021j Justas goo , }rein a ealth pont� Mayor K-i%�amel congratulat= '! of view, as pasteurized milk, but ed Mr.. Jenvey on his re-election s " from. many years'. experience and i) Sr observation, it was his contentionsI to the chairmanship of the board { that these people obtain advice and reiterated the statement of from medical authorities. 'one of the foh ner speakers•in re - CO -OPERATION 1 ?' 't hard to the Mr._ Jenvey spoke highly of the ( edit that the had the j services rendered by the Medical health of the citizens of the town Officer of Health, the sanitary. in aarbagheart. uaIle spoke of the local e' specter and the public health nurse garbage situation during the past ' Yi, .ew; weeks-butadded that the and said that the co-operation roads were now o en and the sit- among the board members had P t ' din been good. He ex ressed the hope nation isbeing cleared'up slowly. E g P Pe During the past three days con- i� that this state of affairs might be siderable progress, had been made continued through the current h- in-thedisposal of -garbage which 1. year.. has been more or less.' at a stand- 1' k James N. Henderson spoke ,still for some. time, due to the brie y, eongra u sting Senr weather conditions ii Veyon his re -a _ d the heart He felt SEWERAGE SYSTEM ! �d, Mr. "Jenvey had the health of the ; ! r 1 citizens of the town at heart and In regard to the sewerzze Sys - he also would do all he could in 'tern Mayor. Daniel'said it was an 4this regard. He also welcomed l acknowledged fact that Ingersoll ; Mayor Daniel to the meetings. j should' have had. such a System Mn Henderson' spoke briefly on many years ago. During BYRON G. JENVEY the m:days. of .w matter of the sews e . -ques- g g these ! t `" ------ - lion and felt that .during, these war emergency and pres- sure of, time devoted to produc- ®i p years the. matter. might be talked lion of munitions, it would be im- i Byron G. Jenvey over and planned so that after the ! i possible to entertain they thought I J war something concrete might be (p'� of going ahead with such an un- • Pl accomplished in this connection f . dertakingbut• in the meantime he Again Chairman f' Miss J. M. McNaughton and certainly, saw no harm in talking ' t J E John V�j of s e m appre- about it and discussing the --quA - ..?t. ct�n' of t to c n of �tion. - ! ° Board'of Health t, board of health r embers during Mayor Daniel said he was, pleas' l 6 the past yeat•as did also the press f representative. All spoke particu led to have heard the many ex- C At the inaugural meeting of the larly of the- fine spirit of comp- .3 pressions regarding the spirit of f board of health held last evening' eration and harmony which had C lharmony which had prevailed dus- t Byron G. Jenvey was appointed: prevailed during .the past several „king the past year in this board. chairman for the ninth consecutive years. He said he would endeavor to at - year. Secretary, R..7'McNive e- 'Dr. H'�F long extended - tend all meetings if possible. ! f sided for the first par o e meet congratulations to Chairman Jen ing and all members' were pres vey on his re Appointment4nd said ! j Chairman Jenvey again referring ,y ent• that in him the board had good 1 d to the sewerage system question, 1 In again taking over this of leadership. This spirit of co-oper. �'isald'it seemed that the time for I' fice; Mr. -Jenvey said .that he ap-- ation was necessary in order to cI; the council to go ahead with such r preceated the. honor and welcomed produce good work and results, he an undertaking would be in the I' Mayor K R Daniel to the meet S said. FJ•om a medical standpoint Ii ing, expressing the hope that he he felt that more discussion should �•' rehabilitation period of which, would be able to attend the board c be engaged in regarding the.milk People. in .this country are think- of health meetings. and so act as question in the .town. Referring 'ing at the present time. If this 'a connecting link between the to"the question of the proposed matterisundertaken_immediately sewerage system, he said that the after the war, both money and ma, board and the council: matter had been more or less of 9 terials and labor will be available. Chairman Jenvey said he would t ' a "football" proposition for some ? The report. of the sanitary in like to see the board discuss more time and had possibly been shun- ' spector showed that inspections i thoroughly;. this -year the milk ,•ned on some occasions at least be- had been made inalllocal meat problem in the town in regard to cause of the expense involved. For she dairies and restaurants; the enforcing of the bylaw which a town of this size. however, he felt milk samples submitted, communi- 1, says that no milk may be sold In that the installation of such a sys-cable disease :cards placed- and I' {t the; city unless it comes' from T. tem was absolutely necessary, par- some complaints re garbage `dump- t M B. tested .cattle. He suggested ticularly if the town is to go ahead. ing investigated. - "` f that the vendors might present ' He added that it will be a benefit ' certificates to the effect that their, ` here industrially. On motion of P. T. Fleischer herds were free from T.B. before : GARBAGE COLLECTION and J.. N. Henderson it was decid- }licenses were granted them. Referring to the matter of gar- ed the chairman be supplied with Mr. Jenvey pointed to the fact bage he said under the conditions a copWorldh issue, of the Muni- Mi. World. that fluid milk has increased in ..1 which existed in the matter of i P � } consumption In Canada some 13 - -- _ __-.— —� On motion of J. N. Hendeiton per cent. during the past year and snowbound' roads,it had been.,hu- and K.R. Daniel and of P. T. 1 - said that the matter of increased possible to do better with the Fleischer and Dr. H..G. Furlong a 1! consumption of dairy products is i.2 collections than had been done. number of accounts were passed becoming a serious problem. As i Fie 'expressed the hope, however, for payment: On motion of Messrs. i milk is a preventive food against that something more satisfactory Henderson and Fleischer the board disease the subsidy of milk should might be worked out in this regard; requested - an appropriation of be looked upon as a health meas- " during the -coming year. $2600 from the municipfil council ure. i p, T. - Fleischer' said he was, for. current ' expenses.' Messrs. In reference to the storm sew- honored to be -re -appointed by the Henderson and Fleischer moved _ ers in the town during the past town council o and seconded that the board make ' il' t`the board. He r 'year the chairman -explained that f a grant of. to the A. the M. C. there was little in the way of com- "spoke briefly on the matter of the for use of their building for the ,•;�plaint as the heavy rains had #oposed sewerage system ques public:: health nurse for the year I taken care of this problem The lion and said that while, it must 1942. - r citizens of the town, were for- i- ,be a question of the future it was, It' was. decided that regular i innate in regard to epidemics,'! meetingsof the board beheld on none having occurred. his opinion, after discussion with the third- Friday of the months t Mr. Jenvey referred the mat- " a local industrialist, that at the of March, .May, October and De- ! d , Y ;present time both labor and ma- cember of this year with special 11, ter of 'pasteurized'' milk which 'Is," terials were too scarce for the. meetings in cases of emergency i. sold here andsaid that the butter; work to be undertaken. fat tests are higher here than the, or at call of any in ember. � t law requires and in this regard - , art as CiaiTk '""�„ it is a matter on Which those con •f; $eyved eleven � ' cerned might 'tbe congratuated - , - •:��"u Ile said there are still many per�i n e r fi }}c. abf �. 5rc�" 11�d .sons_ who feel that ';raw milk is"� _ d_ t ou'' `<.