M Bloor, Walter Blythe, Mrs Board of Health Bodwell Andrew Bodwell, James Boechner, Mrs G A Boles Boles, Edith Boles, Eva Boles, Frank Boles, John Boles, John E Boles, John E Boles, John E Boles, John(Sr.) Bolt, John Boniface, Alf Boniface, Alfred Booth, Mr Borden, Gail Borden's new plant Borland, B Bornhold, R F Bornhold, Robert F Boswick, Gideon Bourn, Carrie Bowditch, George Bower, Aubrey Bower, Don Bower, Don Bower, Don (Mayor) Bower, Donald Bower, Effie Bower, H T Bower, Harry T Bower, Harry T Bower, John Bower, Mayor Don Bower, Miss Effie Bowers, Dr. Bower's, historical sketch Bowman, Bud Bowman, H S Bowman, J Bowman, John Bowman, John Bowman, N Bowman, Pete Bowman, William Boyce, James Boynton, Herb Boyse, Henry Boyse, James Boyton, Jack Bradburn, Alexander Bradbury, Bradbury, F Braddish, Mrs Bradfield, Mrs Reginald Bradfield, Reginald Brady Brady, James Brady, John Brady, S E Brady, Silas Brady, Silas Branch Brant, Chief Joseph Brant, Joseph Brant, Joseph (Chief) Breel, Peter Breel, Peter Breel, Peter Bresson, Rev, (Father) J E Brett, W J Brewer, F J Brewer, J Brewers' Retail moved, picture Brewett, Brick going on King Street Brick Paving Thames Street going Briden, W Briden, William Bridgman, Bridgman, L G Briggs, C J Briggs, C J Bright, A Brisson Rev. J Brisson, Rev. Joseph Bristole, A Brock, Margaret Brock, W M Bronson Bronson, Dan Bronson, Daniel Bronson, George Bronson, George Bronson, Seymon Bronson, Seymour Bronson, W Bronson, William Brookfield, Roy Brooks, Mrs Viola Brooks, Victor Brough, Joseph Broughton, E Browers, Dr Browett, Browett, Joseph Browett, Joseph Browett, Joseph Browett, Mr Brown, Brown, Alex Brown, Anne Brown, Charles Brown, George Brown, H W Brown, J A Brown, J H Brown, James Brown, Lloyd Brown, Lloyd Brown, Mrs James Brown, Peter Brown, Peter Brown, Peter J Brown, Thomas Brown, Thomas Brown, Thomas Brown, Thomas Brown, Thomas Brownscombe, E Brusso, Noah Buchanan, B Buchanan, Bobbie Buchanan, Edgar Buchanan, J Buchanan, J V Buchanan, J V Buchanan, John Buchanan, John Buchanan, John Buchanan, M T Buchanan, M T Buchanan, T S Buchanan, W Buck, Charles S Buck, J Buckholder, W S Bucknell, D A Sr. Bucknell, Etta Budd, Jean Budd, W (Reeve) Buist, Mr Bulger, W H Bural, George Burdich, Burdick, Burdick, Caleb Burdick, Caleb Burdick, Enoch Burdick, Enoch Burdick, Freeman Burdick, Isaac Burdick, James Burgess, A Burgess, F Burgess, R Burgess, S Burke, Mrs A Burleigh, Mrs Patricia Burns, John Burns, Tommy Burns, W C Burrill, Harold Burtis, S S Butcher, Jerry Butler, Irwin Butter, Irwin Butterfield, Lorraine Byers, Jim Byers, Vic Byrne, Byrne, Thomas Byse, Lewis Cabot, Bill Cairn, Cairns, Caldwell Caldwell, O B Cameron, Don Cameron, G A Cameron, Robert Campbell, Constable Campbell, Hector Campbell, Homer Campbell, Homer Campbell, Homer Campbell, J D Campbell, K D Campbell, Ken Campbell, Mary Blanchard Campbell, W A Campbell, William Canada Silo Company, excavation Canadian Industries Fertilizer Will Close Candles 100 Town's Birthday Canfield Canfield, Abram Canfield, Abram Canfield, Chris Canfield, Daniel Canfield, Dr. Canfield, James Canfield, James Canfield, Joel Canfield, Joel Canfield, Samuel Canfield, Samuel Canfield, Thomas Canfield, Thomas Canterbury Street improvement, sewers etc. Card, Hattie Carney, Miss E G Carr B W Carr, R D Carr, A G Carr, B W Carr, Bert W Carr, Bob Carr, Bob Carr, Doug Carr, Robert Carr, Robert Carr, Thomas Carroll, Carroll, B Carroll, Daniel Carroll, Daniel Carroll, Dr. Carroll, Dr. D W Carroll, F G Carroll, Major Sheldon S Carroll, R H Carroll, R H Carroll, Reuben Carroll, Reuben Carter, Vic Cartier, H F (OPP Const) Cartin, John Cartmale, Mrs F Cartwright, Richard Case, Ebenezer Cassaday, Terry Caswell, Caswell, Edwin Caswell, Edwin Caswell, Mr Caswell, Mr Cawthorpe, Fred Cawthorpe, M Centennial Park Chadwick Chadwick, C J Chadwick, CE Chadwick, Charles E Chadwick, E Chadwick, Mayor Chambers, Chambers, Alice Chambers, George Chambers, Mr Chapman, J M Chapman, J M Chapman, John M| Charles-Thames Street Corner clock Cheese Box Arches Cheese Market Closed Chicago Vireous Canada Limited - pictures Chicago Viteous Can. Lim. - picture Chicago Vitreous Canada Limited - pictures Chicago Vitreous Canada Limited - pictures enamel Childs, Fred Chisholm E J Chivers, Melvin Choate, Curtis Choate, Jacob Chowan, J G Christian Ed Centre Trinity United Church Christie, Mrs Dorothy Christmas Turkey - new plant Christopher Bros. Christopher, Christopher, Aaron Christopher, John Christson, T Chronicle Volumes to Western Library Church pictures Cigars, hand-rolled CIL Closing Mid 1971 Civic Dinner - Deputy Clerk Leaving Clark Clark, Al B Clark, Clinton Clark, J (Mayor) Clark, Max Clark, Misses Clarke, Charles Clarke, Charles Gustin Clarke, John Clarke, Marilla Clayton R Clayton, Mrs J Clement, J G Clement, Mrs John Clement, Pete Clifford, Mrs Barclay Clifford, R J Clifford, R J Clifton George Clifton, George Clifton, George Clifton, George Clifton, George Climate Under Your Control Cloes, Mr Closed Super Market, picture CNR Pemberton Street Crossing Repaired Coffee House -St James Anglican Church Coin Club - history Cole, Grace Cole, James A Cole, W A Coleridge, Dr. James B Coleridge, J B Coleridge, Mayor Coles, L K Collegiate 1886 2 rooms Collegiate opened Collegiate school 1951 Collegiate, Long Service Record Comfort, F Comiskey, C Comiskey, M Comiskey, M J Comiskey, M J Comiskey, Thomas Condon,A Condos, Pete Connor, Leo Connor, Mrs Dorothy Connor, Mrs Ralph Constable, H Constable, H Construction for new Collegiate High School 99 Consulting Firm Hired Cook, E Cook, John Cook, LP Cook, William Cook, William Cooper, Constable Cooper, George Cooper, Norman Cooper, R W Cope, Bob Cope, Fred Copeland, Miss L G Cornerstone Alexandra Hos pictures Cornerstone, ICI where? Corney, A H Cornish, C C Cornish, Dr C C Cornish, Dr. C C Coronation Funiture Company Corsari, Robert Corson, Robert Cotterell, Frank Cottingham, J D Coulter, J A Coulter, Joanna Coulter, W Council 1952, pictures Council 1st Named Counter, Dr J W Counter, Dr J W Counter, J W Court, Mrs Cowan, Andrew Cowan, Dr. Coyle, B Coyle, Blake Coyle, Blake Coyle, Blake Coyle, Mrs Blake Cragg, Charles Cragg, W E Craig, Jack Craik, Minnie Craik, Mrs R B Crandall, F Crane, C P Crawford R Crawford, Allan Crawford, Betty Crawford, George Crawford, James A Crawford, Miss Betty Crawford, Miss Betty Crawford, William Crichton, Robert Crisp, Arthur Crosbie, George Cross, Archibald Crossman, Marta Crosswell, John Crotty, Crowfoot, A H Crown, John Cryderman, J C Cryderman, J R Culham, G Culham, Gordon Culham, Gordon Curling Club - picture Currie, Edna Currie, George Currie, Iza Currie, James G Currie, Russell Curry, L E Curtice, Curtis Curtis, David Curtis, Sarah Cussons, Thomas Cuthbert, James Cuthbert, Pete Cuthbert, Vern - County Warden Cuthbert,Gail Cuthbertson, D G Dagleish, Mr Daly House history Daly Mrs Helen Daly, Absalom Daly, E Daniel Gordon Daniel, C D Daniel, Charles D Daniel, K R Daniel, K R Daniel, K R Daniel, Ken Daniel, Naboth Daniel, Rev C D Daniel, Rev C D Daniel, Shirley Daniell, Miss May Dasey, William Davey, G Davey, William David, J Ferns Davidson, Hugh Davidson, Marie Davies, Roy Davin, Hon. W G Davis, E J Day Care Nursery Day Nursery Nearly Ready Deamude, Dean, J W Dean, J W Dean, James Dean, Mrs James Decision Reserved by OMB-Annex Delaney, Delaney, Dr deMabille, Pierre Gaspasd Dempsey, John Dent, T R Depew, Dolly Dewan P M Dewan, Michael Dewan, Mrs P M Dewan, P.M. Dewart, Edward Dial