006Piers From Old / Landse . - Brought CraftWithThemj^ (Z,..l —Hid, Working Tools Dur !` , _ ing War of 1812 Lest Yan i REVIEW, WOODSTOCK, kees Destroy ,Them Fy 1 h= ' Of rich, historic interest are the MASONIC LODGE King t ar yr minutes and other entries the 9 ze �0' ,p`) old books connected with KHIT- am Masonic lodge in Ingersoll n rya N 'ay} which just. celebrated. its 130tb Jl 'e I±ORM�>} IN. CABIN a1'r✓ •r"P, 1' 'j4 \ 1 birthday. As time goes in a new.I' 1, l'i tt% i9 ; land that means a' a time ,II BY, THAN RIVER I 1� p ,°6�r ��ti� Many changes have come \o Pass 1. D l AT■f71 111111M44\/ 1Kt {y 9Y f 40 'i'i1 The thingsof an almosbforgotten j a .,.•. yesterday are gone. Out of the old book ofminutes of King Hiram IC (Continued £rom page 1) Lodge, many Interesting facts are `. {{ "The lodge wwent alonas no* fairly 'taken by Marry T.BBower, secretary r grante(1 them fob settlement by the I! eataban ila ed d � of the lodge.' - i { gs mooth ' were presented by - British crown. - j ly tor. fight 'or nine 'yea r These facts s,,gradu-� MS'. Bower at the banquet which 4 Iil "In 1193 Jos�i Brant,' cefa lebrat I l� getting a set of by-laws Per - marked the -180thanniversary of !" ed Mohawk, sent his trusted your fected'and Increasing their outfit ( r t.. men`to r- of accessories Until. war ' clouds be, lodge, and at whichWalter S. guide Ingersoll and Hla ar- 'Herrington, -grand. master of the ,d tY over the ancient trail to Lbc site gan to appear on the horizon. 'In the years preceding 18 2,'thc �-- Grand Lodge pf..Canada was pres- of what i6 now Ingersoll. Three ent, together with other lummar 1 or four years later Sovm nmeee of Uell Canada, seen g 1 saw the cone- l t - ]I, the, need of better loads to al- les of the craft in Ontario. li ' 1 PlWrei of the survey of Oxford- - - "1803 TO 1851: a township. The p tow settlers'. -to enec their ,loco' \change in 'the 1. bone, and thenecessityIf bet-i The old book, whence Mr. Bow> li 'name of the river to k44e1'Thern. ter military Comm unications°'be- gleaned his 'most interesting , from 'La France' and theesLablrsh-r facts, contains the minutes of I tween the Niagara and D¢trolt `` mein of atlittle building which did frontiers, had built bridges and King Hiram Lodge from June to I' duty for trading post, .]and office, t g' 1803,: to April 7, Y857,: The late 'registry g str and made such improvements as to - 1\ I, re i Y post office I. site B change the Indian trail into a. !John Roes Robertson, a member otpf�. � of Ihgersoll's 'present market �r 1' Yair- ilths'.Masomc craft, paid a visit t I square. �. ` Y Passabl9 military road. Thus +' we had1the ancient highway, —the. IIngeraoll'and evinced such intere i ` MASONS MEET first -government road. through this \ in the old; book that he seen' "For miles and miles around set.!:part of Ontario. 'It seems that our permisslon'to take it to his P;ff J tiers made their way 'over the d. past history is very eemsclosely linked >� ing office in Toronto where he put �+;. blazed trail and by canoe to this}7• up with this highway. Overitodr, its pages in proper . order and in ( little buildingto post their letters , ancient brethren travelled to at - its present, binding. i and to trade. Was it not natural'is' tend .Grand Lodge at York or "As the history of every Mason- ( then' that here Alley ' should meet, is lodge is so closely linked up with I . i get acquainted and discuss the of- Kingston. Over it game their the history of Its locality," said Mr.l fairs of '. the day? Such 'mar as Mall —seven Bower Eo the some 400 Masons as-{ 'Pence from .York to James Burdick, Enoch urdick Oxford -on -'Thames, and over it al- sembled in St James' parish hall, Sam el an field, Rober Sweet, so came the marauding bands of^.v.N�"'''''I, lal am tiles Towels Joel PI _ Yankees in Y812 on birthday occasion last Thursday., `y, �^-- night, "I must ask youto allow er and others should not oulyvc — `GUARUEli (TOOLS Tia me to take you back about ten recbgnled