PATTERSON SCRAPBOOK BOX 531 1964-19681967 . 1964 1967 1964 1964 1968 1968 1967 1967 1967 1967 1965 1968 1965 1967 1967 1968 1965 1967 1968 1964 1968 1966 1966 1964 1968 1965 1968 1965 1964 1964 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1964 1968 1968 1968 1967 1964 1967 1964 1964 1968 1968 1968 1967 1966 1966 1964 1967 1967 1967 1968 1965 1967 1966 1964 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1966 1964 1964 1967 1966 1967 1964 1967 1964 1965 1965 1968 1968 1964 1967 1967 1966 1966 1968 1964 1964 1965 1965 1968 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1964 1967 1968 1967 1967 1967 1968 1965 1968 1966 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1965 1967 1966 1967 1968 1966 1967 1966 1967 1967 1967 1966 1968 1967 1968 1968 1968 1967 1966 1968 1968 1967 1966 1966 1966 1966 1968 1968 1968 1967 1968 1968 1968 1967 1964 1965 1968 1968 1967 1968 1967 1968 1964 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1965 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1918 1967 1967 1964 1965 1964 1967 1967 1968 1965 1964 1967 1968 1965 1967 1968 1966 1964 1967 1967 1968 1965 1967 1967 1965 1965 1965 1966 1968 1967 1967 1967 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1965 1965 1964 1965 1964 1966 1964 1964 1966 1964 1964 1965 1967 1967 1966 1967 1968 1965 1965 1968 1966 1967 1967 1965 1966 1965 1968 1966 1966 1968 1967 1967 1965 1968 1967 1968 1967 1967 1967 1968 1965 1967 1968 1967 1967 1968 1967 1968 1967 1967 1965 1965 1968 1966 1965 1967 1965 1967 1966 1967 1967 1968 1967 1966 1967 1966 1965 1965 1967 1964 1964 1964 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1966 1968 1966 1964 1966 1966 1967 1966 1966 1965 DATE 2022-11-06 2022-03-06 Aug 2022-01-09 July 2022-07-02 2022-01-14 2022-02-11 Feb Aug 2022-07-01 2022-08-07 2022-07-01 2022-06-04 2022-06-04 2022-04-22 Oct 2022-01-09 Mar 2022-10-19 2022-11-21 Dec 2022-10-04 2022-04-18 2022-10-28 July 2022-06-24 Sept Sep 2022-09-10 Dec 2022-02-18 Feb 2022-04-24 Feb 2022-07-29 2022-02-25 Oct 2022-08-09 Mar Apr Aug 2022-08-13 2022-08-16 2022-10-21 Oct 2022-10-11 2022-01-17 2022-06-24 2022-04-29 2022-08-11 2022-02-19 Oct 2022-11-18 Oct 2022-11-20 Oct 2022-11-09 Apr 2022-10-26 2022-06-11 Aug Dec 2022-02-09 Mar July 2022-02-08 2022-01-08 2022-01-20 2022-03-22 Aug Aug Aug 2022-08-07 2022-04-05 Aug Feb 2022-07-16 2022-05-26 2022-05-06 2022-05-06 2022-03-29 May Aug 2022-08-02 Aug 2022-01-31 2022-05-26 2022-11-06 Feb 2022-05-06 2022-03-09 Mar 2022-05-09 2022-01-31 2022-02-17 2022-02-03 Oct 2022-03-27 Feb 2022-05-31 Nov 2022-04-13 2022-10-03 2022-02-28 Sep 2022-06-25 2022-07-02 2022-06-18 2022-06-04 Sep 2022-04-29 2022-02-06 2022-09-13 2022-11-28 Nov Mar Sep Jan 2022-05-15 May 2022-12-31 Mar Oct Aug Mar 2022-04-29 2022-08-31 May May May 2022-05-17 2022-08-20 May 2022-05-21 2022-06-24 2022-01-28 May Feb Dec 2022-04-08 May Feb 2022-02-18 Aug May 2022-06-28 2022-03-12 2022-05-09 2022-11-09 Aug Aug 2022-03-17 Feb 2022-12-11 2022-05-09 May 2022-03-03 