002',F North. Oxford 2nd,.' E, rougl,k°n i FiuSs party.: y i "C-ns7ab7e-r--
a vet 1st c.or e Uran _ ); - _.. •�aw�s..,..-.. -•�..
ess for
X3°or'�f 1, � Noi•wrch. Winter wheat; Claw-� indications arand more for 11,^*-�qa.,�,.�,,.r•�
�irea €
Ne3vs �'' Atlas of Blenheim, 3rd W $�, c older -genes nl ..-__
,J County' published in Toronto :South interests than the other two; and the o; -- -- - -
Sept 1, C -County"
by Walker and Miles.Tonto son 1st rwic nor Harris, at, Clam.w- a that all three find room; 1l m-/�
y _ - �. sources of enough,
and profit to the F - � I, I es V 41II eY
.The atlas, is the first of a series con Six-row."d barley. 1st, J-Awes vergep u References t0 TIIq
d pictulatedres
es the publishers
eachlot it lot " Drumbo •d John Mcl:(ayhnVest or I Dru..be 'publishers. The two devastating fires
and ncessis in own- vine that visitlen-ed Ingersoll not Ion I n 1 V th Cent u�, s
er;d all thoroughfares hand public build- ! heimp2nd', JYB E, BreouDhumlSo Bard, if carrying suffering to many, shave YManuser►pts
ings; and, as'the atlas foreword says, - A. Wood; aast Zor a. Peas,' White Uaon the medium f improvement in i BY M. E. Cropp Simone Ist the general appearanred a
ce of the town On December 7th, 1791,. Gover- eral other white en on the trev
"the views of. resideneeg and manufac" st ek� 2nd, BurRe�`ss;-Drumbo. Pea, and may with truth besaj(l;t let few 'r nor Simeo;wrote, "I am ha
tories while exhibiting evidences of �.)owns in Canada -en'o Eo a� ri happy engaged upon their own wealth and taste. on the part of our Multipliers-. s ; A B Moore, Otter- J Y _g` ntet m' to have found In 'the surveyor's business, and were met, or over.
/: degree the evidences of wealth and Cul office' an actual survey of the taken by four Expresses (Govern-
patrons,.add not a little importance to [t Ville; 2nd, John Bt3rns; Ah .. Peas, tore that be]ong`to Ingersoll. -
the book." - Black -Eyed ar�3rrroowfat: 1st, D. Wake- A. manufacturing centre of such River La Tranche." ment messengers gr mail men),
(' A directory of the inhabitants of field, Blenheim; 2nd, William Harris, -.pro onions must require a very con- A reproduction of the me In They -found two traders car;
Oxford,' with the which the address of Mount .Elgin. Crown peas: 1st. siderable circulation pf money, and in question Is included amongthe]ng on their tivairieee in the heart -.
,each,..is suppli€d which the publishers George A. Mtintoe, Embro; 2nd, J. B. Mr. Cha wick, the manager of the In- ' Simone Papers. Scattered along of the district; one, half a he
state will "supply data for the future ' Isaac oe, mbro.Early June peso: 1st, gersoll Ban ,the welfare of the town the river, on both aides, are 28 y's
--historian of no little importance.'-_Etla'A1;L1s,,North Oxford. White has its best friend. - tiny squares, and a note. In the journey west 'of Brant's Ford, (pf!
The fokwing interesting history of ! oats let, 'A xan r B Dere .corner which says: 'The Huta on:. and. the other Y4 miles went ofB
wasIngWI o)I, Beachville and Mount Elgin, ham; 2nd, S -Bur�ssville; I : `: Beachville• the Banks of the River marked' the Delaware Indian Village.,
is was w itten by A. McCleneghan, Esq., 3rd, R. Burgess, Drumbo. Black oats; red are small settlements without They also passed an old camp, of 1t*odstock. Other excerpts from 1st, S. S. Burtis, Burgessville; 2nd I This is one of the oldest .villages in southeast of the
" Atlas will be published in The .Josep Rro t+, Otterville; 3rd, T the western portion of the count At authority, many abandoned'. - Present Wood ..
