008reverse2 INGERSOLL PRIZE LIST straw baler, the corn harvester and other machines that have brought about mechanization of the farm in modern agriculture. The exhibits at a fair are principally the products of the com- munity adjacent to the fair. The various breeds of live stock have usually been well represented at Ingersoll Fair, but the predom- inant exhibit has been the representatives of the three major breeds of dairy cattle, Holstein, Jersey and Ayrshire. This has been a natural development. Dairy farming was established very early in the Ingersoll district. It is recorded that cheese was made in 1862 and in 1865 the first co-operative cheese factory was built, this factory being within a mile of the present fair grounds. It was in this factory in 1866 that the famous big cheese, weighing 7300 lbs. was made, that was shipped to Europe and became the forerunner of the great cheese exporting industry. In 1867 the first Canadian Dairyman's Association was formed in Ingersoll. It is therefore quite natural that the area surrounding Ingersoll developed into a specialized dairy section and that the dairy cattle exhibit at the fair should be important. The fair is the show win- dow of the community. It has now, after one hundred years of activity, been made possible through a substantial grant by the Provincial Department of Agriculture, that the centennaty of the establishment of the Ingersoll, North and West Oxford Agricultural Society will be commemorated by the erection of a pylon in Victoria Park. 4s The Family 6 Shoe Store since 1865 SINCE 186` All fittings checked by X-Ray