2022-05-02 2022-11-05 0ct 25 2022-05-09 2022-06-02 2022-08-01 Sep 2022-01-16 2022-06-24 2022-02-09 Sep 2022-06-11 2022-04-06 2022-09-21 2022-09-21 2022-10-19 2022-08-04 Feb 2022-08-12 May 2022-12-13 2022-07-13 2022-04-10 2022-12-03 2022-05-06 2022-12-31 2022-04-09 2022-12-11 Apr 2022-04-09 2022-04-09 Mar Dec Oct Dec Aug 2022-09-11 2022-08-09 Aug 2022-08-09 Dec Feb 2022-10-21 2022-04-13 2022-03-27 May Mar 2022-12-23 May 2022-02-03 12:00:00 AM Oct 2022-07-13 May 2022-08-16 2022-08-04 2022-04-18 Sep Aug 2022-07-30 2022-06-18 Aug 2022-12-31 Mar 2022-10-26 2022-10-26 Dec 2022-01-11 2022-12-31 2022-03-20 2022-06-03 2022-11-15 2022-02-15 2022-02-03 2022-06-01 2022-01-12 Aug 2022-08-11 2022-11-05 Aug 2022-06-25 Jun ARTICLE Beachville Joseph Miotto died Beachville- John Carroll Beachville United Church- storm took roof off Blenheim Community Farms Blenheim firm grows seed for Hawaiian Island Canadians honor dead, A day to remember Cheese Perth Vs Oxford Craigowan, Stefens, Munro best at invitational Dereham Twp- 1864 cheese maker, Lydia (Case) Ranney Dereham Twp Mrs Vera Smale died Dr Geroge L MacKay- Presbyterian Minister- Formosa Embro- 4-H Carol Innes off to Maritimes Embro- Highland Games Embro- Knox Presbyterian Church Embro- Knox Presbyterian Church Embro- Mail Courier, Mrs Arthur Williams, 40 yrs postmistress awarded Embro- Mighty Men of Zorra Embro seeks loan ikay for new well storage Embro- Zorra Caledonia Society Embro-Sutherland, Donald-ex Health Minister, retired Embro-Zorra Caledonia Society Highland Games Fenian Raid - 1862- Malcolm McKenzie picture and monument Fenian Raid - 1862- Col Nesbitt- Malcolm McKenzie killed Fire Hall bell- now in Southside Park Folden's Corner- Womens Institute Centennial Project new hall Formosa-Oxford College - Gerorge Leslie MacKay Hickson- Fosster Mother Norma (Blanche) Park centennial medal Highway 401 through Woodstock Ing- Graduates Awards-Nora Oliver, Marc Kilgour, Marilyn Moulton Ingersoll Mrs Boniface collection of buttons Ingersoll- 4H Day winners Steele, Gaines, Paterson, Snetsinger, Gordon Ingersoll Benjamin poplar died Ingersoll- Caravan on Canadian History Ingersoll Centenial baby Wilfred L Kenny Ingersoll- Centennial cairn IDCI, Ingersoll- Centennial Cake Ingersoll- Charles Daniels 102 years young Ingersoll- Cornish, Dr C C honoured Ingersoll- Gail Cuthbert to study French in France Ingersoll- Gordon Henry stomping grapes Ingersoll- Grape Festival Ingersoll Harry Piper died Ingersoll Hoax Ingersoll- Hobby Show Ingersoll Ice Fell Ingersoll IDCI J C Herbert honoured Ingersoll- IDCI principal retires, J C Herbert Ingersoll- IDCI students good grades Ingersoll- IDCI students get Trudeau's autograph Ingersoll- John Daniel, honoured Ingersoll Kiwanis- "Timmy" Jimmy Clendenning Ingersoll- Kiwanis- "Timmy" Mile McMillan Ingersoll Kiwanis honouredDr C C Cornish Ingersoll Mexican Children visit Ingersoll- Miss Cdntennial Cheese to Ottawa Ingersoll- Miss Ingersoll, Alexander Robins to Expo Ingersoll- new