ribune at a later date. The Ingersoll aj: a, , West Zorra. Flaxseed:: isti one time it was the post town for•the ` * • .stock, used by the party of Lord v
tstory follows: J, H. Brown, Beachville. Large FieU entire neighborhood, including Wood- All this proves that the Thames F,�z. raid who passed over .the .':
g same trail in 1789, (,
INGERSOLL �, beano,*• 1st,''-7' u Me e, Otterville stock. The improvement. of the county Valley was definitely not an un- a *. :t
2nd, e,,. I.p��rjs, Salford; 3rd, J. W. EI, v l railway facilities crushed: Beach- known. quantity when official ' ,
From 1852"to 1865, Ingersoll was iisft, Mount Elgin. Small Field beans vi11e's prospects entirely: still it is a settlemorl began in 1793,. and - Another map' included among,
but an incorporated village. The first r 1st, C: Lewis; Salford; 2nd, S. Burgess clean, neat settlement, with churches, lends .credence to various on. the Slmcoe Papers proves later>
t. g -i--�_H istores, etc., and has a daily mail east confirmed tales that have come source material Incorrect In attT'
,reeve or executive was John Bur essville. Buckwheat: s, Galliford.. T mas *Brown (the pres- Moore, Otterville; .2nd, A. B. Moore land west, and to:Embro. 6 down to us of certain individuals detail. Woodstock- (not Beach- 'F"a ent reeve) for wo rs .succeeding, Otterville. Red Clover: 1st, Wiiliarr * ; Mount Elgin being settled here and there 1n villa), 18 situated At the Upper r
3eld that distinguished ,position, fol- Ramsgn, Otterville; 2nd, A. $, Moore I This is a village�in Doreham, on the )the 1780's and early 1790's. i Forks of the Thames, formed by j
flowed, in.1866, by James F. M. #Cart;' Otterville. Timothy seed: lot, C. Lew Ingersoll andQort Burwell macadamiz Many of these early settlers, or the confluence of the Thames
sq. In 1856 and the £w'o fon wing is, Salford; 2nd, A. Post, Mount El. led road. It is in the heart of the "dair � #peculators, finding life too hard, I and Cedar Creek, but the portage
lyears, Mr, Galliford was _ reeve.. From gin; 3rd, J. H.'-ITooie, Otterville nterest of the county, .has a good progress too slow, left; never P g
`f1859 to 1863, Adam Oliver, Esq., held Hungarian seed: 1st, Comfort, Ot. or ro trail from Bs erti Ford, as stated
k he position, when he relinquished it terville. Strained honey: let, berf (sit es. a Culloden Post,
all other neces- Verschoyle are to return. Others are known to in a. Previous afticleI came down ,
'to, Mr. Galliford In :. 1865, Ingersoll .Post, Mount Elgin. Beeswax: 1st; A. have come. back to their original. to the Thames at Beachvitte:'
p, Qdstick. beer --Mount El i Furthermore, it crossed .the river
;,ok the status of a town, with Mr. Oil -Post, Mount Elgin. Red Glazed earn: P%st- ck, p.y�- gin and 1 elaima after periods of ten, twen- at Beachvllie on a to r as first mayor. - In 1866, Mr. Oliver 1st, Robert' Maleol Springford, '` L,, i' Y and even thirty years, g and kept
' again chosen to that office, follow- White co n: , illiam Ramson i • U The account of Governor Sjm- to the forth side of the river ap-
,k8^' suck 186g,..py;Mr, Galliford. Norwich. Judges: W: 'ams Peers' _ - coe's trip from Niagara to De- proximately ne far as the present :
�- ---" trolt in the winter of 1793, a# told 'Dorchester,- when it crossed to
An McDonald, Esq.; was John Forrest, John-_ ark _ Ingersoll, long c3�nowa asIngersolhillr,'
-`* the position, followed by Mi ark x tam S. King. '`--;' was named by arlea Ingersoll in memory by Major Littlehays, "pictures the the south side again as far as r
+23f'NiC�au hey h__ey in 1870 and 1871. Of the many notable establishmenO of his father; MajorThomIngersoll who Peninsula of southwestern On- the Delaware Indian Village,
1872, Mr., cDQuaid again took the in Ontario for the production of agri came to this count; from Greattario as being populous with In- Here it again cheesed the river.
