007lie rsmiers-- 'was�;staEed: touha,ie�told Mayor Buchanan" ''erentone P Y give to the new Ingersoh's representatives that. he structurethe name of Coronation was absolutel powerless to assist Bridge, and expressed the hoe ltf"-�UJ U1,Lf,{ Y p ar. , g e P � t �B'rrt2 P t, / kl / financially that it'would see augmented hap (� ,The mayor did give credetto the piness and augmented prosperity s a" governmentinhaving been sincere for Ingersoll people for many �✓Vil-di �`"t-' 0 44 ._, C ui its effort to'help,only to find years to come. + he .tat such help. could not be ex.rdoeg Tile gathering dispersed follow ' ' ,' • - t tried, Ingersoll being a town sepShe singing of the National '- • l grated from the county.? Despiteem, - � � � "°✓� �� the inability to help financially in � sru ram, ` a direct. way, Premier Hepburn(''� did do Ingersoll a great favor quitERSPECTIVE! I '' LG`r;'L!/'- ` ✓ kindness, it was stated by the may r .{ or, when he, built. the temporary,rbridge which has . carried trafficeorge G. Beck, chosen tooffic liover• the river from a period short -at the opening of the. newI after the v ashout of the old a yesterda was 90 Y Y 8 Y, Years bridge until a few days •ago. Toge on Noveinber 5th._ He has -_in business here continu Councillor ThomasMorrisoa the1mayor gave full local credit for for more than 64 ears. He i'v to.Ingersoll as a y ung mangetting this generous help .fromstarted in at the store wherethe government,, The speaker .saidow does business.that it. was direct) and sole) due Y Y hen e Beck came le Inger. t• .s'' �, � to Mr. Morrison's efforts with his soil there were no telephones friend, the. premier, that Ingersoll There were no electric lights. There x gotthe temporary structure. were no sidewalks other than plank ' + Mayor Buchanan also extended ones. There were. no paved streets s every credit, to those who had He .saw all these things 'come to ^ g' helped in bringing to completion Ingersoll while he continued to do the splendid structure being open- business.. �� /9�y ed on this, occasion.. Passing, ref- It was considered most fitting +c D • f(�rZT rn , 7 e - erence-was made to the ravages of that he should officiate at the cere- tti r a . 2 . Z5 . rya �1t ci e� - 9 i {floods,of which Ingersoll had had mony. in connection with Inger- dN. her full share this year. This speak. soll's most modern addition to its er, too, made reference' to the municipal equipment, r" link''of the old, bridge. with. the r He had the proper perspective. Past, and expressed the hope that ., '.a Vie. eY = the new bridge would symbolize a g , i " new unity between those of the gS• flG� _�� 7 ` north and the south; and serve for `^ 1 Si I. nee i �Qi I I 1 1 185 / many Years to osee Ingersoll am @ecfC �� Ingersoll people prosper. ; At this juncture the mayor nn %}+a+s-.a✓'`f ;'" a ;S traduced George G Beck, who had �N, n n k - 0 Seen 'Man's Work ,CFr��'�r�3vr `< ✓„3: A .,,.£<£ been chosen to on; the ribbon as -- Sa the f ken of the official opening wF - ,/' farce(, By Charles 8. Back anyone present who knows + . - J."• George. G. Beck, withbared head, '?bad just cut the ribbon on g B ek was chosen nob - ! "' The inhabitants of Ingersoll just cause why these twn . HE HAD JUST CUT TI#E RIBBON b% the bridge. "Geor e e Ingersoll's new bridge when this pletine was made by Jack Cam, purely because he is the oldest ,'4�� ` f N S 4 must have been assured that when up jumped one -,.of business man in Ingersoll, and on ' Mill street, yesterday afternoon. r e on Mr. Beck stands Councillor ( 2 ` c�.<� they lived in a'man's world in congregatiop, and a a l di fiat, alone entitled to this Jey�-nza�+ei- asT. t Morrison, , le opened tht, are: Above; on the Nestle uck, .i 1" forbld the banns, as the i as they appear, left to right, are: CouncilloraF, Kestle and .h�.nor, but also because of his fine p e t.3 (r, 1869. At any Late, those he Stanley_T..Smith; Mayor J. V. Buchanan, and at right— ght—CFc ncillor cnarac er an is ova e lsposo- e�tl.<"q }� :-.t heard, or heard of, the answer haa.a wife already!'" A. H, Edmonds.' Looking over Mr. Edmonds' shoulder in the back- timl," said the mayor. This brought a - ----- - + + round Is Councilor J. A Weir, forth cheers as Mr. Beck climbed n - to a question asked In a church g 13entmel Re,aew P eraina) i�,r;ea,w �� e'd-L of the village acted on the aa- "The astonishment and down from the fire truck and out .�- ""'^'�•..Gs..- the ribbon. Again cheers went up �Z� ,�j' gumption — surely a large one citement that prevailed' a+ as Lae Loss: was finished , �y[ti Ff '/ — that the men in the en - this unexpected announcers Large Crowd on Hand for h �WG�I A. S. RENNIE, MP. -- tanglenient could have done no can be more easily imsgi Oxford's federal member stated wrong. that he was particularly glad to be ' J,ecL';'i'�'""�p f0 ^ + + than described: .The world j�`'ye a aj j6 o#auwy'Mry Aid present upon the occasion of'thel q- 6 bride was afterwards but Official ieial Opening of till The heartbreaking Incident In effi fnr tr g opening of Ingersoll's new-bridge,tet., J•6�J9 was reported In the Tngersall gY Yin to ins He was delighted, he explained, to y� A another womans husband.' 