012in 'London
property of James S. Gri@ve and
Son and is located at the rear)
of their King street stoye, being,
used for storage of large quan-'
�,/� ���� tides. of feed and farm supplies.
One very important change in
the interior of the barn is pf
�® �,rl n ers®11 �GE3f comparatively recent co date. It w
1 � f rk c the form of a complete new
concrete floor a a slightly high
- er elevation than the one it re
By GEORGE JANES fond of horses and who followed Imperial Bank of Canada; placed.
In bygone years when horses l instructions to the letter as to Many years ago when the ho- In its original form there were
:held full sway in traffic, agricul- the care that the animals should Cels of the town .closed- their wide, doorways through 'which
dual work and heavy haulage hi receive. These pertained parts- doors following the .temperance vehicles - could be driven which
the cities- and towns,- they were cularly to the rations, the water- mandate, the Mansion House vs5 greatly -facilitated their- move
looked upon. with admiration andling, blanketing and, sometimes sold: and removed raP tn- ment. Marks on the walls of thel
sympathetic: interest.: In mast the grooming. - to , p a�i`c`eccT on a an r Try old building, plainly, indicate the
•cases , where - there- were barns STABLING FEE - street site, where it has since location of the stalls'wWch it
associated with hotels they pro -I Many of the rural residents i served as a two -apartment house. once contained. There were four -
came comfort and rest for the who to town with loads of Other proprietors. of the Man- teen of diem' on: each. side
'weary animals, with the service farm produce for marketing stab- Sion House were the late Thomas with racks at the front of the
almostequal. the standard that led theirteams as soon as busi-Layen for many years, and the mangers, through which.. the hor-
maintained far patrons seeking Hess had been- transacted. Often late R,- H tBatr) Reid, who later ses could pull wisps of hay. and
-refreshments;: meals „and lodg- they brought with them a supply for many years' conducted the there also were Feed. boxes at
of hay and oats and the hotel Oxford Hotel, in Woodstock, the 'ides .from. which they could
Few'ofthe"old-hotel barns barn was merely used for the In earlier years it was the cus- devour .their. rations of grain
.,now remain, but they are still purpose of stabling: The teamstoin of many rural students at- .The wide" space between the
.,well remo n, Ited by many of the and the supplies' were turned tending the Ingersoll Collegiate line of stalls afforded convenient
.alder residents of the town and over to the obliging hostler and .Institute to drive back and forth accommodation -for assembling
-:district whowere intimately tam- a stabling fee only was paid, but daily and 'their horses were the various ,vehicles when dr
ilfar with the service they ren- often a tip was tendered as a usually stabled in one of the cumstancos demanded.
old hotel
-dered,-Not -only did -they provide gesture of. appreciation- hotel barns, being cared for re- In connection with the
,shelter: from the cold weather of There are bits oP'historical-In gularlyby the hostlers: The stu- barns, the most of which have
,winter, the heavy rains at inter. formation associated with many dents brought with them She feed'' vanished, it might be said that
�valsbuE also. the blistering sun of the old hater barns which if required for the animals. ` The the. ,one in connection with the
of summer. - - marshalled in-rhranoI gical form bostlers gave -them the desired Nrt [cOay House„ Thames street
o after undergoing s ome
tl as a north, g g
..The accommodation .was ode- would constitute a very gripping 'attention' and hooked u
`quate for all: purposes, the. stab- chapter regarding the growth and kindly gesture "hooked up" their changes, became plans No. 4, of
ling of the :animals, as well as development of Ingersoll, horses andcheerfully sent: them the MQrro}X Screw and Nut Com-
the housing of vehicles .under ad- Old authentic records establish- on their homeward way. .pang LEd on: its original site at
verse weather conditions.--- ed the fact that back In 1862 the i It is of interest that the old the south side of .Victoria street
An important, personage assoc- late Tampa_ rady: was propriet Mansion House barn is still stand- following the outbreak of World
fated with''tbe hotel barns was or of�Ehe Maanns33n 'House at the fng. Its exterior.riPPearance has War Oae. Another of the old
the hostler, who took full charge corner of Thames and King undergone little change.: For barns was burned down, while
of the horses turned over to him. streets on the site of which is many years the big barn of others were removed to conform
of the brick construction has been the to the trend of modern develop -
He was usually a man who was now located the branch
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Salvation ,Army Plans`
80th Anniversary Rites
The Salvation Army In Can.