In each other character "'The Yankees burned down tUe —f' years prior to the entries in the ' lines Of good ,neighbors, .but also mill Which served this settlement book. feel that they had much 1n com- Nr JdC) mon, all beta i and Which was situated yyn the: rynsLCawn+'�/} "It is a fact fairly welt estab- r g n possession of the land. of and. opera d by the first Q SOA��arr Cr rn lished by our historical societythat �` l secrete of. Master„Masous,uthough 01i iN. 1 some owed ailegiance to the Grand t-.,Niche, t,.onn mil easy, of town • rJ before the first military road loin- (now tenanted by J U..73ibh617a;�a ing the, Niagara frontier to the bodge of New York, of England, direct descendant} -This, s read y �ta /0 60 Straits of Mackinaw there existed 'consternatto¢ 1 Ireland, and even Holland. P nd a ', te. 'in, they community, � a well-defined trail over which as "If YOU .will allow me to draw and King Hiram lodge, fearing generation after generation of neu- upon my imagination, they finally loss of 'its paraphernalia, so her tral- Indidns (sometimes in. peace v' got together, made' appointments to: get In those days, .by resolution and sometimes with-. hostile inten- held Conversations and made plans on June 30, 1812,-appointed Bro. tions) had travelled. ` This trail led " until finally they sent a• communi- David Curtis to take. charge oP the from Ancaster, the outpost of mv- f �a Earn to the Grand Lodge of wore ng oelsvfor safe keeping un-' (',,� f�• ilization, through the Brant coun- is g and asking. permission to form III after the war. �-�"'" try to where it touched the River i- �k a' lgcal lodge. After" months of TIDE OXFORD BATTALION V i La France at the point where our e- welt ng they .were at last Inform- "Many members of King Thames street (in. Ingersoll) cross- i it edto gather at Oxford-on-Thardes Lodge joined the Oxford battalion, ed the river,, and thence following td on. the 24th of - Jung, 1803, where 'one of offlcers'being Bro. Ma-:' the river to the confluence with kf the representatives of the Grand the north branch on, the, resent Lodge In 17 jor .Axial' Townley` Tiley' fought p a peer -Canada from Ni- and'distinguished themselves at the' site of .London, and then west to agora, York and; ISingston would capture ture of Detroit, Fort Erie, Lun-i . I' meet them. p r... the Straits of Mackinaw: 1 dy's Lane and Malcolm's Mills.1 LOCATED GRANT 1 I HELD IN CABIN - They received sixpence per day for "It ran for the" mast part "They had no lodge groom, but a private. it -thin con tr of tall trees and Bro. Robert Sweet offered his cab _ 1`�r *t'- y in. Grand Lod "Along the Highway came rom. the wee ern €nd still perpetuates 6e opened at 11 a.nce,"for; as Lieut. Secord march- 5� ( 1 the Indian name, (The Longl Woods a.m. and closed at one p.m. King ed his men through and blvouack bfif ✓�.`f °7s o! Road.' The point here in Lager- i Iilram lodge No. 12 closed at two ed at Oxtord, he met .Laura I er-' dow y'°'y l° I p.m., "havin n°_L �� os 41 soli, where the trail- touched the t g -Wor:. Bro• _es loin Thcy married, and removed tot 29c{ f� river, formed a' land mark by rdlck as W.M.,Enoch Burdick -as the Niagara frontier, where she, b which Itwaspossible for Thomas �� S•B'•l Samuel Canfield, aaJW ,'lier'.phrcic and cool chinking, was' Ingersoll, Gideon Boswick, Sethay and, W.M.. u ay. secretary rnabled, to render such services t0 p, e9 Hamlett, Abel Kelson and'other� I - , pro tem: The first can date, Is, her country as to pass htr name Th 80 to locate the 86,000 acres of land - aac Burdick, was initiate July b, down to posterity as the Canadian'. 1� $800.. ', a fees were placer 803. att heroine. „ D5 1. FI!IAT GRAND LODGE rT' „�Iytet` 2 hta (. gp; i„• , "The ` first representative to 01 �r14A YQ 11' den 1 Is _ 01d Sul � d � 4rand Lodge wee Bro. Page of At pQ},j 1i m Weak o�++. V}•�'14 rs5 r"i 1�C7 s� iI �41oW5 11�^y"C,11`y'Aww'4�1tiw �w,i b,�{gip+•ro,� ,�s0 4d ^{ 44'Qt't4' �un�dr,i\4 lx soviL ned. 61 ,' ,.