County Home needed Ingersoll- New Plant- Essex Wire Corp Ingersoll- Old farm equipment from farmers Ingersoll- Presbyterian Church Ingersoll Ralph E Beemer died Ingersoll- scholars Ingersoll- St Paul's Presbyterian Church, new organ Ingersoll- Wine & Cheese Festival, Bud Henderson Ingersoll- Wine and Cheese Festival Ingersoll, Mrs Agnes Oliver dies Ingersoll-4H Day Awards to members Ingersoll-Belladaire Public Speaking winners-Billy Geddie, Donna Adam Ingersoll-Boniface, MaryLee- winner OHS Ingersoll-French exchange Students Ingersoll-IDCI homours Chairman Lloyd Brown Ingersoll-Mail Delivery Ingersoll-Mail Service - door to door Ingersoll-Miss Centennial Cheese, Alexander Robins Ingersoll-Ox Cty Warden's Banquet-Wm Sutherland host Ingersoll-Oxford Trustee- Thomas Jackson honoured Ingersoll-Women Institute Bursary winner- E B Cuthbert Ingesoll- IDCI to Ottawa to see Trudeau 100 students Innerkip- Howard Carter has SS#5 Blandford School Bell Kintore- Crawford, Robert- designed water wheel Kintore- Ken McKellar, $2000 scholarship Kintore- Women's Institute celebrate Fair Tea Kintore-Nissouri East Wildwood Lake bridge demolished Lakeside- Allan Slater- $2000- Centennial Farm Award Medina- Mennonites Mount Elgin Miss Maud Smith died Nesbitt, Wallace-Canadian representative for UK and Can Nissouri East- new school at Medina Nissouri East-Mr and Mrs Andrew Snetsinger- 50 years married Nissouri West- history Norma P Huntley & David J G Noakes wed Norwich Barry Lynes died Norwich- plaque Norwich- Quaker Meeting House Norwich- Quakers Settled 1842 Norwich-Founding History Plaque unveiled, pictures Nowich- Emily Stove first female Dr. Odyssey in Oxford land Ont Fed Home & School Ass, Neil Winlaw pres, Mrs W Ellis vice pres Ontario Hospital receive awards at CNE Ontario Hospital receive awards at CNE Ox Cty Dairy Herd, award to, Arnott, Scott, Werkema, Bent Ox Cty- Washington,Water Fowl Haven sanctuary, William Schmalz Ox School Bd Sharp, Couch, Lerch, Barney Oxford 4-H Club- 400 strong Oxford 4-H Club- 46th year Oxford 4-H Club-Alex Steel- new president Oxford Centennial Library cost $160,000 Oxford Centre- Centennial Library in Minicipal Office Oxford Centre- Old Stage Road to have plaque Oxford Centre- Post Office Oxford County new senior's home to replaace Zorra East home Oxford County- 4-H Club, calf and Field Crop members Oxford County- Agriculture Federation new executive, W Bishop Oxford County- Centinniel Sign for farm of 100plus farms Oxford County- Col Alexander Whalley Light Oxford County- Duff Pallullo BC Premier Oxford County- finding the Centennial Farm Oxford County- first settler, John Carroll Oxford County Jr Farmers Banquet Oxford County- Junior Farmers drama winners, Oxford County- Junior Farmers guest from England, Judy Close Oxford County- Junior Farmers new executive, Ken Day Oxford County Junior Farmers new Officers-Ken Day president Oxford County- Kim Chong a Korean studies farming in Oxford Oxford County- Mail