phone will begin 1963 -Ingersoll Dial Systerm - picture Dibbs, Dickart, Bruce Dickout, Alfred Dickout, Bruce Dickson, Diefenbaker, John Dodge, D Dolson, Tinc Dotty, Edward Doty, Abel Doty, Albel Doty, Austin Doty, Austin Doty, Ed Doty, Edward Doty, J Doty, Jacob Doty, Jacob Doty, Nelson Doty, Nelson Douglas, Douglas, Bertha Douglas, George Douglas, Harley Douglas, Harvey Douglas, J W Douglas, Jack Douglas, Jack Douglas, Mr H Douglas, Mrs Jack Douglas, R D Dowling, Les Downham, Leslie Doyle, Dream Comes True, J Herbert Drury, Miss M Duff, Mrs Elizabeth Duncan, George Duncan, J D Duncan, J R Duncan, Jack Duncomb, Dr. Dundas, Aubrey Dundas, Barbara Dundas, E E Dundas, Frank Dundas, Mary Dundass, Nellie Dundass, William Dunn M Dunn V Dunn, Aggie Dunn, C Dunn, H Dunn, Mary Dunn, Mrs T N Dunn, T N Dunn, T N Dunn, T N Dunn, William Dunn,W Dutton, James Duzs, John Dynes, John Early Days, Mayor, Church Eastwood, W Eastwood, W Eastwood, W Ede, David Edmonds, A H Edmonds, A H Edmonds, A H Edmonds, A P Edmonds, Alex Edmonds, Glen Edmunds, Jennie Edwards, Isaac Edwards, John Jr. Egley, Herb Egley, Herbert Eidt, C A Eidt, C A Eidt, Herman Ekins, Ken Elgie, Percy Elgin, Elgin, Lord Ellery, H Ellery, Harry Ellery, Walter Elliot, John Elliott, F C Elliott, F C Elliott, J N Elliott, J W Elliott, Noah Elliott, Robert Elliott, W J Elliott, William J Ellis Ellis, A H Ellis, Chief Fred Ellis, Fred (Fire Chief) Ellis, G C Ellis, Gordon Ellis, Mrs F Ellis, R Y Elwood, Edward C Emery, Dr G Emery, Dr G H Empey, J E Empey, John Empey, W N English, Bill English, Wiliam English, William Eshelby, E Essex Wire Corporation New Plant,picture Essez Wire Employ 700 Ethridge, Mrs Cora Evans, Evans, Dillwyn T Evans, Joe Evans, Rev E T Expansion Alexandra Hospital Expansion Alexandra Hospital Expansion to 18 hole golf course Exports, apples, turkeys Facey, Betty Facey, Mrs. Rev Fair A Success Fair pictures Falconer, R Fall Fair Prize list Families in Ingersoll 28 in 1828 Famous Names in West Oxford Fanning, Miss M A Farms Aided Farms Farrington Farrington, Harvey Fast, John Fawkes Fawkes, T F Featherstone, Charles W Featherstone, William Feldmar, Les Feldmar, Les Fenian Raid 1866 Fenian Raid medal Fenton, T W Ferguson, Ada Ferguson, J Ferguson, J C Ferguson, James Ferguson, James W Fergusson, James Fergusson, Jim Ferris, Fewster, Ross Fewster, Ross Fewster, Ross Fick, Buzz Fick, H W Fick, H W Fick, Harry Fick, W Filmore, Tom Filvesy, Mr Finkle, Mr Finley, Miss G M Fire Department Fire Equipment 1855 Fire Hall Tower, picture Fire Hall Tower, picture Fire, Fruit Shop, Can. Tire etc Fire, Hydro Community Centre Firm Needs Special Need of Farmers First House, Thomas Ingesoll First Nurses Graduate, Alexandra Hos First Train - 1853 Fisher, Mrs G Fishleigh, Pearl Fitzgerald, Fitzmorris, D Fitzmorris, Douglas Fixing tracks on CNR tracks Flag presented at Princess Anne School Flag problem 1872 Flaherty, J A Flanagan, William Flanders, Norman Flecter Susan Flecter, Theresa Fleet, S M Fleischer P T Fleischer Ted Fleischer, Fleischer, J W Fleischer, Mrs Maud Fleischer, Mrs P T Fleischer, P T Fleischer, P T Fleischer, PT Fleming, G W Fleming, Howard Edwin Fleming, J Fleming, Sir Sanford Fleming, W E Fleming, W E Fleshman, Rev Charles Fletcher, Dan Flewelling, Grace Flook, W Flynn, Lee Forbes, Robert Ford, Ken Ford, Lloyd Forest Before Settlers Forman, W C Forrest, Dave Forrest, David Forrest, John Forrest, Mrs David Foster, Aaron Foster, Brian Foster, D Foster, D K Foster, E J Foster, George Foster, K R Foster, Larry Foster, R S Foster, R S Foster, William Four Hotels for Stage Coach travellers Fowler Francis, George Franklin, Mrs Beatrice Franklin, Mrs Max Franks, Fred Fransisce, Mr Frezell Frezell, R Frezell, R Frizelle, John Frost M Frost, Leslie M (Premier) Frost, M Fuerth, Rev Father Fugard, H D Fuller, Herb Fuller, Herb Fuller, Nancy Fulton, F Fulton, F Fulton, J Frank Furlong, Dr H G Furlong, Dr Harry Furlong, H G Gaines, Robert Gallagher, William Galliford Galliford, John Galliford, John Galliford, John Galliford, John Galloway Galloway, Ed Galloway, Bryon Galloway, J C Galloway, James G Galloway, John Galluci, F L Garbage Collection Garbo Products Bought 99 Victoria Street Garland, Boyd Garland, Mrs Boyd Garner, Emma Garrett, A S Garrity, John Garrity, Michelle Garrity, Mike Garrity, Pat Gayfer, F Gayfer, Fred Gayfer, John Gayfer, John Gayfer, John Gayfer, John Gazetteer 1862, good history Gazzola, Angelo Gbson, John Geanos, Charlie Gee, Sidney Gee, Thomas General Manager retiring, Ingersoll Machine and Tool company George Hayes Recalls Town's Greatest Day George Hayes Recalls Town's Greatest Day George, Charles Gerhard, Miss Mabel Gerhardt, E Gerhardt, Miss M German, J G German, James Gerrie, D Gibbons, John Gibbs, Mrs Jim Gibson, Gibson, Edwin Gibson, J S Gibson, James Sr Gibson, Joseph Gibson, Joseph Gibson, Mrs Sam Gibson, Postmaster Gibson, S A Gibson, Sam Gibson, Sam Gibson, Sam Gibson, Thomas Gibson, William Giivesy, Constable Gilbert, K G Gilchrist, John Gilings, Mrs Edward Gill, CC Gill, Orwell J Gillespie, Gillin, Charles H Gilling, Mrs M Gilvesay Const for new telephone company Gilvesy, John Gilvesy, Mr Gleeson, K Glenn, Joan Glover, Mr Golden Age Club Good,Kenneth Googsburg, Gordon Alexander Gordon Hugh Gordon, A Gordon, Alexander Gordon, Arthur Gordon, Arthur S Gordon, Rev. Douglas Gordon, Rev. JD Gould, Miss Margaret Gould, Miss Margaret Grace, Maggie Graham, Mrs P M Grant covers cost for school plans - Collegiate Grant, J Grant, James Grant, R D Grant, R M Grant, William Green, Mrs R W Green, R W Green, R W Green, R W Greenaway,I R Greenfield, Oscar Greer Norm Greer, Perry Greg, Fred Greg, Gwen Grenell, Mrs F Grey, Mr and Mrs Grey, William Grieve James S Grieve, Aggie Grieve, James Griffin, P J Grigg, S E Grimes, Mrs C Grinnell, Mrs Frank Groves, A Guelich, Otto Guest, Duncan M Gunn, Neil Gunson, Bertie Gunson, George Gunson, Louie Gurnett, Gurnett, G F Gurnett, George Gurnett, George Gurnett, George S Gurnett, J S Gurnett, John S Gurnett, John Sayers Gurnett, John Sayers Hackett, Mary Hackney, D S Hagarty, Mr Hager, Joe Hagerty, Cons Haggerty, W A Haggerty, Woodrow Hagle, Haining, Robert Hainng Hale, Solomon Peter Hall Hall, Allan C Hall, Allan G Hall, C P Hall, C P Hall, Charles Hall, Charles P Hall, Charles, Hall, Elisha Hall, Elisha Hall, Elisha Hall, Elisha Hall, Harold Hall, Ichabod Hall, Miss Margaret Hallack, Clark Hallaeck, Clark Hambley, William Hambly,Pat Hamilton, Miss M M Hamilton, Miss N Hamlen, Seth Hamlin, Seth Hamlyn, Charles Hammond, Dennis Hampson, Constable Paul Handley, Herbert Hanes, James Hanington, Fred A Hanlon, James Jr. Hansuld, Kathryn Hardman, William Hargar, Mrs J C Hargreaves John R Harkes, H W Harlow, Les, Fire Chief Harlow, Leslie, Fire Chief Harlowe, Les Harone, Ronald Harp, H W Harper, N Harrington, John Harris Harris, Andrew Harris, Charlie Harris, Daniel Harris, Dr A Harris, Edward Harris, Eijah Harris, Elisha Harris, Ely Harris, G Burton Harris, Gilbert Harris, J C Harris, James Harris, James P Harris, John Harris, Lois M Harris, Lorainy Harris, Miss H Harris, R C Harris, Thomas M Harris, Warren Harris, William Harris,Ernie Harrison, Miss Dora Harrison, Mrs Victor Hartsell, Mrs W Hault, Gordon Hault, Mr and family Hawkins, B Hawkins, F W Hawkins, Ford Hawkins, Nellie Hay, J Haycock, Charles Haycock, Mervin Haycock, Mervyn Haycock, Mrs D L Hayes, Anna Hayes, George Hayes, N Hayter, G L Hayter, G L (Bud) Hayter, George E Hayward, Lillian Hayward, Miss Lillian Hayward, w