/ic; chair, which he relinquished, in cultural implements, machine; etc. Y :� than tribes, and the ancient trails and it
to the north side a
Company, of Ingersoll, i�erha s the r linking
regularly whenITp
73, to Peter_J. Brown, Esq.-- In 1874, that known as the Mass., in 1793.• The Ingerso ls. originallycame
Nox n Brother': traveled arteriesproximately as fat an Chatham,
H. Sorley, Esq., was elected mayor, P y g perhaps from Bedfordshire; England, two brothers,Ifnking the outposts Of clvlllia when (t returned to the south Bide;
rid occlilsterl the position, with credit most. extensive. It was,established it ,John and Richard, settling in Massachusetts, tlon. On the trip in question the - and remained.
himself and advantage to the cor- 1856, and incorporated in 1872, wilt in 1627. Major Ingersoll died in 1812 He wasQ [' - - -- - - J7
oration; for two years,making way, entirely new premises of most e]abor. /y 'Gw'y'� �� "f-
6 1876, for Mr. John McDonald. Thus ate proportions, at a cost in building; married three times and had eleven children.., ,a Called
�ed put For Action,
e,see in 24 years only eight gentlemen alone of upward of $35,000. It Pi-,s. I'aura, his firstborn, became famous under, 1,j iiiiii
Ave been honored with the position employment to an average of 110 skill her married name, Laura Secord. Charles In -
Chief Magistrate. ed workmen, with a yearly business of gersoll was arson by the --third Fenian
yam 7 (�/�p�
he Corporation of Ingersoll for 1876 a quarter of a million dollars. _ T�"1 P QM1 97^I R4 �Zd 1 }.(�a rp,�
:ayor, John McDonald, Esq. Reeve, Adam Oliver & Co. have a very ex - -� - a� ii v+� Ian iL f iV66 '
�mas Brown, Esq. 'First Deputy tensive establishment and are con' 1' Famous Dames Linke BY H. P. -DEANS han's Company was author4 l
ve,"�John Buchanan; Second Depu- tractors on a large scale, and dealers At the time of the Fenian Raid the Woodstock Infantry Co'::' Reeve, Joseph Gibson. Councillors, in lumber, etc. Their saw -mill has : ( JJ 'j' in March me the Companies at and was ordered to London (man Clark, George Foster, Hector capacity of 10,000 feet per day, while , When Oxford 1 o Woodstock, Thamesford Ingersoll; live service.:In the meantmxl
,mpbell, James McIntyre, Wi Liam their trade is made up of shipments o: wEmbro, .North Oxford, Drumbo, companies ordered out on the'` +'
trtlo, . James Waterhouse, Lt. doors, sash; blinds, cheese -boxes, etc. - Tin ton Princeton and Paris were called of June had been sent to the
7. E. O'Neil
tiara, Mn, Robert Vance, J. A. Wil and they employ throughout the yea � rAMOUS names are interwoven fields out for active service, but .were her where they. arrived just ,
ams; M-D„J. C. Galloway. an average of 70 men. Oliver's bus ( y' in the earl history of In- offered not taken into action. late to take (fart in the fight z
Treasurer, R. A. Woodcock; clerk, mess was established in 1853, and he - y �' ge the first of June 1866, the Ridgeway.- '-
gecord' including those In Laura La Tr
Detrainment Was
i illiam ,McLeod; assessor, James been of continued prosperity to the on accord and Thomas Ingersoll, La Tr Ingersoll and Drumbo Infantry Poit Colbourn# then marched
�urdock;'- collector, chief constable, / - - and there still remains on In- With Companies. +,ver# ordered out with Fort Erie taking 65 Fenian pris
Henderson;: constable, $_Craw- '.-terprising firm, had to the town anc gersoll's main street buildings Laura the remaining companies of the Ox- era on the way. After two days
id; chief of fire brigade, W. L. neighborhood. Christopher &Brother#, to remind the citizens of today mania ford Rifles, according to a very Fort Erie, the Company pros ;e'
yarn; assistant, R. G. Bickerton. , oar# stablin the hme ins o usiHillCale with that the life of their town is who interesting documentary Order to London for two weeks duty- `
an establishment employing 100 men. linked with the.,. story of the heroin Book of Ingersoll Company which thence to Sandwich
'Ingersoll, in the 'enterprise - of her -The Woolen Mil] of Waterhouse 8 earliest pioneers! Canadi was forwarded by Lt-Col. J. C. After the Fenians repented th