Delivery,Medina, Maplewood, Golspie Oxford County- Mental Health, President Howard Garland Oxford County Museum-bithday party, Hill, Nesbitt, Smith curators Oxford County- New Boundaries set Oxford County- new library Oxford County- new Silios- United Co-Operative company Oxford County Plowing Match- Mrs Arthur Eddy Laddies Plow winner Oxford County Rabies clinic in Woodstock Oxford County- Stage Road (3 pages) Oxford County Tour - Dereham Twp Oxford County Tour - Foldens, Beachville,Ingersoll Oxford County Tour- Highlands West Zorra, East Nissouri Oxford County Tour- Muir, Burgesville (2 pages) Oxford County- tractors off to Ottawa Oxford County-- Train mail end in County Oxford County- V.O.N. Service grows , J P MacGregor Oxford County- Wally Nesbett, Delegate to UN Oxford County Women's Institute conference Oxford County Women's Institute- Mrs Mervin Hicks new chairman Oxford County- Woodingford Lodge, Mike Knott Oxford County- Zorra East, Cheese Oxford County- Zorra Wesr Reeve Wm R Sutherland now new Warden Oxford County-New Judge K V Dick Oxford County's Dairy Queen Veronic Cuthbert Oxford County's new Board of Education Oxford Cty- Ontario's Dairy farms 1812 Oxford Cty 4-H Club, awards, Bruce Arnott, Richard Bell, Alan Sippel Oxford Cty- Zorra West- Richard Moon received Improvment Award Oxford East- G R Row, cenetennial medal contriubtion to Agriculture Oxford Historical Society contest rule and winners Oxford North- Banner School closing Oxford North Township building completed Oxford North Twp- Centennial celebration Oxford North Twp- E A Seldon retires Oxford North Twp- plant tree at municipal office Oxford North Women's Institute- 60th Anniversary Oxford Stamp Club-Philetelic Society- Souvenir Issue made Oxford students United Nations discussions Oxford West Twp- West Oxford Presbyterian Church, paque Petruniels Howard Plattsville- Oxford North Women's Institute 62nd annual meeting Poems, I'm Fine An Ode to a Man Pranks releae gates drain pond flood park Princeton C Bonney quits competition Princeton F C Gibson died Princeton Plowing Match - Bommey won Raiway Buffalo-Goderich Salford-wedding of D L Quinn and M H Branson Sweaburg- Province to buy woodlot- Naturalist Haven Thames River driftwood debris Thames River swimming Thamesford Musicians- at Stratford Festival- Thamesford C of C Thomas Patience Thamesford- CPR station Thamesford- Dorothy Richardson retires as postmaster Thamesford- Grace Patterson Women institute- picnic-picture named Thamesford- Grace Patterson Women's Institute picnic Thamesford- growing in size Thamesford- Jack MacDonald best bull calf $1000 Thamesford Mrs Agnes Watts died Thamesford- Nannette Kerr, Labor Day Parade and her pony Thamesford- New school Thamesford Public School Thamesford- Nora K Oliver graduates Uof T Thamesford- Oxford North-new municipal building Thamesford- Percy Elgie honoured at Coin Show Thamesford- Post Office, F D Edwards, money stamps stollen Thamesford- SS #8 Adams School Nissouri