Haywood, William Hazelwood, Chuck Healey, R Healy, L V Hearn, Hearn, Harry Hearn, Lillian Hearn, William Heath, Doug Heavyweight boxing - Johnston Heeney, Carl B Heeney, Mrs Gerald Heger,J C Hegler, Jack Hegler, Ray Hemsworth, John Hemsworth, Pat Henderson Hall Opened, picture Henderson, Henderson, Andrew Henderson, Bob Henderson, J N Henderson, James Henderson, James Henderson, James N Henderson, James N Henderson, Kitch Henderson, Minnie Henderson, Nellie Hendriks, William Hendry Henley, R Henry, G B Henry, Gordon Henry, Gordon B Henry, Jesse Henry, Mayor G B Henry, Mrs G Henry, Sidney Herbert, J C Herbert, J C Herbert, Major J C Herbert, Mrs Herbert, Mrs J C Herbert, Tommy Herrington, Walter S Hessanaur, G E Hessenauer, G E Hey, Tom Hicks, Bill Hicks, Cecil Hicks, Eddie Hilborn, Carolyn Hilborn, Conan Hilborn, Rev. John C Hillborn, J C Hillis, D Hillman, Floyd Hincks, Harold L Hincks, Honourable Francis MPP Hincks, J Perrott Hines, C J Hines, Cliff Hislop, Mattie Hislop, T Historical Plaque at Town Hall- history, pictures Hoag, Mrs C K Hoagg, Annie Hoagg, Charles Hoare, Mrs E Hoax - Pond Hockey team won 1907 Hodges, Hodges, Miss Ada C Hodsden, Audrey Hogarth, W I Hoit, Holahan, Sarah Holatko, Jerry Holcroft, M B Holcroft, William Holland, C Holland, Jack Hollinrake, Mr Holmes, Yvonne Holt, J Honskins, William Hook, "Dip" Hook, Willie Hope for New Y.M.C.A. Hopkins, H B Horner, Thomas Horseman, Dennis Horseman, Miss Mae Horsman, Dennis Horton, A R Horton, Allan Horton, Allan Horton, F N Horton, Howard Horton, Norman Hossack, Warden J D Houghton, Allen Houghton, Charlie House Demolished for Victory School, picture House, Ron Houston, James Houston, P C Hovendon, Sarah Hovercraft Plant -100 jobs Hovey, Chas Howald, H Howard, H Howse, John Hoyt, C Hoyt, Dr Hoyt, J J Hubbard, Martin Hudson, Celesta Hudson, Gerald Hugill Hugill, John Hull, Ruth Hultz, Hunsberger, J H Hunsberger, J H Hunsberger, Jack Hunsberger, Miss Mildred Hunt, Dorothy Hunt, G.W. Hunt, Mrs Lewis Hunt, Robert Hunt, Susan Hunt, Ted Hunter, R F Huntley, George Hupman, Carl Hurst, J S Hurst, Ross Husband, Jennie Husband, Wesley Hutchinson, J F Hutchison, David Hutchison, Duncan Hutt, E R Hutt, Mrs R B Hutt, R B Hyden, Mrs Lorne Iannarelli, Joseph ICI pictures Ickes Ickes, S Ritter IDC Collegiate Board IDCI Addition Talk IDCI Banquet, J C Herbert Retiring IDCI New Addition Approved IDCI School Cairn, picture IDCI School Cairn, picture IDCI studednts 1881 names IDI addition cost Inaugural Meeting - Centennial Independent Grocers Assoc. Site Industrial Site Planned Ingersoll Ingersoll 1859 Ingersoll Bank buys Old Post Office Ingersoll Barrister Named QC Ingersoll Book Club 25 years Ingersoll Chamber of Commerce - Directors Ingersoll Chamber of Commerce members Ingersoll Cheese Aquired by Nestle firm Ingersoll Chronicle - Newspaper history Ingersoll Community Services, picture Ingersoll Council 1955 Ingersoll Council Get Increase Ingersoll Delivery begin - Letter carriers service Ingersoll Education officers picture Ingersoll in 1852-63 good history Ingersoll Lawn Bowling Club Ingersoll Lawn Bowling Club history Ingersoll Letter Carriers a Reality Ingersoll Machine and Tool Ends Strike Ingersoll Manufacturing Mill to Start Ingersoll Need Land- yes or no Ingersoll Need Land- yes or no Ingersoll once a busy port Ingersoll Optimist Ingersoll Police on Police network Ingersoll Police Pay Increase Ingersoll Railway, picture Ingersoll ratepayers Turn Down Sunday Sports ect. Ingersoll School Wing plans Ingersoll to get MIL Carrier Service Ingersoll Town Council, picture Ingersoll, Beverley Ingersoll, Catherine Ingersoll, Charles Ingersoll, Charles Ingersoll, Charles Ingersoll, Charles Sr. Ingersoll, Fire Ingersoll, George Ingersoll, James Ingersoll, James Ingersoll, James Ingersoll, James Beverley Ingersoll, James Jr Ingersoll, James Sr Ingersoll, Jared Ingersoll, John Ingersoll, John MacNab Ingersoll, Justus Ingersoll, L F Ingersoll, Laura Ingersoll, Mary Blanchard Ingersoll, Mr Ingersoll, Richard Ingersoll, Robert Ingersoll, Robert Ingersoll, Samuel Ingersoll, Samuel Ingersoll, Squire James Ingersoll, Thomas Ingersoll, Thomas Ingersoll, Thomas Ingersoll, Thomas Ingersoll,Thomas Inglesby, R Innes, Gordon Innes, Gordon MLA IODE Formed in Ingersoll, picture IODE, painting to Princess Anne School 106 Ireland, Mr Ireland, Mrs W Irving, D Irving, Robert Izzard A E Izzard James Izzard, A E Izzard, James Jackson N B Jackson, J B Jackson, Jean Jackson, Jean Jackson, Mrs Frank Jackson, Robert Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Tom James, Cpl. James, Robert Jameson, Anna Jamieson, Cliff Janes George Janes, George Janes, George Janes, George Janes, George F Janes, Heman Janes, Joseph Janes, L Janes, Margaret Jarvis Jarvis G T Jarvis, G, T Jenkins, W Floyd Jenvey Jenvey Mr and Mrs B Jenvey, B G Jenvey, Bryon Jenvey, Byron Jenvey, Byron Jenvey, Byron Jenvey, Charles Jenvey, Roy Jepson, Helen Jetson Enterprise, picture Jetson, Co Ltd Jewellers Open for Business, Johnson's, picture Jewer, Lieut Amy Jewett Jewett, Abe Jewett, Bob Johnson, C S Johnson, Harry Johnson, Roy Johnson, William Johnston C S Johnston, F E Johnston, F Earl Johnston, Jack Johnston, James Johnston, Jean Johnston, Mrs Allan Jones, F Jones, Guy Jones, James Jones, Mrs Mary Jordan, Bll Jowette, Mrs Eve Joyce, Robert Judd, Oscar Justason, John Kane, Dr Elisha Kent Karn, D W Karn, W A Kaufman, John Kay, John Kean, Frank Keating Keighley, T H Keirwin, John Keitch, S C Kelley, E Kelly, Charles Kelly, Hugh Kelly, J Kelly, Mr Justice D P G Kelly, Russell Kelsie, H Kelso, Ella Kelson, Abel Kennedy, A Kennedy, C J Kennedy, Dr. Kennedy, G Kennedy, Joseph Kennedy, Miss A Kennedy, Moses Kennedy, Moses Kennedy, Mrs Sandra Kennedy, Rev. George Kennedy, Sr. C J Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, William Kennedy, William Kenney A Kenney, Shirley R Kerr, D Kerr, Don Kerr, Mr Kerr, R J Kerr, R J Kerr, R J Kerr, Robert Kerr,Bill Kestle, F E Kiborn, Frank Kiborn, Reg Kierans, Eric Kilgore, Const. Kilgore,Ross Kilgour, Ross Kilgour, Ross C Kimberley, Fred King, King, Miss M King, Ralph E King, Rev. R King, S King, Stephen King, Stephen King, W S King, William King, William S King's Message Kirkwood, Mrs Kirwin, Leo J Kiwanis Club Projects Knapman, Miss Jeanne Kneeshaw, Alice Kneeshaw, Elizabeth Kneeshaw, Robert Kneeshaw, Robert Knott, Mr Knott, Roy Knott, Roy Koerber, Dr W F Koyle, Eardley Kragh, William Kulmatcycky, Jon Laarz E J Lacrosse, picture of teams LaFlamme, James LaFlamme, Mrs Wilfred Laidlaw, Ron Laing W Laing, W T Laird, Alexander Laird, Harland Lambert, Mrs Barbara Lambert, Sandy Lamphier, W H Lampkin, W Lampman, Mrs E Landon, Rev W H Landon, W H (Rev) Lane, A Langfield Lashley, Homer Laucek Constable George Laura Secord 1793 Laurier, Sir Wilfred Laven, Thomas Laverty, Msgr F J Law, Miss Shirley Lawrence, Haun. Lawrence, W G Lawsom, Mrs R Lawson, Dr John Lawson, Dr. J Lawson, Honourable Ray, Lieutenant Governor Lawson, J Laycock, George Laycock, George Laycock, John Leaper, Mr and Mrs Walter Leaper, Walter Leaper, Walter L Learmouth, Sir James Lee, A B Lee, Art Lee, Frank Lee, J Lee, J Lee, Mrs. H A Lee, T R Lee, Thomas Lee, Tommy Lee, Tommy Lee,Scurry LeFave Leid, Robert Leigh, John Leigh, Samuel Leitch, Lenihan, J Leslie, Beatrice Letter Carriers Move into New Post Office Building Levack, Ken Lewis, Asokie Lewis, Betsy Lewis, C Lewis, F G Lewis, Mrs A Lewis, R A Library Renovation,picture Licence Granted for new hotel Lindsay, Dude Lindsey, Mrs