ople; may be said to have had a de- JBradbury is another ornament, to the On a corner of the business " at Bea HHHtgler of the old 22nd Regime', radical views; there occurred
fled advantage. over the. sister town l place, and a further evidence of the section there stands a weather- tide o on 30 March 1911 to Lt-Col. Z Woodstock a very amusingii
beaten, one -store building, used _ohn, White,. CommandingOfficer dent.; It seemed that theritit
the co Jo
'o Woodstock. With a jest 'people
while characteristic of Ingersoll; as a harness she g, of the 22nd Regiment for afekee two whisk detectives .practis
g sell ear situation, thead into
of while the cabinet factory owned by time was a tradingwhich at chosenprofession-in the City an
-gersoll early pushed a road into the 'McIrytYre. & Crotty is without an equal. Indiana brought orsaand hex- - ersere oll Rg and is now in Possession f the their Y
art of the. lumber section to' the liu the county�gx'g carriage fac. changed them'. for the products towns Regiment, a result became demonstrati
ath, and by establishing manufac. { tory and , Ea wn d' .found; are On 1 June 1866 the following mes. unpopular. William of the earliest mills and distil- from 10_m Grey, the
'es, and the exportation of,ISm- y lerics aP the district. In era sage.was received from London; Jor, having grave fears for •=:1
other evidences. of prosperity.It was of g To Cat Wonha welfare; called u 'A
h a measure of prosperity, was se it Like most Canadian towns, Inger moos chiefs, Jose Indict'swho woato- bd to 11 e P Y read to upon the I
,red tb, proved the prudence of the sell is amply 8EB� Your om an y Militia to protect them. C
p y provided with .churches; exercised grea mflr uence on the on.. the march at once for .Paris; at Beard with 20 NCOs and men, how-'
nture. Although_ the agricultural .sand, what is of•still greater import- course of local history by per- 5treeC railway Station. levees', was fortunate in avoiding a 7 tistics given•elsewhere would indi- lance, tllp ministration of the gospel suading Thomas. - Irageraoli to gersoll (Signed) J..B. Taylor riot.
tfte otherwise Ing4soll is the centre from the different pulpits is not with- leave hta rizrme in Great liar` tiers a DAAG - Srnoxd€saes#
the great dairy trade of Oxford; out effect in securing the presence of
nd at'Ingersollwas held that exhibi- the great bulk of the people at their - H@ London, .Ont.-
on of the staple products of Oxford respective places of worship on the It r said that .when the notice o
was received is Woodstock, the P
tended to represent the capabilities Lord's Pay. Company paraded is full march-: •
f this section at the great Exposition 'l The press of Canada has no indif-i o ling order three quarters of an
1876 at Philadelphia, at which. the �f,r,nt representation in the Ingersoll'' hour after the first bugle call,
(lowing prizes Were awarded Spring C Chronicle and the Oxford Trrbune.i d r- On June S, Capt.. VI Cieneg
tent Fift:'. 1st, Alex- Wood, 'The former started in 1855, by the later oq am.vw0.r- <•a-e� -ram- ---•- • b
r•i 2nd, Robert Forbes, West Zor J. S. Garnett, Esq., and now aly man-, r YEARS AGO
rd P�.HILiegss, Drumbo.: Morgan age,. by his son, Mr. G. F. Garnett; ..h✓ l S'6 6 -i t.U- cv0 �2cL 'J'�Z �Q/�''�'''' ddls,.�,Q,,,,�• - December 14, 78,5s 1 '
it A. Burgess, Drumbo,' special. 'while the latter; under "'she manage- +)�,., /( p" pier some weeks past Ingersoll iras )
;den Dro wheat: 1st, John Clark- ""'7 au,r�VL �'a�Zle-aL �s S.an�ri -or.� 7.�ic i _ the scene of numerous outrages and scar
p ment of Mr. Harry Rowland, in adds-
Wst Oxford;,2nd E. Cook, West tio�i to,edrren po tZ"- toY'E` s and literature, - y�;r/'
',rd. Winter wheat, 1st, A is the special organ and advocate of U� � �'�p"� )zed✓ , 55,, "�l"""O�' �{"`dO�•'✓ a night has passed without a robbery o;
*odor '-pereham; - 2nd, , A. Bell, the dairy
:interest of the section. The "" the Two es the gentry. now of have b enaassault taking place. These seem o izeeve
tie; 3rd F:Rinove Drumbo. .. _. __ _ .%%-yat� ia.q aL Ct%-pn+.�et�.v✓ ,(.w it�
4 Men
oner. - t