reunion Thamesford- SS #8 Nissouri School reunion Thamesford- Truck Accident- James Ingram Ingersoll dies Thamesford United church, Mr & Mrs J Koga farewell Thamesford- UTRCA dam Thamesford- UTRCA, Dam to be reactivated Thamesford- UTRCA, W Evan Sutherland Thamesford- Veterans Week parade Thamesford- W Evan Sutherland- Marple Sugar Thamesford- Wallace Brothers Lumber opened Thamesford- Wedding, Alice Grace Alderson & Gordon Calvin Weir Thamesford- Wedding, Evelyn Catharine Day & James Donald Arthur Thamesford- William T Matheson Centinnial Farm Thamesford, 4-H Honour- Alex Steele Thamesford-1856 John Adams Thamesford-19th Anniversary of G C Patterson W.I. Thamesford-Junior Farmers with Wm Stewart, Ken Day Thamesford-Lions Club- Wayne Carrothers president Thamesford-Mrs Agnes Leonard honoured 92years Thamesford-Payne stone house removed Tillsonburg Helen J Faw & P N Marchall wed Wildwood Park School-Festival of Stars Wolverton- Dr Newton Wolverton History plaque unveiled Wolverton Plaque unveiled-Pittock, Doyle, Dutton, Simmon Woodstock- 25 year plan- Population Growth Woodstock- 8th Boy Scout troup Rob Stephens tours Woodstock- Aluminium Company to Woodstock Woodstock- Annexation- Mayor Trevor Slater Woodstock- Auxilary for new aged home, Woodingford Woodstock Auxillary OPP award Woodstock- Baptist Church, Carol Wood works with young people Woodstock- Betty McArthur artist Woodstock Board of Education- Barry Hunt new Superintendent Woodstock Centenial Flag, Slater, Kennedy, Dunn, Harcourt Woodstock- Chalmers United Church established 1852 Woodstock city asked for home expenditure Woodstock City Hall - decked out for Christmas Woodstock Coin Club- City Hall Medal Woodstock Coin Club- new coin for the cow-Springbank Snow Countess Woodstock- Coin Club- Old St Paul's medal Woodstock Coin Club- pictures at Coin Show Woodstock Coin Club-Percy Elgie grand Champion at Coin Show Woodstock- crane to India for new dam Woodstock- Dr C H Dickson retires, Chalmers Presbyterian Church Woodstock- Dundas Street, reopening Woodstock England Woodstock- Fair Grounds fire Woodstock- Fanshawe Agricultural School begins at WMCA Woodstock General Hospital-graduate nurses Woodstock General Hospital-open corner stone 1894 Woodstock- Grade 13 Exams, WCI 13, IDCI 5, Norwich 2 successful Woodstock- Home for the Aged, Woodingford Woodstock- Jaycees award W Bernard Calder Young Men of the Year Woodstock- Judge Eric Cross dies Woodstock- Massey-Ferguson money gift to town Woodstock- moving day Old CityHall to Old Post Office- New City Hall Woodstock Mr William Adams Woodstock Mrs Alice (Leo) Wood died Woodstock Mrs B J Legge Woodstock Mrs H L Cunningham died Woodstock- Mrs Lorne Lynch button collection Woodstock Mrs Theodore Wilhelm died Woodstock- New Art Gallery Woodstock- New flag at City Hall-R Morrow, J MacKay Woodstock- new United Co-Operative to be built Woodstock- Northern Students visit Central School Woodstock- plans for new Seniors Home-Woodingford