H Lindsey, Mrs H Liquor Licence for St Charles Hotel Little Little, Derek Little, Derek Little, H Little, J Little, John E Little, John E Lockhart, G L Lockhart, John Lockhart, Rev George Y Lockhart, Rev. George Loding, Graham Loding, Rebecca Loff, Richard Log Plank Houses 1828 Logan, F Howard Logan, Miss Logie, S Loneck, Silas Long, Long, William M Longfield Longfield, M Longfield, M Longfield, Maurice Longs, Levi Love, C A Love, Jack Love, Jack Love, Margaret E Loveridge, J Loveridge, J Loveridge, John D Lowes, Austin Lowes, Clara Lowrie J Lowsley, Ariel Lucas, Lucyk, Rev. Stanley Lumbers, L G Luxton, Rt. Rev. G N Lyman, Osman Lyndon, Borden Lyndon, Borden Mabee, Abigail Mabee, Albert Mabee, Gene Mabee, W B MacAay, A MacAulay, Alexander MacDonald, Miss J I MacDonald, Peter MacFarlane, S W MacGinnis, Alex MacKay, J MacKenie, Don MacKenzie, Donald MacKenzie, E Macklin, John MacLachlan, C V MacLachlan, C V MacLean, M C MacMillan, H E MacNab, Alan MacNab, Catherine MacNiven, H MacNiven, James MacPherson, Aimie Semple MacQueen, Angus J Mahar, Mrs H Mahon Arthur E Mahoney, Rt Rev A P Mail Delivery ends Maines, W J Maitland Theatre Ends Silence Making, Mrs G Malcolm, Robert Malone, Bob Malone, R S Maloney, Ed Malpass Mrs Graham Mannone, Jim Manslaughter heard in Supreme Court Manuscripts 18th Century Thames Valley Manzer, Wesley Map, 1876 Ingersoll Marchant, Hattie Mariani, Rev Joseph Maricle Maricle, Mr Markham, John Markham, Mrs Thomas Marr, Marriott, Hugh Marsden Marsh, J Walker Marshall, Margaret Marshall, Robert Marshall, T L Marshall, W Marshall, W R Marshall, W R Marshall, W R Marshall, Warwick Martin, Calvin Martin, Honourable Paul Martin, J J Martin, Reuben Martin, Sarah Mason, Alfred Mason, Charles Mason, George Mason, George Mason, M Masters, C K Masters, Harry Matheson, Bella Matheson, H Matheson, John Matheson, John Mathews, John Matthews, Miss A J Maurice, Fred Maybee, W B Mayberry, James Mayberry, L Mayberry, M Mayberry, T R Maynard, William Maynard, William Maynard, William Maynard, Zenas McBain, George McBain, H H McBeath, Wilson McBride, J C McBride, J C McBride, John McBride, John McBride, Joyce (Hamer) McBride, W H McCaffery, Mrs Elizabeth McCall, R D McCart, Art McCart, Arthur H W McCart, Maureen McCart, Michael McCart, Sharon Marie McCart, Shirley McCart, Susan McCarthy, Chuck McCarthy, James McCarthy, Mr McCarty McCarty, Asa McCarty, Asa McCarty, Emma McCarty, Nelson (Dandy) McCary McCaughey McCaughey James McCaughey, J McClary, D L McClellan, E R McCleneghan McCleneghan A McClintock, R McCombe, G McCombe, Mrs Lewis McCorquodale, Euphemia McCorquodale, Pat McCrae, A L McCrae, A L McCue Charles McCue, Charles McCue, Margaret McDermaid, C McDermott Maggie McDermott, F McDermott, M J McDiarmid, H F McDonald A.J. McDonald, Al McDonald, Dr J D McDonald, George McDonald, James McDonald, James McDonald, James McDonald, James F McDonald, John McDonald, Mrs George McDonald, Mrs J D McDonald, Mrs J D McDonald, R McDonnell, Joan McDougall, Clare McDougall, F McDougall, Marjorie McDougall, W A McEwen, John McFadden, John McFarlane, Robert McFarlane, S W McFee, Mr McFee, Neil McGachie, J McGelrick McGill, Matthew McGolrick, McGuffan, T W McHeniea Development Co McIntyre and Griffin McIntyre, McIntyre, D C McIntyre, Donald McIntyre, James McIntyre, James McIntyre, Max McIntyre, T M McIntyre, William McKay A (Dr) McKay Dr. McKay S G McKay, B McKay, D McKay, Dr Angus McKay, Dr. McKay, Dr. A McKay, James McKay, John McKay, John McKay, R A McKay, W G McKay, William McKee, Mrs V McKellar, Janet McKellar, Jennie McKellar, John McKellar, Maggie McKellar, Margaret McKellar, Miss Janet McKenzie McKenzie, A McKenzie, Alexander McKenzie, Donald McKenzie, J T McKenzie, Sticker McKenzie, Susie McKillen, Miss M McKim, Edward McKim, Harry McKinney, Mrs McKinney, Mrs J W McKion, Ed McKnight, Alphonso McLachlan, C V "Bud" McLachlan, Duncan McLagan, Donald McLay, Dave McLean, Allan McLean, C J McLean, Foster McLean, George A McLean, James McLean, John McLellan E R McLellan, Mrs William McLellan, W L McLeod N L McLeod, McLeod, Billy McLeod, Earl McLeod, Gordon C McLeod, J J McLeod, Kenneth McLeod, Mrs Kenneth McLeod, Norman L McLeod, R McLeod, William McMartin, Tart McMillen W McMillen, W E V McMurray McMurray, John McMurray, Marsh McMurray, Nellie McMurray, W McMurray, William McNab, Colonel A McNab, J McNally, Miinnie McNaughton, Chris A McNaughton, J M McNeal, Miss McNight M McNiven Robert McNiven, Hope McNiven, J McNiven, James McNiven, John McNiven, R McNiven, R E McNiven, Robert McNulty, R J McPhee, Miss Florence McPherson Aimee Semple McQueen, Rev C J McSherry, A McWilliams, K A Meatherall, Charles Meatherall, John Meek, M Meek, Mrs Verne Meek, P V (Verne) Meek, Verne Meeting, separating Ingersoll from Oxford 1913 Mellanby, George Memorial Centre now opened Memorial Park Bridge, picture Memorial Park for those killed in the War Menhennick, L C Mercer, Mary Merchant, F W Meredith Merick Merick, Mr Merifield H E Merigold, Mr Merritt Meyerjack, Andy Millar, T D Millard, Wayne Miller (mayor) Miller (Mayor) Miller, Grace Miller, J G Miller, John Miller, John Miller, Justus Miller, Lillie Miller, M Miller, Mrs Miller, Mrs. Miller, R J Miller, Roger Miller, Wesley Mills (ex mayor) Mills, Graham Mills, Mildred Mills, Mildred Mills, Walter Mills, Walter Milne, Adolphus Milne, George Milne, J C Milne, J D Milne, James Milne, James Minler, Clare Minler, Lena Minler, Mrs Miracle Mitchell Charles Mitchell, Andrew Mitchell, Andrew Mitchell, George Mitchell, J B Mitchell, J B Mitchell, John Mitchell, Mrs J B Mitchell, Mrs John Mitchell, Mrs John Mitchell, Mrs M Mitchell, O J Moffat, M Moffatt Monach Developments Money planned for new school Monthly Exams ICI Moon, Annie E Moon, Miss Annie Moore, A B Moore, Dinty Moore, J H Moorhouse, J H Morello, Gus Morello, Jennie Moreton, Herb Morgan, Lloyd Morrey Morrey J F Morris, Edward Morris, Edward Morris, Father William Morris, Father William Morris, John Morris, John Morris, Mrs Helen Morris,T J Morrison Thomas Morrison Tom Morrison, Alex Morrison, Hugh Morrison, John Morrison, Mary Morrison, Mary Morrison, May Morrison, Mayor Thomas Morrison, Mr & Mrs T Morrison, Mrs W R Morrison, N Morrison, Thomas Morrison, Thomas Morrison, Thomas (Mayor) Morrison, Thomas J Morrison, Thomas J Morrison, Thomas J (Mayor) Morrison, Willie Morrison,Thomas Morrow Morrow, Harry Morrow, John Mortimer, M C Morton, Alex Mott, Carman Mott, E Mott, Stella Moulton, E Moulton, Emerson Moulton, Frank Moulton, Russell G Move "BigCheese" site Mowat, Mr Mowat, Oliver Moyer, Ernest Moyer, W A E Moyer, William Mtchell, Mr & Mrs J D Muir, J Mullohand, Lloyd Municipal Council 1950 picture Munro, J M Munroe, George A Munroe, J B Murdoch James Murdoch, G W Murdoch, James Murdock, James Murdock, James Murdock, Rev G W Murlock, James Murphy, Arthur Murray, ,D Murray, A G Murray, A G Murray, A G Murray, A G Murray, Alex O Murray, Dr J Murray, Dr J D Murray, Dr J G Murray, Dr. J G Murray, Harry Murray, J G Murray, J G (Dr.) Murray, Mr Murray, Mrs A G Music Club- History 55 years Muterer, Dr. A B Muterer, Neil Myers, A Myers, Louise Nadalin, Joe Naftolin, Lee Nagle, George Nagle, Harry Nagle, W L Name new principal at Victory Memorial School Nancekivell, John Nancekivell, Mr & Mrs Earl Nancekivell, Stuart Nancekivell, Ted Nancekvell, Barbara Nash, Mrs Margaret Neaves, J Neelands, Miss Neely, James Neil, R Neill, R Neilson Miss A L Nelles, J H Nelles, W B Nelson, W Nesbitt, E W Nesbitt, Wallace