0 ✓.If. a be present with Mr. Beck upon such 4D1 %-/i / jjd k)GYM Chronicle of January : I869, ,-. _ 93� an occasion, and to share with Y l as follows:. "The Banns / New Thanes.. Street f ridge Ingersoll people real pleasure in his red fl v /� /9 7y :- bidden: A strangei and very selection as the man to officiate unusual occurrence took place Mr. Rennie expressed .the hope nl�*+//r'a �i .^•sic hl �,T in the_ Wesleyan Methodist eLz that the new brill a would serve y{(•ri,.j /y ryy.y� GeorgeG. Beck1 Cuts Rib- pulled up to the point where the g t^� �5r' : Chapel of this place during the p ribbon stretched across the aline- to bring Ingersoll .its share of the service on Sunday evening O `�"'' • a'' bon to`Mark the Open tourists who pass' tbroueb v I ,u(+.aFa'. j/tcdae h/ Y (ref week. It was on the occasion ture, and thus served as s platform abant 'the province each year for A ing for the 'speakers. Mr. Beck also the betterment of the business con f xL':.:Trirad t2-f I/V ? of 'publishing the banns of CEREMONY WAS BRIEF rode there. dition in general of the coin '-" marriage between two of our tf( • r, c�'ty� Councillor Thomas Morrison ^ •coloured population', Gra- (f ✓fit-L./_�c opened the proceedings and refer- mamty. In this connection' the-yf/,y,� � � �y>r ! �R p speaker urged Ingersoll's business ham and Rebecca Lodtne or Mayor and Counj il, Also A. red to the passing of the old bridge, nnen and residents in general to live ir�u,:i- -;,f. /{.! 1 r'' Sarrdine. - 1� i� prior to introducing MavoT Bu- "After the minister: - The /J[` a S. Rennie, P., :Take P lip to their traditionally fine spir p� � �,ta:l.SEci4 Reverend G. Kennedy had l dc.eE Part ,� Q chaser to the gathering as the it so that the best the future could eKGe. F(iay��%- �uEt"v. So 'wGr»+.t! "�- '"'d-fe's+' main speaker. Councillor Morrison offer might come into being. .The �dv, ,,�' of isle ia., +, ":' uttered the words, 'If there )k ,4,j1y- /Hundredagathered yesterday for paidYtribute to all.who had taken Speaker closed with the wish that ------ _ ( ------ )the official opening of Ingersoll's paz't'in the construction of .the there might be'lotsof water pass• Nil Corona ion Bind The cere- new bridge, particularly referring under present. bridge before.` f a, > ct `"' _ r ""' °-✓ M mony, ree an o e point, was to the Hamilton Bridge Company another was needed. uevertheless,'given-its 'niche in his- and J. A:Vano£ Woodstock.The REV. F. C. ELLIOTT tory by. relative comparison with , speaker - expressed - the opinion Cluilnnan F. C. Elliott of the If rf the'past and • expression of hope that the�ew bridge., was,orl Public Utilities Commission, which s �',i.lx - /.'de ,aon.a.�" - ij',G-7ui,�ce.,.-Ssifd,. Arrt. ,,, r - body donated the lighting .system - Geo ge Gi�.�Bee tithe r, bon whlch Ingersoll might be proud, for' the. new structure, was paid " - ,- H q, est businessman, cut' the ribbon which' official) opened the new and one which er hoped would give tribute also by Mayor- Buchanan r t Y long years of`se=vice. for his part and interest in the ven <n structure, and did itinJust the - MAYOR BUCHANAN - ture.tcvr,-cCq«� 'waythat George Beck would be (/ . i Mayor Buchanan referred to Mr. Elliott congratulated Ing y C expected to do rt—quietly, `,with- the act of Providence which bad ersoll's council and residents in p •" `H{=+'».e�1",c->., G-,h-e-ry cut'fuas and without undue-cere- moved the of d bridge in the early general upon the fine new 'aline_ mony. The honor which thus fell spring; long - after it had begun tore. He gave to. Mayor Bu to him was a most popular one, as to outlive its usefulness for mod- chanan particular eulogy 'upon his I { " r [ '/ evidenced not only by the expies- ern traffic. - great interest. and great amount of i ions of pleasure heard prior to the He recounted the troubles which work and responsibilty from the in opening, but by the. cheers which faced the council. in undertaking ception of the matter, ,Mr. Elliott ]'allowed his by yester� the task of building. the present assured the gathering that the Pub - day and .his act part of the structure, and made it plain that ]ic Utilities Commission was always work. fire truck, carrying Mayor Premier M. F, Hepburn bad search- glad to be of help and service in The ed the act carefully- to see if, the -community. in, any way flask. Buchanan and members, of the when appealed to for help, he could Bible. council together with A, S. Ben- extend any to Ingersoll in a fin x �a. iue M P, and Public Utilities Com-ancial we After careful and _mi slou Chairman, F. C. Elliott. -,><v ,- -"" r ,sn r5 aa'•%ay. """