hot and Carling Streets and
ada will celebrate its Both an.
down Street to the city
niversary in London this week-
hall, led by ,the London Citadel'`"
end with special services, out-
door meetings and a concert by
Various aspects of, the Army s
'the world renowned Infatuation-
workwill be: depicted in the pa -
at Staff Band from London,
Eng. n g
rade which will include the In-
n the spring of 1882 the fist
ternatonal S'toff Ban d, the
t ^'
meeting of the organization in
Woodstock Citadel Band aadl
this country was conducted- at
one or two other bands from
what is now Covent Garden
estern Ontario
Market, hEnglish ic
Take Salute
grants, Joseph
ph Ludgate and Jac
Mayor F. 'Gordon Stranaoh
I '
It is this ,event that the Army
and Commissioner Booth will
1s celebrating here April 28 and
take the salute at city hall, aria
29 with special guest Commis-
Mayor Stronach will extend
sioner W. Wycliffe Booth, terri-
civic greetings.
torial commander of Canada and
A highlight of the anniversary
Bermuda taking part..
weekend will take place at H. B.
- Dedication Service
Beal Technical slid Commercial
Activities begin Saturday at
High School at 8 p.m. Saturday
1:80 p.m. with a service of dedi-
when the International Staff
Band. will p"A t Its s nniv
cation at Wesley United Church,
sary Festival,"
a rr
-.were Ludgate and Addey first
met at a Methodist prayer meet-
" Under direction of Lt.-Col.
Bernard Adams the band will
There will be an assembly at
present a program.of band mu
3 p.nt, at the rock at Covent
male voice Party, instru
mental, vocal
"* s
Garden Market which marks the
. and
solos, -- pianoforte
i }
-first open air meeting of the or.
- In In the program will
ganization„and'at 4 p.m. Satur-
be "Music for the Royal Fire
:day there will be a"March'of
works," by Handel and "Themes
Witness" for all uniformed Set-
from the ICalian Symphony."AII
adv'e a
vationists and uniformed young
seats for the performance are on
Y a%
people's groups from the corps
a reserved ticket basis.
of the division.,'
The march will begin at Tal-
Open Air' Services
- Sunday' at 9.15 a.m. a morn
fng prayer meeting will be held
at B I T h
vkL iy
ea ec an at 10 a.m..an a,<
/,✓ sr �, open air meeting will be held at r, boa
Victoria Hospital with the In ,
tarnational Staff Band provid vt '
fng music.
t A second morning servicewill``{s
+ ✓ [ a 4iuf 1; be held at Beal Tech at 10.45 r z
w(./, a',n o f U ,✓-," a.m. and -at 3 p•In. aVthe same
school a meeting of praise and t 1c 01
(- thanksgiving with special mu 3 '''
sic by the staff band.l
Another open air meeting will r'�r u
he conducted at Wellington and ;Efy,Ytj":
s. 'S Dundas Streets at 6.15. p.m. and 9-*
Ei., �`�+✓ c a "o 1�J *cY .awl 1 the weekend observances will .
'e,�c, r., kpprE,z;/y L-,r •"�"`" 'a conclude at 7 p.m. Beal Techl �'
F.o (,q., �e.Y,{'., 11with a Salvation meeting
I jam- r <:� P^l�(.� fi £� %� r r}s.,,u/✓�"r-tru-� Gydt.+..�+L''a�
,.0 �-,_ Jt-J &-r Gir t; lS-.Hn* ,1::4. [ -e Jr_-.:e q ZU J:Ltfl.(ri r✓7�~-
o n s ° tk".
(quarters stall in
ascertain that fur -
,aid be carried on
,aitinusly as in the
rop of Whitehall's not
rvants, however,
is yell pleased at the man -
"which the government
,rigid out its Policy to dis-
its workers throughout
evinces, or with the net
.,f these transfers.
should be asasureu.with help to-
tory hotisin, purchase — aiid
wards house
educational arrangements shou-
Id be made available before the
moves take place.
Mr. Williams ends his article
with this inlunetion:
rtant, staff
And, most imPo
should befully consultd_ an(!
given uninhibited opportunity
the decision of oh5,
twraluence , dramatically
tfsfac11 tien is' - -...anew of
branches of
ve seen the
.led by their