01711V lilli Ge�VLrL, June 21-4 A. Wescott, chairman of the build- - j lung committee of Ingersoll Trinity United Church offici. laced At the oornerstdne laying. Irf the new, $140,000 Christian IEducation Centre this after- . 73 N ,1 Nl� moon. u �t In his remark Mr, Wescott (thanked members of the coo- ep gregation who had 1-esponded to the extension. of their pledges. Need Co-operation He said the centrewould supplyall the Physical.pegUire- rnents but members must co- operate with the minister and group leaders to perform its real purpose, ,!", ` 44 Anthem— }loW l uvely is Thy Assisting the Rev. Ralph E1*ellntg Y11re" (Blahnrs) Otter-�� King -in the service were J_C. �� kq Andante con Moto-Sonat, J "l icerguson clerk. of the session; Mrs. [tits fMerrhAssohn) Postiude (,]»hale Prelude on 'Andernach' tfford anon president �nf the Women's Association of I "Villan) atffhem %R joice in the the church; Jnhn E wards Jr, i Lord", (t:Sellarsr); Offertory, i chairman of the Christain Edo - Scherzo", (Whitloc'k) and Poet-j cation committee; Mrs. George Iude Allegro Ntaeateso-Sonata it),mith, president of the Wom- j (Rheinberger))- vas Missionary Society, R I. J - On Sunday nett, Deccimber 6 S Smith general superintendent, Eain ' Trinity United 'Church will hold Cirr[ Education . Centre; - _ open huusd" '?tom 2 p.n to and Mis Beth B rnett repre- r,i` 5p.m rml from"!tp.m..to 9 p.m.,' ',senting the .children and the when all visitors will be Mlvlc Youth of the church. welcome- . w� Trinity Church Dedicated Christian Education Genii's STONE PLACED —Close to'150 members of the congregation of Ingersoll Trinity United Church we're present Sunday afternoon for. -the laying of tp J wn`s Church Life oe.r.3 ITU, NOTE' On �Wed or the-. -p l's[oe and women of Trinity while the attic provi( held the inaugur ary shelter for ne, known as Ingersoll. wascon- ducted by. Rev. NA%aa-B-aags. While there was no organized woman's society then historical sketches and oral reports record the busy days spent by the women preparing for the appro- aching visit of the minister. The scattered' neighbors were visit- ed and inivted to attend the service; elements ,were, prepar- ed for the communion service; babies were enrolled for bapt- ism; young couples were pre- pared for solemnization of mar- riage; provision was made for hospitality for the minister and for the families who would come from a distance to. spendthe ersoll and the following evening the women of the church pre- pared a banquet in their new kitchen and served it in the new dining room. The kitchen and dining room along with a sewing room were located in the ground floor of the new church;' the auditorium occup- the cornerstone of Christian Education 'King leads the 3'ronc one evening group wet" rou Thgh the _ yea 9 y± aUNE.. �1-1i'.J ehurch's new $140,000 re. Here the Rev. Ralph on in song. furnishing- of Alma Street it 1958,'and also in the buildin, program at Trinity Unite( Church in 1959. In the past twc years in addition to their arm us] commitments the WA. hw two notes, 1.(sa1-JA1V lybk Now, a new era begins we ve a:new name'— i eUni. 1 Church Women" - bu the rpose "To unite all women the congregation for t h e ;at mission of the church and provide a medium through rich we may express our Joy y and devotion to Jesus ,rise in Christian witness, idy, fellowship and service" but a broadening and a' deep ing of the principles f o. i rich we have stood througi years and a step closer to e United Church motto "Thai ono hen e