New Aerator Built New Alexandra Hospital opened New and Retiring Fire Chiefs New Apartments on Earl Street, picture New Apartments on Thames Street New Bank of Montreal- pictures (3) New Chief of Police, picture New Clergy at St James Church New Clerk-treasurer New Collegiate High School opening New Council, picture New Council, picture New Flags at Ingersoll Cheese Co, picture New hotel at 350 King Street west New Housing Project New Idea Furnaces fire New Mail Carriers - picture New Official Plan for Growth New Parking Lot New phone office on Historic Site New Police Chief New Postmaster New Power Line Begins New Principal Named, picture New QC, picture New Shopping Mart planned New Subdivision - Wellington Place, picture New Subdivision at Ferguson farm New Water Pumping Station, picture New Water Tank planned New Windows at Presbyterian Church Newell, King Newell, King Newell, King Newell, King Newell, Mrs G K Nicholls Nicholls, J A Nichols Nichols, Elizabeth Nielsen, Miss Anna Nightingale, Florence Nobes, Cecil Noble, James Noe, Frances Noe, Ginger Noe, L Noe, L Noe, Louis Nolan, Mr Norsworthy Norsworthy, J W Norsworthy, Mrs Jane Elizabeth Noxon, Noxon, Dorland Noxon, Freeman Noxon, James Noxon, James Noxon, James Noxon, James Sr. Noxon, Samuel Noxon, Stephen Noxon, Stephen Noxon, Wilbur Noxon, William Noxon, William Nunn, Mrs Audrey Oakley, V J O'Connor O'Connor, Arthur O'Connor, H Odell, Roy Odlum (Dr) Oenslager (Dr) Oenslager John Ogden, Henry O'Grady, Fred O'Hayra, George Old Alexandra Hospital picture Old Boys' Reunion picture 1900 Old Collegiate -picture Old Gym moving to be apartments Old letter describes Ingersoll 120 years ago Old Y indoor pool Oldest Mason died - cairn, picture Oldridge, Charles O'Lee, J Patrick Oliver Oliver, A Oliver, Adam Oliver, Adam Oliver, Adam Oliver, J W Oliver, Marilla Oliver, Mary Oliver, Thomas Olmstead, Charles Omand, John OMB Approves Annex 118 Acres OMB Grants Ingersoll 118 Acres O'Meara, P O'Neil, Charles O'Neill O'Neill J Ontario Housing Corporation Building,picture Ontario Scholars Opening of New IDCI school Opening of new Thames Street Bridge Opening of Westfield School Optimist new council Option land for School at Ingersoll Orange Lodge 1894 Ormiston, George C O'Rouke, Margaret Osbaldeston, J B Osborn, Dr C A Osborne Dr Cecil A OWRC Granted Conrol of Ingersoll Sewage Oxford Dairy celebrating 10th year Oxford Dairying Oxford Driver, not guilty Oxford Driver, one year Oxford Twp Gets 118 Acres Back Pace, Mrs John Pace, Rev John Pacethorpe, Emma Page Paine, C C Paine, David Palmer, C D Palmer, M Parker, Susan Parkhurst, Charles Parkhurst, Charles Parkhurst, Charles Parks, Art Parkurst, Charles Parr, Harold Partlo Partlo, Dr. Partlo, S C Pascoe, Dick Paterson Paterson, J Paterson, J A Paterson, J L Paterson, John Paterson, Mrs R A Paterson, W A Patience, C R Patience, C R Patterson Patterson Gordon Patterson Lenard Patterson, J Patterson, John Patterson, John Pattullo, G R Payne, C C Payne, David Payne, Jack Pedolin, Percy Peers, William S Pellow, C A Pellow, Clark Pellow, Clark Pellow, Clark Pellow, Mrs Clark Pellow, Thomas Pembleton, Norm Pembleton, Norm Pembleton, Norman Pembleton, Norman E Pengelly, Chief Pengelly, L J Pengelly, Leslie James Penman's Leaving Ingersoll for London,picture Pensions - history Pepper, Mrs Gordon Perkins, Perkins, George E Perkins, R J M Perry, W Ted Pettit, Mrs Jack Phalen Phalen, Daniel Phelan, Phelan, Daniel Phelps, Uriah Phillion, Fernand Phillips, Lloyd Pickard, E Pickard, Lawrence picture Pigram, Linda Pinkerton, R S Pioneer Oxford Familes Piper, Piper, Cabel Piper, Joel Piper, Mrs E Pipin Pipin, Poel Pirie, Anne Pirie, Charlie Pirie, G F Pirie, G F Pirie, Gerald Pitt, Wally Pittman, John Pittock, Clarence Pittock, G W Pittock, Gordon W Pittock, Gordon, MP Planing Mill on Thames Street Planning new expansion of Golf Club Planning Board Appoves Housing Scheme Plans for new school, Westfield Plaque pic 100th Agri Fair Plaque, Laura Secord Plaque, North & East Ox Agri Plaque, North & East Ox Agri Plaque, Programme Alexandra Hos Pocock, C Pocock, Rev L V Pollution Control Department Pomeroy Pomeroy M Pomroy, S S Pool, Samuel Poole, Mrs J C Poole, Max Poole, Miss Poole, Peter Poole, S Poole, Samuel Post box for mailing on Canterbury Sreet Post Office Post, A Post, Albert Postmaster retiring Powell, George Powell, George Prentiss Prestan, Dinah Pridday, William Princess Anne new school opening Princess Anne pictures Princess Elizabeth School new addition Princess Park Housing Turns Sod Pring, Frank Processing Turkeys - picture Processing Turkeys - picture Progress from Earliest Days Property near Ing "the best"1828 Prouse, R E Prouse, Russell Pry, Paul Jr. PUC 60 cycle power PUC Expansion - water department PUC Members Get Raise PUC new equipment - Hydraulic bucket truck PUC Staff of 25 PUC Tender for Electric Substation Pulford Putnam, Putnam, Elisha Quartermass, Martin Queen, Carman J Queen, Rev C J Queen, Rev Carman J Queen's picture for Memorial Centre Quinn, Mrs Dora Qunn, Mrs Elsie Radford R D Railway signals being installed Ramsay, Thomas Ramsay, W A Ramsay, W A Ramsay, W A Ramsay, W A Ramson, J D Ramson, William Ranney Ranney, Hiram Ranney, Mrs Paul Raymond, Maurice Raymont, Rev J R Rectory, Sacred Heart Church,picture Redhead, Robert Reeves, Roger Regal Visit program Reid, Alexander Reid, R H (Bob) Reinhart, Robert Rendall, Stanley D Rendell, Dr S D Rennie, A S Rennie, A S Rent $100 a year Reservoir 1952 Revell, Henry (Rev) Revell, Mrs James Revell, Rev H Revell, Rev Henry Reynolds, A Reynolds, Dr Reynolds, F Reynolds, F Reynolds, Minnie Reynolds, Mrs Freida Reynolds, William Ricardson, Harry Rice (Dr) Ricey, C W Rich, F G Rich, Mrs Fred Richards, F Richardson, F Richardson, Fred Richardson, H Richardson, H Richardson, Jack Richardson, Max Richardson, Mr Justice A E Richardson, Susan Riddell H G Riddolls, Harold Riddolls, Harold A Ridell, H G Rigby, Claire Rigby, Claire Rigby, F C Riggs, Mrs E L Riley, C W Riley, Chas Riley, Harold Rine, Gail Rine, Nora Ring, C Roberts, Mrs Frank Roberts, Mrs Frank Robertson, D M Robertson, John Ross Robertson, R J Robertson, R J Robins Jessie Robins, Alexandra Robins, C A Robins, Jessie Robins, Mrs Jessie Robins, William Robinson A D Robinson, A D Robinson, Arthur Robinson, E Robinson, O E Robinson, O E Robinson, O E Robison, A D Roeder, E W Rogers, Rogers, C E Rogers, Dr J M Rogers, Dr J M Rogers, Dr. J M Rogers, J M Rogers, Reg Rolfe, S J Root, Ida Rose, Alex Ross Ross, Alex Ross, Andrew Ross, D Ross, D R Ross, Donald Ross, George Ross, Hugh Ross, J M Ross, Margaret Ross, Sarah Ross, T Ross, W B Ross, William Rothwell, John Rousom, F Routley, C B Rowe, James Rowe, James Rowe, Mary Rowland, Harry Rowland, Henry Rowsom, Dr J W Rowsom, Dr John Rowsom, Morris Ruddick, R Ruddick, Richard Rumsey, Rumsey, W A Rutherford, Don Rutherford, Edward Rutledge, Ann Rutledge, Lloyd Ryan, Peter Sacred Heart contract- Acro Const. Company Sacred Heart School opening Sacred Heart School, Parish Hall, picture Saddle-Bag Preachers Sadlier Rev Sadlier, Rev R R Sadlier, Rev, R R Sage, Comfort Sage, Frank Sage, Willard Sales, Maurice Saller, H C Salmond Mary Salvation Army 80th Sampey, Thomas Sandick, Gordon Sandick, John Sarddine, Graham Sarddine, Rebecca Sargent, S Saturday delivery of mail to cease Saunders, Ernest C Sawtell, R W Scanson C H Scarff, (Mayor) Schaab, C Schaefer, Alf Schell, Samuel Schlesinger, Joe Schofield, C Schofield, Harry Schofield, Henry Schofield, Henry