Woodstock -Pros and Cons to demolish City Hall for a park Woodstock- Rev John Davies talks about his stay in the Yukon Woodstock- Rotary Club- 6 Quebec exchange students for visit Woodstock- Rotary Club, visit Wildernew Area Sweaburg Woodstock- Scholars Woodstock- Springbank Snow Countess birthday Woodstock- Vansittart Home, Coin Club medal Woodstock- YMCA burning mortgage Woodstock, County Library, 30,000 books moved Woodstock, Knox Presbyterian Church Woodstock, Mrs Ivan Jamieson died Woodstock, Old St Paul's Church Woodstock: Wally Nesbitt, honoured from Ojibway Chief Woodstock-Cty Hall-voters to preserve, Old City Hall Woodstock-Elmer Karn farm Woodstock-fire Bell new home Woodstock-fire-Karn's Hardware Woodstock-New or Old? City Hall-plans Woodstock-Post Office- B B Hook Woodstock-Public Health- Dr O C Powers retires Woodstock--Ralph Hotson- cuts and polishes stones Woodstock-Thomas "Carbide" Willson - Plaque Woodstock-Wally Nesbitt- Canadian representative to UN Woodstock-Wally Nesbitt- Canadian representative to UN Y.M.C.A.- Dr Krupp leaves $100,000 to Y Zorra West- Elmsdale School, SS #10 closing (several pieces) Zorra West- Fire SS #2 Baynes Zorra West- Golspie School, SS # 8 closing Zorra West- Hayward/Cody plaque Zorra West- Highland Park School Zorra West- SS #7 School closing Zorra West- Youngsville School SS # 6 closing Zorra West-new school-Zorra Highland Park BK 6 41 3 6 50 55 40 39 44 40 13 53 47 33 34 45 48 39 53 7 53 30 30 5 56 13 49 23 11 13 42 40 39 43 35 41 53 6 60 60 60 40 2 42 5 1 49 49 52 34 31 26 6 41 39 44 50 18 32 31 6 31 41 39 41 40 26 6 5 44 26 40 12 39 11 23 25 52 56 5 32 42 27 28 53 6 2 13 14 50 40 40 32 32 32 7 35 53 40 32 32 46 47 49 29 29 29 28 37 44 38 44 48 33 29 41 49 29 34 26 34 37 33 27 46 40 50 46 52 41 29 60 49 39 30 30 30 30 60 52 46 39 55 55 50 39 1 19 52 58 35 56 32 49 5 30 29 37 37 37 20 31 33 37 41 37 58 53 40 43 10 14 6 33 39 53 19 1 34 54 18 37 45 27 6 44 37 53 17 37 40 48 48 24 31 49 42 37 37 27 29 40 40 37 20 48 8 14 6 27 8 6 29 7 8 23 38 34 31 37 57 47 18 55 31 36 39 25 29 25 52 29 29 50 42 40 25 58 44 60 44 44 44 55 24 40 51 43 43 52 43 50 43 37 16 25 52 26 25 40 47 37 31 38 36 60 44 30 40 30 48 25 35 10 10 12 13 25 17 20 25 27 46 30 1 30 30 40 30 30 23 PG 8 3 1 1-5, 2 1,2, 5,6 2 4,5, 16 5 3 1,2 1 1 2,3, 11,12, 2 2,3,3a 1 4 2 1 1 3,4, 6 1 3 1 1-3, 5 16 7 1 4,5, 1 5 9 1 3 4 16 2 2 1 4 5 5 2 2 1 2 9 3 10 9 7 4 3,5 5 8 7 2 11 4 16 1 9 2 1 2 3 1 9 2 6 1 1 1 5 2 1 2 1 5 8 2 4 3 3 9 16 7 6 4 2 3 8,9 11 1 1 1 4 2,3 6 6 6 2,3, 8 10 1 7 14 3 5 5,6, 6 5 5,6, 3 7 4 4 4 3,4 1,2, 4 2 5,6, 7 2 7 7 4,5,6 6 5 7 3,4 2 3 5 2 3 4 9 3 3 2 7 1,2, 2 2 8 1 4,3, 12 4 11 11 10 1 8 2 13 2 6,7, 4 7 15 2 1 1-2, 6 2 1 6 1 2 3,4, 1 2-3, 5 1 5 8 4 9 1 1 2 14 6,10 3,4,5, 2 2 4 3 1 9 6 7 13 10 3 2 2 4 4, 7 1 1-2, 7 1 3 3 4 2 4 4 14 1 3 1 5 3 4,5, 8 3, 4 9 1 3 3 8 4 4 5 3 10 5 6 2 8 6 1 6,7,8 1 2 2 1 2 5,6, 2 12 1 8 6 4 4 11 3 4 6 3 1,2,3, 6 3 10 16 8,9,11 13 6,7 1 4 2-3, 2 7 3 1-4, 3 2 3 3 16 1 16,18 14 12,13, 13,15 17 1