01711V lilli Ge�VLrL, June 21-4 A.
Wescott, chairman of the build-
- j lung committee of Ingersoll
Trinity United Church offici.
laced At the oornerstdne laying.
Irf the new, $140,000 Christian
IEducation Centre this after-
. 73 N ,1 Nl� moon.
�t In his remark Mr, Wescott
(thanked members of the coo-
ep gregation who had 1-esponded to
the extension. of their pledges.
Need Co-operation
He said the centrewould
supplyall the Physical.pegUire-
rnents but members must co-
operate with the minister and
group leaders to perform its
real purpose,
,!", ` 44 Anthem— }loW l uvely is Thy
Assisting the Rev. Ralph
E1*ellntg Y11re" (Blahnrs) Otter-��
King -in the service were J_C.
�� kq Andante con Moto-Sonat, J
icerguson clerk. of the session;
fMerrhAssohn) Postiude
(,]»hale Prelude on 'Andernach'
tfford anon president
�nf the Women's Association of
"Villan) atffhem %R joice in the
the church; Jnhn E wards Jr,
i Lord", (t:Sellarsr); Offertory, i
chairman of the Christain Edo -
Scherzo", (Whitloc'k) and Poet-j
cation committee; Mrs. George
Iude Allegro Ntaeateso-Sonata it),mith,
president of the Wom-
j (Rheinberger))-
vas Missionary Society, R I.
J - On Sunday nett, Deccimber 6 S
Smith general superintendent,
' Trinity United 'Church will hold
Cirr[ Education . Centre; -
open huusd" '?tom 2 p.n to
and Mis Beth B rnett repre-
5p.m rml from"!tp.m..to 9 p.m.,'
the .children and the
when all visitors will be Mlvlc
Youth of the church.
Trinity Church Dedicated
STONE PLACED —Close to'150 members of the
congregation of Ingersoll Trinity United Church
we're present Sunday afternoon for. -the laying of
wn`s Church Life
oe.r.3 ITU,
NOTE' On �Wed or the-. -p l's[oe and
women of Trinity while the attic provi(
held the inaugur ary shelter for ne,
known as Ingersoll. wascon-
ducted by. Rev. NA%aa-B-aags.
While there was no organized
woman's society then historical
sketches and oral reports record
the busy days spent by the
women preparing for the appro-
aching visit of the minister. The
scattered' neighbors were visit-
ed and inivted to attend the
service; elements ,were, prepar-
ed for the communion service;
babies were enrolled for bapt-
ism; young couples were pre-
pared for solemnization of mar-
riage; provision was made for
hospitality for the minister and
for the families who would come
from a distance to. spendthe
ersoll and the following evening
the women of the church pre-
pared a banquet in their new
kitchen and served it in the
new dining room. The kitchen
and dining room along with a
sewing room were located in
the ground floor of the new
church;' the auditorium occup-
the cornerstone of
Christian Education
'King leads the 3'ronc
one evening group wet"
rou Thgh the _ yea 9
y± aUNE.. �1-1i'.J
ehurch's new $140,000
re. Here the Rev. Ralph
on in song.
furnishing- of Alma Street it
1958,'and also in the buildin,
program at Trinity Unite(
Church in 1959. In the past twc
years in addition to their arm
us] commitments the WA. hw
two notes, 1.(sa1-JA1V lybk
Now, a new era begins we
ve a:new name'— i eUni.
1 Church Women" - bu the
rpose "To unite all women
the congregation for t h e
;at mission of the church and
provide a medium through
rich we may express our Joy
y and devotion to Jesus
,rise in Christian witness,
idy, fellowship and service"
but a broadening and a' deep
ing of the principles f o. i
rich we have stood througi
years and a step closer to
e United Church motto "Thai
ono hen e