Schofield, Lyman Schofield, T B School addition Collegiate School additon contract signed School Board Bought Property School Roof to be Fixed Schwenger, Bill Schwenger, Constable Scoffin, Scoffin, Charles Scoffin, Charles Scofield, Henry Scofield, Lyman Scofield, T B Scott, Scott, Dr. Scott, Frank Scott, Lloyd Seager, C A Searles Searles, Peter Seath. Doug M Secord Secord, David Secord, Elijal Secord, John Secord, Laura Secord, Laura Secord, Laura Ingersoll Secord, Peter Secord, Silas Seinberg Store closed Seldon, A Seldon, F Seldon, Thomas Seldon, Thomas Selkirk (Lord) Sentinel Review staff Separate School Addition, picture Separate School, Henderson Hall, picture Sexsmith, Maggie Seys, Monica Shakespeare Club 50 years old Shannon, A Shantz, Mr Sharmon, George Shelby Knitwear Shell, Daniel Shelley Earle Shelley, E C Shelley, Miss Patrician Shelton, F C Shelton, Fred C Shelton, Samuel C Shepley, Rev Joseph Shepley, Rev. J Sherman, J Sherman, J Sherman, William Sherman, William Shewan, Red Shields, John Shields, Mr Shipton, V G Shore, Moffat Shore, Mr Shore, Mr Short, Lew Shrapnell, G J Shrubsole, Mrs Floyd Shub, William Shub, William Shuffleboard Court Opened, picture Sifton, J W Sifton, William M Silcox, A P Silcox, David Silcox, Mrs A P Simcoe, John Graves (Gov) Simmons, Murray Simon, M J Simpson, Mark Simpson, J R Simpson, Mark Simpson, Mrs Jean Simpson, Rev J Simpson, Rev J R Simpson, Robert Sinclair, J Sinclair, James Siple, Ethel M Siple, Miss Ethel Siskind, A B, QC Sisson, Miss M M Sivyer, Mrs Slawson, C H Slawson, C H Smale, Chub Smale, Gyp Smith Smith W A Smith, J Smith, Bruce Smith, F Smith, F Smith, Florence Smith, George Smith, Grace Smith, Henry Smith, Henry Smith, Miss Helen Smith, Mr Smith, Mrs Smith, Mrs Bernadette Smith, Mrs F M Smith, Mrs P L Smith, Mrs Percy Smith, Mrs R L Smith, Percy Smith, R R Smith, Robert Smith, Robert Smith, Samuel Smith, Samuel Smith, Stanley Smith, Stanley J Smith, Stanley J Smith, Stanley J Smith, Susan Smith, William Smith, William Smith,James Smth, Maggie Snelgrove A Snow Storm Sod Turning for new Baptist Church Songhurst Songhurst & McLeod Songhurst, Leslie Sorley, H Sorley, J B Sowler, John Spaven, Jim Spaven, Mrs Janes Spavin, James Spencer, Margaret Spinks, W H Spinks, William Spitall, J Spivey, J W Spratt, Edwin Spratt, Fred Springer, Dr. Spurgeon, James St Clair, Catherine St James Anglican Church, memorial St James Church, history St Laurent, Louis P.M. St Laurent, Mrs St Mary's town short history St Paul's Presbyterian - history Stabling Barns Stafford, Miss Sylvia Standon, Margaret Stanton, Miss E M Staples, C A Staples, C W Staples, Dolph Staples, G R Staples, Gerald Staples, Mrs L W Staples, Mrs L W Stares, Jack Stares, John Starr, Hon Michael Start, M Start, Margaret Start, Mrs R G Start, R G Start, R G Start, R G Start, R G Start, Roy Start, Roy Stelco Plans Expansion Stemmler, Wilf Stephenson, G N Stephenson, J A Stephenson, Joseph Stewart, C R Stewart, Dan Stewart, H A Stewart, H I Stewart, R W Stewart, R W Stimson, C P Stimson, G G Stinson, Copeland Stirling, Miss Janet Stone Cairn at IDCI, picture Stone, Dave Stone, Mrs R A Stone, R A Stone, Reg Stone, Reg Stonehouse Stoneman, Percy Straith, John Street Scene Street, W H Street, William C Streetcars between Ing and Wdsk Stuart Stuart, J Sub Station opened Sudworth, Mrs W A Sudworth, N Sullivan, W T Sumner, Hardy Sumner, W M Sutherland Miss J E Sutherland, Bella Sutherland, George Sutherland, George Sutherland, George Sutherland, Jennie Sutherland, Laughlin Sutherland, Mr Sutherland, Nettie Sutherland, W H Sutherland, William Sutton, John Swackhammer, Bill Swackhammer, Jean Swackhammer, Mrs Swackhammer, Mrs W E Swackhammer,Grant Swadling, George Swaizie, B E Swance, Ken Swance, Mr & Mrs Ken Swarts, James Swartz, Earl Swartz, James Sweet, Robert Sweet, W Talbot, Colonel Talman, Dr. James J Tassie, William Tax rise approved Taylor, Bill Taylor, J Taylor, John Taylor, Mr Taylor, Mr Taylor, William Taylor, William Teeple, Peter Teeple, Stephen H Telfer, G Telfer, Thomas Telfer, W Tender for Cruiser Tenders accepted New Collegiate High School Tenders called for Princess Anne school Tenders Called School Plans - Collegiate Tenders for phone Company - Ingersoll Thames River and bridge 1937 Thames River Channel Cleanup Thames River Channel needs cleaning Thames Street picture 1948 Thirkle, Joseph Thomas, Mr Thompson, T J Thompson, C Thompson, C Thompson, J B Thompson, James Thompson, Kenneth Thompson, Lewis Thompson, Lizzie Thompson, Loyst Thompson, Margaret Thompson, Miss V Thorne, A J C Thornton Thornton, Earl Thornton, Gump Thornton, Mr Thornton, W N, Estate Thurtell, Stewart Thurtell, Walter Thurtell, Walter Tiffin, George Tingle, Mrs Ruth Titus, Mrs Samuel Titus, Sam Titus, Samuel Topham, Glen Topham, Glen Topham, Glenn Topham, Glenn Topham, Glenn Topham, Thomas J Tournament at Golf course 18 hole Tousley, (also Tonsley) Tousley, Arial Tousley, Sikes Towle J Town Assessor Resigned Transformer Arrives for Substation Trembley, Neil Trinity United Church New Minister,picture Trinity United Church, cornerstone Trinity United Church, pictures Tripp, J Tripp, M Tripp, Minnie Trotter, Thomas Troy, Forendy Tuck, P E Tucker, Misses Tune, W J Turk, Mr Turkey Co-Op started Turkey Plant picture Turkey Processing Plant ready in Fall Turner, G Turner, H H Turner, Morrice Turner, William Turner,Charles Turning soil - Westfield School Tyson, Mrs M C Udell, Pood UEL family, first in St Mary's Underwood, Ernest Underwood, George Underwood, George Underwood, J Underwood, Joel Underwood, Joel Underwood, John Underwood, John Union Gas Company Office Closes Up-To-Date Planning Across 20 Acres Uran, George Ure, Mr Uren E W Uren Harold Uren, Doreen Uren, Harold UTRCA Lease Land for Park Van Donzel, Ted Van Every, Charles Van Every, Samuel Van Norman, Jack Van Rees, John Vance Vance J Vance J A Vance, B Vance, Norma Vance, Robert Vance, Robert VanDyke, John Vanevery, Charles Vanevery, James VanKoughnett,Roy VanMierlo, Ray VanNorman, Benj VanNorman, Benjamin (Warden) Varnum, Nancy Veale, William Venkuil Len Vicars, Johnston Vice-regal Visit Viking Kitchen Design New Company Vinning, A VMS new addition opens, picture Vogt, H Von Echa Vote Daly House- Ingersoll Inn 1913 Voting - 1852 Voting Poll 5 - 1946 Waddell, Constable Ronald Wadsworth, Eric Wadsworth, Sam Wadsworth, Sam Wait, Thomas Waite Wakefield, D Walgos, Janice Walker, Addison Walker, Colonel Walker, Cowan Walker, Dr Walker, Dr W J Walker, Florence Walker, Fred Walker, George Walker, Harry Walker, Mary Walker, Meredith Walker, Miss Alice Walker, P T Walker, Thorold Walkie-Talkies Join Police Force Wallace Wallace, Bros Wallace, George Wallace, George H Wallace, J G Wallace, Joe Wallace, John Wallace, Rev R Wallace, Robert Walley, B Walley, Eva Walley, F G Walley, Fred Walley, Fred Walley, G W Walley, Sarah Wally, Fred Walsh, Walsh, John Walsh, Tom War, 1812, tools, crafts Ward, Allan Ward, J M Ward, Rev John Warden John Warden, A G Warden, A G Warden, Gordon Warden, Gordon Warden, J T Warden, J T Warden, J T Warden, Mr & Mrs Allan Warden, Mr & Mrs Jack Warden, Mrs Jack Warham, Agnes Warham, Albert Wark, Mrs R W Wark, Robert Wark, Robert Warner Warnock, Bertha Wassels, Mr Water Pumping Water System Start Water Tower to Go Waterhouse Woolen Mill Waterhouse, Waterhouse, James Waterhouse, W Watermain Added to Town's System 3,000ft 184 Waters, Mrs Gordon Watmough, John Watson, Alex Watson, W P Watterworth Watterworth, William Sr. Watterworth, Sam