Famous Names Linked With History of Insersoll ' s
? When Oxford
Town On Thames Budding Centre i
•7. E. O'Neil -
rington, Mass., and seek new
have 200 acres of land to be paid '1
for the rate of six -pence per
7-'AMOUS names are interwoven
f+elds in Canada: Chief Brant
offered to guide Ingersoll to
acre. Later, Mr. Ingersoll's grant _
d' in the early history of In-
t. including those of Laura
suitable territory on the River
was canceled and he removed, f
the district.
Secord and Thomas Ingersoll,
La Tranche (the Thames).
With him came his daughter,
discouraged, from
Ingersoll's son, Charles, who
and therestill remains on In-.
main- street buildings
-Laura Ingersoll," who after her
,served in the War of 1812, re -;
-later and
get soll's
to remind the citizens of today
marriage was Laura Secord,
- was destined to play a
turned to Ingersoll' j
went eagerly to work. A store, a—
that the life of their town is
heroine's part in the rescue of
saw -mill. a grist millr a pottery j
�' ..linked with the - story of
Canadian forces from disaster
and a distillery were soon built
earliest' pioneerai
the business
at Beaver Dam, and to turn the
and. Charles Ingersoll was the
On a corner of
tide of victory to the side of
district's leading citizen. He was
- section there stands a weather-
the country her : father had
twice returned to Parliament
beaten, one building; used
chosen for his own. '
and died in 1882. The. Town of
harness shop which at one
t time trading where -
The Government ,granted In-
Ingersoll was, in the early days,
a was a post
Indians brought furs and ex -products
gersoll and his associates a
named Charles in his honor.
changed them' for the products>
township on the. old Indian trail
.The a�mous+Robert Ingersoll
the '.
of the earliest mills and distil-
from Ancaster to. Detroit. Mr.
Ingersoll felled with' his own
and founder of .Ingersoll
watch concern, were descendants
leries of the district,
' It was one of the Indian's fa-
hands a tree for a log .cabin that
of Thom. Ingersoll's family. It
moos chiefs, Joseph Brant, who -.
was to be his home. This was
spot that is now Thames
is said that the founder of
Ingersoll watch 'went to I
at. -influence on
exercised great
of local history by per-
. onethe
street in the Township of In-
n aan
:,, soli a number of years ego in n
., course
-' suading Thomas Ingersoll to
gersoll. There were to be 40 set-.
effort topurchase the old In-
leave his home in Great iar-
tiers at first, and each was' to
y /d 440 T( d, 4Qneen p J loo YEARS A(0 1
December 14, 1858 1
Por some weeks p✓ st Ingersoll ,has
7�?(� the scene of numerous outrages said se:
a night has passedwithouta robbery :
�j '� ,(j i,x, !+GG/�►+✓ 7r.eO-✓ ` /� assault taking plus. These seem to have
the result of the labors of an orga4ized
✓iLriu- do P"*" Q Two of the gentry now have been tiaken