Watterworth, Samuel Watterworth, William Watterworth, William Way, J F Webb, Johnson, Lord Webb, Ray Webster, Webster, Amelia Webster, G W Webster, George Webster, Hattie Webster, Maggie Weir Weir, Bill Weir, Calvin Weir, Charles Weir, J A Weir, Mrs John (Marion) Welch, Gordon Wells, John Wells, Thomas Wells, Thomas Wering, D M J Wescott, C A Wesleyn Church - slaves- torn down West Oxford, Pay Legal Fees for Ingersoll Westbrook, Andrew Westcott, Jim Westcott, L A Westfield School 4 roon school Westfield School, picture Westman, Dr Whaley, A C (Crown Attorney) Whaley, Gitty Wheeler, Charles Wheeler, Charles Wheeler, Margret Whelan, Michael Whitby, Lord Whitcombe, Jack White, Charles White, David White, E John White, James White, John White, Mr White,D Whiteford, Ron Whiteford, Sam Whiting Whiting, G Whiting, Gamaliel Jr. Whiting, Gamaliel Sr, Whiting, Gamalier Whiting, Horace Whiting, Horace W Whitwell, Harry Wichert, G Wichwire, Mr Wickwire Widen Canterbury Street Widening Street Wight, J Wight, John Wight, Maggie Wilcox, John (Silver) Wilford, John Wilford, W W Wiliamson, Ralph Wilkinson, A Willet, Post Williams Williams, (Mayor) Winnifred Williams, Charles Williams, Constable Al Williams, Dr Ralph Williams, Dr. J A Williams, Dr. Ralph Williams, J A Williams, Kenneth Williams, Minnie Williams, Miss Winnifred Williams, Pte. Williams, Winnifred Williams, Winnifred Williamson, Fred Williamson, Rev Willoughby, N A Wilson Mrs Harold Wilson, Hope Wilson, C Wilson, C C L Wilson, Cecil Wilson, Charles Wilson, E A Wilson, E A Wilson, E W Wilson, Earl Wilson, Foster Wilson, George Wilson, Harold Wilson, J M Wilson, J M Wilson, Maude Wilson, Miss Patty Wilson, Mr & Mrs Ernie Wilson, Mr & Mrs Harold Wilson, Mrs Charlotte Wilson, Mrs E Wilson, Mrs E A Wilson, Mrs E A Wilson, Mrs Euart Wilson, Mrs Harold Wilson, Nelson Wilson, T W Wilson, W C Wilson, W Currie Wilson, Walter Wilson, Walter Wilson, William Wingram, Mrs R Winlaw, Elmer Winlaw, Elmer Winlaw, John C Winlaw, Mrs Elmer Winlaw, R E Winter, Harold Wiseman Witty, Frank Witty, Frank Wolcshyn, Steve Wolstenholme, Mrs Women's role in Church Wonch, Murray Wonham Wonham, W G Wood, Alex Wood, Alex Wood, G Wood, Jacob Wood, Mrs Doss (Eleanore) Wood, Rev Enoch Woodcock, R A Woodruffe, R W Worton, F H Wright Claude Wright, Wright, Jane Wright, Murray Wright, Peter Wright, William C Wronck, J R Wurker, Fred Wurker, Fred Wurker, Fred Yates, Robertson YMCA Building for sale YMCA Burns, picture YMCA fire guts building York, Frank Young, William Young, R H Young, R H Young, W E F Young, William Youngs John Zurbrigg Zurbrigg, Bernie Zurbrigg, Bernie Zurbrigg, Kathy Zurbrigg, Miss Cathy Zurbrigg, Sam 151 174 102103 19 22 91 157 38,39,40,42,43 102 23 22 91 156 1 25 25 49 13 158 183 44 151 35 1 152155 91 185 157 157 172 157 158 14 156 195 170 44 34 197 169 151 151 105 28 174 29 174 29 91 37 1 162 101 41 109 102 2 29 22 102 19 194 44f 158 2 20 25 102 185, 22 28 29 170 19 29 29 91 170 9 44d,44e,44f 15,16,17 185 17b,19 100 105 20 22,23 17 22 4 96 19 20 200 96 101 166 28 101 18 1 17 9 197 102 102 2 22 23 185 164 28 164 176197 7 167 34 151 92 37,38,39,40 2 20 99 102 102 96 99 5 7 45 5 158 157 167 185 2 102 4 92 44d,44g,44b 44 156 177 188 9 94 91 39 197 95 41 96 91 106 17 92 185 2 41 163 157 101 13 33 157 151 34 157 9 156 190 154 96 200 19 153 102 91 21 27 8,9 44d 17 102 102 102 22,23 25 38 94, 96, 97 25 194 157 188195 34 50 49,50 102 190 154 6,15 102 4 6 31 30 98103 14 102 99100102104 6,15 32 102 158 38 23 15 32,33 158 22 12,23 182 102 157 7 4 157 34 94 166 2 2 102 94 185 18 5,27 12,22 102 31 31 31,32 27 30,40 183 1,2,3,6,7,15,19,28,30 44d 157 172 151153 1 30 30 179 23 166 180 187 102 23 40 4 94 20 167 178194200 22 91 102 4 4 94 4 94 4 94 94 4 44d 185 13 2 2 94 22,27 1 91 94 34 22 20 182 30 155 100 20 2 41 44g 109 161 39 197 2 2,3,5,9,28,30 45 91 155 164 157, 10 102 4 102 1 4,6,31 31,32 2,28 91 101 20 45 5 102 93 102 2 22 102 106 110 154 97 155 16 15 6,4 94 6,15 6,15 6 6,16 6,15 2 2 2 2 202 203 2 10 20 188 2 92 105 157 44e 157 157 22,23 91 109 157 3 22 22 1,22 19 1 8,9 165 2 27 45 91 157 200 166 1 1 102 98 193 32 1,4,27 4 94 15 4 96 39 197 4 94 4,6,15 94 4 94 165 102 100 44b 157 18 157 172 47 200 202 13 44c 2 1,4,5,16 154 4,28 94 5 44d 93 202 4 91 4 94 196 107 102 151 19 1 151 3 3,27,30 30 45 93 102 102 188 2,3 23 3,8,9,19,22,23 164 23 93 4,22 102 102 94 30 30 8,9 168 93 27 162 162b, 161b 161 35 47 177 102 8,9 22 17 44e 159 31 2,27 4 94 41 190 18b 10 197 180 2 175188 157 103 157 48 28,29 4 4 4 23 103 100 154 157 185 182 105 18 103 96 157 185 185 157 198 191 192 202 158 44b 50 38 102 96 158 102 99 35 100 2 102 102 25 102 201 23 157 96 169 179 2,9 156 99 201 2 103 9 102 91 152 182 194 153 157 102 38 42,43,44 102 18 25 44g 158 172 16 16 7 1 96 102 41 31 30 44g 105 7 187 91 41 158 44b 99 157 185 41 40 7 102 179 169 200 2 103 185197 102 34 37 103 102 176 102 172 20 44e 96 2 19 105 18 100 169 170 171 45 8,11 9 102 165 16 169 15 22,23 6 91 183 20 6 184 153 96 157 95 161 91 91 157 11 16 11,21,31 31,32,39,43 96 40 40 32,44g 98103 101 154 168 151 172 25 20 102 103 153 49 199 203 25 47 157 184 161 171 22 105 4 19 11 102 42,44,44b 171172 37,39,40,42,43,44 157158169 16 155 155 23 157 11 8,9 29 41 28,29 49 164 94 4 4 94 4 28 4 4 94 4 94 14 102 102 157 199 184 47 185 188 185 157 151 188 23 101 102 38 97 158 157 166 15 97 91 34,41 97 91 102 102 102 102 102 40 102 39 157 38,40,43,44c 105 1 20 2 166 91 3 2,22 1,28 91 91 7, 31 31,32 156 31 177185 44 102 2 17 166 186188195 31 31 157 38 202 30 30,35 9 152 14 91 7,25 45 22 2 91 156 96 156 22 47 43 103, 107 96 48 103 22 179 158 38,44g 200 102 200 31 31 32 41 175 176 201 5 17,18 157 96109 44b,44c,44d,44e,44f,44g 49 158 10 17 105 9 11 20 8, 8b 4 2 99 9 3 27 174 23 22 1 91 157 157 2 4 161 102 168 17 19 162 4 181 27 153 164 181185191195 41 30,31 30.32 31 31 157 151, 34 100 200 47 188 190 103 109 184186 1 13 34 157 157 2 97 108 91 103 91b 157, 177 182 44e 44b 96 47 185 19 102 197 37 102 157 21 18 179 153 32 97 102 105 18 102 102 157 2 108 96 34 25 157 187 2 184 102 182 105 155 102 2 158 44f 38,47 102 177 91 1 18 153 192 7 155 5 22 100 10 155 35 151, 97 200 13 44c 91 4 108 184 44g 96 22 22 1 1,3,4,28 30 30 91 164 16 16 7 2 16 16 175 182 199 44 201 102 24 173 173, 173 173 41 102 20,22,25,27,30 30,38 102 156 95 97 20 157 151 109 166 157 7 197 151 151 107 103 102 44e 92 31 102 187 38 2,3,5 41 45 31 9,11,25,29 29 41 157 102 102 155 179 91 185 9 161 22 96 169 155 103 162 99 44i 168 92 177 5 20,22 184 20 91 102 102 151, 157165 102 187, 102 44f 152 20 19 20 187 102 42,43 13,14 38,42,43,44c,44d 97 23 92 156 159 11 11 151 151 2 12 102 157 25 19 99102 91 9 19 17,18 102 102 102 102 1,27 2,9 45 156 9 2,22 190 9 156 91 18 154 44g 165 98 185196199200 3,22 91 20 16 4 105 157 1,4,23 91 94 22 4 4,15,28 39 92 197 158 15 44 94 4 1 157 100 35 6 15 28,29 167 96 19 102 106 9 27 44e 39 99 200 166 181 109 96 167 13 34 3 102 25 6,19 102 91 6 6 6 105 6,15 3,10 3,27 6 6 19 91 35 47 19 22 2,23 169 37,40 161 151 48 34,48 102 13 105 102 20 157 185 97 194 102 157 22 183 44,44c,44d,44e 44b 13 44d 20,22 91 157 44c 48 25 34 157 41 109 10 100 185 21 41 97 107 94 194 2 186 157 96 8,9,13 158 21 201, 157 102 102 154 20 13 154157170 172177184199 17 95 44,44d,44e 185 159 97103 152153157 182183189 99 191 104 6 48 96 97,99,101 157 106 157 175 175 175179201 18 100104 157 17,18 34 19 38,40 106 102 20 164 99100 102 102 157 26 97 13 39,44d 44e 96 5 91 194 22,23 1 41 166 34 22,25 23 13 25 102 188 91 1,15,16 197 202 39 38,40,43 13 39,44c 3 103 48 98 156 102 190 157 102 104 100104 198 157 102 106 101 155 34 91 155 7 200 22 22 104 5 17,18 44d 44,44b,44e 185 158 28,29 185 102 182 177185196 22 95 167 28,29 154 102 102 171185 19 102 20 39 7,27 91 110 104 28,29 29 102 189 191 196 183 186 102 153 25,32,33,35 163 203 4,24 7 151 181 197 172 157 199 156 201 98 197 167 106b 95 197 158 167 192 200 170 170b 4 151b 151 189 28 155 152 167 196 4 1 1,2,3,4,15,19,28,30 34,35 91 164 22,22b,23,23b 1 1,3,4,15,20,24,28,30 30,40 109 1 94 94 3 2 1 24 24 2,3,6,15,19, 28, 30 1 45 2 3 40 4 94 102 1,2,3,4,6,15,16,19, 24, 28,30,35,40 94 183 164 101 164 107 179 106 151 151 20 102 13 28 38,40,44c,44f,45 94 27,31 31 31 31 151 41 92 13 162 158 34 157 155 159 202 10 9,28 110 19 100 28 27 28 34,44g 193201 3 167 9 158 5,8,11,21,30 13,31 30,31,32,44c,49,50 19 102 50 188 152 173 201 19 44g 157 28 157 199 199 29 25 25 10 22 105 91 102 102 15 106 157 158164169 189 157 181 50 19,28,29 28,29 42e 16 157 5 153 91 19 107 157 151 153 94 43 23 98107 6,15 94 157 102 4 91 35 4 94 154 105 156 11 4 92 42e 179 20 169 34 9 20,22 97 19 157 7 97 96105 191 152 165167 19 173191 203 4,5,12 35 17,18 153 96 5 34 3 151 2 33 34 22 196 179 20 20 20 94 50 157 172196185 44e 16 91 44e 47 41 188 201 37 97 153 12 96 103 41 1 151 151 30,34 30 102 5 185 181 40 44d 12 194 197 15 47 37,39 181 151 36,37,39,44c,44d 20 30 30 16 102 167 177184196 39 29 102 157 4 94 44a 31 19 30 30,32 157 16 96 22 91 19 105 17 186 192 15 91 2 22,23 151 18 187 156 157 185 185 197 29 169 171172 9, 22, 23 22,23 157 163 19 185 182 157154 7 7 44e 34 151 105 27 91 44g 157 18 44e 157b 191 91 44g 9 41 9 157 159 198 102 102 41 15 16 177 175 154 102 157 172 91 96 151 8 22 22 99 153 22 157 187 158 20 102 91 157 160 19 157 202 1 22 22 35,44g 17,18 91 156 178 195 17,18 173 92 2 41 41 152 197 151 96 2 7 12b 102 178 4 94 2 91 22 107 5 19 44p,44f 157 96 152 48 157 13,25 97 91 43 157 106 91 102 102 27 186 102 19 179 102 20 25 41 8,9 100 102 9 22,27 102 102 3,7 4 92 102 4 102 105 172 153 169 157 172177181188 181 18 97 193 156 176 176 176 176 176 176 157 91 34 12,29 94 10 102 10 10 2,22 4,23 23 200 103 2 2 151 158 44f 91 104 170 171 184 91,97,99 91,97,99,100 23 102 97 187 187 19 158 38,44g 108 22,28,30 30 91 22 2,22 107 39,44f 44f 4,22 44e 158 96 44e 168 20 94 44,44b 22 34 34 41 23 91 22 18 177 50 2,22 16 19 1,2,3 34 157 101 182 19 19 28,29 102 102 36,44e,44d,46 100, 187 102 91 2,28,29 102 28,29 91 151 20 102 102 102 17 187 1 22 22 102 91 157 102 35 18 102 99 105 157 46 171172179 5 201 163 22 19 165 19 102 12 98 185 96 158 29 41 18 17,18 96 174 179 40,44b 20 2 157 22 19 5,22,25 102 25 102 102 25 94 91 102 154 21 108 156 151 1 102 22 164 21 47 92 167 177 94 99100 102 183 18 102 102 39,44f 104 9 96 157 100 26 105 187 102 101 23 4 94 19 31 15 157 2 181189 31 31 102 18 4 94 27 102 22,23 31 31 13 25 102 31 98104 30,31 30,31,32,33, 5,19 96 8,9 5 200 5 5 50 109 102 151 4 102 26 26 7 14 158 152 179200 103 99 151 10 152 35 166 106 102 9 37,39,40,44d 2 157 2 19 108 102 157 107 23 22 28 100 32 97 157 170 197 170 166 167 20 91 91 91 102 102 171 166 179 23 33 102 108, 7,30,31 30,32,33 31 102 154 5,12 45 180 100 17,18 188 151 1 9 8,11 152 107 164 157 3 95 29 96 166 20 163 48 19 2 2 91 20 28 2,30 164 39,40,43 30 19 42 154 157 188 13 25 31,32 39,40,42 43 98 157 48 31 157 185 185 158 102 158 102 44b 109 11 151 151 154 8,11 184 161 167 184 201 151 100 96,99 3 4 97 29 27 153 29 152153164167 201 36,37,38,39, 39b 107 177 196 168 176 156 182 99 185 200 176 156 47 42 167 183 175 154, 162 166 193 189 182 163 183 168 173 195 165 48 108 157158 172 197 6 6 15 91 201 43 151 17 3 94 4,22 91 3 167 6 48 48 2,5,10, 22, 23,28,29 27 27 4,10,27 38,44d 187 27 27 27 38,44e 27 27 39 169 18 1 4 23 155 28,29 29 29 155 102 164 46 25 101 98 94 25 184 102 50 20 1 2,3,4,15,19,28,30 30,44e 99 102 4 101105 4 91 22,23 172 172 102 27 44e 22,23 202 189 153 7 154 151 154 151 188 103 157 38,40,44g 105 198 98 3 96 96 171 185 44a 17 6 22 99100104 38 101 44e 4,28,30 30 91 157 164 16 5,26 13 158 157 22 102 102 96 102 107 102 156 9 1,22 182 102 91 30 30 28,29 23 28 157 161 2 152153 48 99102 102 185 38 31 31,48 9 96 162 152 102 187 179 174 23 22 13,19 196 185 3 3 91 1,8,9,28 91 94 157 102 50 186 154 18 91 16 6 4,6,15,16 151 16 16 182 157 98104 153152157 172, 185, 196,18,184 157 202 157 157 172178185184196 153 186 158 177 154 25 15 8 9 40, 40b 19 156 177 27 34 1 91 184 108 108 102 22 1 166 29 2 2 165 157 188 27 105 172 103 106 167 181 157 160 160b 28 45 171172 169163170 1 44g 195 197 160 184 191 22 15 1 109 19 91 48 100 159 159 175 191 30 35 91 164 28,30 4 2 27 3 185 157 200 178 158 33 94 22 12 151 97 153 7 45 29a 24 23,30 197 91 30 151 91 28 100 102 203 91 45 5,28,29 11,31 13 37,39 28,29 96 45 96 187 24 102 164 164 30 103 17 30 30 30,32 31 179 32 31 96 157 102 96 91 151 4 6 35 187 44 184 177180181 156 183 102 172 169 18 22 41 96 3 9 44a 13 96 36 40,44c,44g 157 3 13 155 103 7,9,20,25 5 102 102 20,28 29 20 3 91 34 102 91 101 34 3 19 158 102 91 102 102 2,9 156 44,44e,44g 96 38 102 102 29 1,28 158 94 91 41 92 152 97 192 16 19 184 155 16 102 15 183 19 91 12 91 9 102 7 7 151 191 19 28,29 4 28,29 202 105 101 47 4 102 4,28 100 4 4 152 153 180 174 37,44e 44c 4 96 158 94 94 94 5 22 6 154 19 22,23 160 44g 6,15 15 15 15 1,2,3,6,15,19,28,30 183 35,40 4 15 191 27 158 10,19,27 38,49 15 28 178 194 102 44e 108 102 159 41 166 1 202 99 154 102 97 25 105110 91 4 94 4 94 157 151 151 13 159 35 97,99 151 22 173 169170 171 177 102 177 18 44e 185 1,2,3,15,28 19 175 161 19 154 177180 44g 103 44f 186 7,26,28 13 44d 96 100 151 94 187 25 41 5,10,23,28 41 102 13 22 101104 102 5,17 20 4 94 164 152 38 164 197 37,39,40 161 39,40,43,44d 27 17 177180185196 102 4 91 31 7,30 30,31 162164 44e 1,19 102 159 102 91 91 182 17,18 165 182, 2 1 185 166 157 44c 101 28 28,29 151 154 96 94 22 106107 91 48 19 35,41 43 107 20 12 203 45 100104 7 13 157 154 171 109 185 172 157 152 152 91 201 13 38,39,40,43,44,44b 152 158 13 96 200 157 159 152 178 102 188 179 110 103 157 94 94 8,9 103 182 41 110 157 104 157 19 196 20 29 19 19 29a 4,5 22 195 38,44f 102 18 102 6 100 102 7 36,42,44c,44d 96 102 105 34 100 158 153 2 157 103 157 102 157 49 41 44b 166 4 151 94 6,15 28,29 40 190 91 191 157 156 41 34 155 29 41 1 16 20 20 20 107 99 105 152 155 46 193 92 27 3 44d 103 1 5 10 19 177 102 102 157 28 35 202 5 157 157 157 163 157 25 105 102 103 177 4 94 98 157 30,31 30,32,31,47 172 48 158 6 6 22 193 193 151 175 17 18 102 22 102 19 164 13 158 13 32 159 159b 159 151 20 13 15 102 154 100 157 24 18 4 94 4 4 94 4 94 191 184 2 152 31 47 99 18 202 200 94 94 176 196 22 41 7 102 42 2 23 172185 4 4 175185 156 155 34 91 19 44e 19 91 202 151 190 22 29 92 30 13 96 98 47 91,98 16 23 2 174 102 10 102 5,23 109 102 31 8,9 102 102 157 37,39 16 167 189 29 163 9 100 28,29 102 152 91, 20 102 102 96 34 102 22,23 102 17 22 22,23 29 6 185196199200 19 44g 157 102 97 166 166 97 158 174194200 166 166 185 107 107 185 29 165166 3 102 156 177 200 180 45 2 2 157 184, 103 167 28,29 8,11 23 27 34 102 5 44c,44g 9 37 183 22,23 105 91 102 102 102 1 157 163 163 7 179 163 101 27 157 151 13,17,18 105 171 6 41 44c,44g 154 174 105 96 91 11 167 11 91 36 166 96 34 2 22 34 157 22 44f 106 1 4 94 94 4 4 94 106 100 94 4 165 91 41 102 102 157 21 161 151, 102 91 1 107 15 96 38,44g 187 157 2 96 102 98, 157 47 169158164 102 33 156 185 153 28,29 157 11 18 35 166 153 173 27 19 50 31,32 31 25 185 166 166 157 39 35 166 151 103 157 157 100 191 11 183 151 151 33 98107 169 161 48 44e 3 47 104 18 41 17 44f 2,15 91 2 2,19 20 16 179 105 2,4,19 187 18 177 22 29 29 20 25 187 31 48 157 153 175 181 165 151 170 22,23 96 169 171 91 4 4,9 32 4 201 157