022cn,l 1 ycr �y,yllu Vci ViC L.i1L R'CE�'tlltib Vi,
Charles the Slab Thames. street was half burnt, the!
a il 'r ...
ste v direction,
—' 6iliIdings e' ire spree rapidly).( tnal -15 to-r—e Tre"west sill f east side caught fires one e maim '
' SCr&BOOT{ Has l' in a south and easterly direction, Thames. street was half burnt, the street of the ,town was one channel l'}
p t king tie it'went south, the late }east side'caught fire and the main °f Wales hotel, of fire.
t by Mr. William "When the east
CJtO Of (°sYea.t -
, •dence of Mr, Charles P' H . street of; the town was one channel s side of the
and the Prince o£� s o el 'of fire. since his removal street caught, it was utterly im-.
It { , j . „ Atlantic House by passable and the only means of sav
Ingersoll Fire • •1!(latteelaygoccupied by Mr. William When the east side of the n, The market in the goods in the stores and the
Ger] efrom �tq thesince his removal street Atlantic House by passable and the only meansit was ofsav-: a further spread furniture niturof the }rouses was to take
u is direction. The them' out of the rack doors down i�
1 In awonderfully-preserved scrap Mr.,Bownian. The +market ing. the goods in the stores and Lire west side of Ox- ,to the bank' of -the creek which Ir
« ,"hook;` tho'pages: of• which are yet square preven a a' further spread 'furniture of the houses was to take �rtlt._nit-:Charles runs -at' the
,'lnwedwith age, a. splendid story of of the' fire- in this direction. The them' out of the rack doors down; rea>- k.• 1 .---t' • i
tithe great Ingersoll fire' of May, -jj ,('. �1�r• . -
r ated:'The Gf lali street, ncludtrig thetDaily Charles
difficult and tedious process and as'
List t-/4..._Bu*Idin ,is rDestr6yed 4 �j
buildings on the •west side. of Ox-� to the bank of the creek
1872, has been Toe y
°,book was found in the attic of the
i:home of Mr. and Mrs. I J, Rir stable Mt. :Chambers' otel, the olds- a -consequence, very' little goods" �^1 ./. " - «
•�,pyp ' West Oxford, and ,tvas ,the - __ were saved The parties who In Disastrous Ingersoll Fire
ppropert many.yeare ago, of`b. A. Wesleyan church building Mr occupied this aide of the 'street }
Muck ..who was a scTool McDonald's barn,' eontatmng''a .were Mr H Vow. jeweler, frame QO Year) Ago �Oml-•I�e•Led
teac er m 'the Ingersoll disfrict. lace uantit of coal oil, Alessrs. building torn down; Mr. T V p
*The Kinvin family now occupies g q y Fawkes,' jeweler; Mr. Mr,. G, J. 5 ra
*'the home of the late. Bucknell Ba_�a.Jidanfac�ory, t e s cal carriage
1 0� In�gioeer;; Mx. u ,photo- 'East side of Thames street —McKenzie, dwelling, loss of furni-
»family` t.ei and sectory, other smaller uild- 6ragher; Miss PAtersen, dressmak Building owned by n as Brad ,tore;, James McNivEn, dry goods,
° The reference to the fire is tak• er Mr-S..W: eFarlatte, 'dry Oq insurance $3,000; James
arse)) 'Chronicle'ings, sustained a severe scorching goods;. r. N, to grocer; loos $200, insured .ford 00. Oc- loss $7, .,
1 tell from the I)ig and narrowly'escapedtaiting fire, .estate .of Ale,,
a aid, dry cupled as follows: H. Vogt, McDonald, hat and fur store, loss
of the issue. of Saturday, May 25,;' but were saved b the strenuous ;) oods; ,Mesera. G. Owen •and -jeweller, lass $700, insured for $300; $Y,500, no insurance; Misserb[r4 i
y J
1872: ' The heading show•s,that nv, land untiring exertions of th0^ih- ✓Co.i hardware; TM - 8aker..h R. Freaell, cigar factory, loss $60. dressmaker, loss $100; James John
°er-.80 proprietors in Ingersoll's 'habitants whose only appliances 1 a on dwelling, lose of furni ure; A
business section suffered loss and were, buckets.()£ water .and wetlPhotographer; Mr.T. H_-.._flarra- Building awned by John Boleti ».
dditm- iv rooms, $100; Wright, -fur- ;
Ytwo"'men.were. burned to- .death icl boots and -sallow -Messrs.', lass $boll - insured for $500. Co.Oc-
blankets and -ca5 ets. While this loss m u"ire and clothing; Pulfar7, var-
'in the great catastrophe. In part, mass '.of frame ba Idings was burn and Ines e, dry lgoods;t copied by J. Towle, grocery, i
A 1the'Chromcle'story. says: '' Mr. gist; Mr, Al .'1 $50; Adair & Cairns, .grocery and iety store, .loss $2,400,. nsurance ,
'ing, although the wind was very'! c enzie. residence;. Mr.. Jan 7
Ill the Calamity of fire, Inger-1 light,' corning' from the -northwest, Mac en, dry goods; and MT.: H.sy` liquor,goods store, loss in removing $1,600; A. Macaulay, dry goods, t 1
-soil has perhaps experienced the the heat was very 'intense and oods $1,500, insured for $2,000. $8,000, insurance $4,000. r
,.most disastrous. destruction of, £)ernes rolled along as the waves i' ac iven residence; Mr. .James I g Building owned- by J
�,property that has visited any of ',, of the sea;.one�over. the other,) M hats. and .caps; -jai': a Building owned by, J. Stuart,
E[Rlp�� Alexander. sea , .dry goods;il slightly damaged. $3,000, part insured. Occupied by
£ the western towns of this' prov- I each succeeding those .licking in n Y. -u�_ tter ,residence• Mr. h John Boles, clothier, loss build- J. Gayfer & Co, druggists, $7,000, - 11
,T ince'in many years. Having been in and consuming another of the-j, John � ., 6Top and resWence, insurance $2,500.
.a'measure free from this Scourge many small buildings at the rearl, nr ist• Mesare. DDDD to and Co. if In and sock $1,200, insured for D. White & Co.'s dry goods and i
' for years, the :`, people .and, .the of the splendid three -storey brick.' drygoode• Mr. :0.�Caldw Il'12 $2,400' - building, $47,00o, insurance $18,000.
authorities had'in a measure , be block on the west side of Thames Dr. Scott, office and residence,
street which seemed to catch and druggistI Mr.' ` e n,; ata� j 'Building owned by Mayor Me- 1,
come reliant and fearless : of the tioner and booksel er s to andal lose $1,200, insured for $2,800. .. .1
• imminent danger underwhichthey ''burn 'simultineously - the whole . p occupied
i $by 0 insurance $$500.
were living, and were totally un- length, leavingit a heterogenous residence; Mr, James F. McDonald,k' Total Loss Occupied $2 O_ Bnsurance drug- I
barrister. � "—`�--'-----ve Buildingowned b John Leigh,
,prepared to subdue the ravages of mass of ruin.. Many of the built!- The last three occupied the larger. y gist, loan $2,000, insurance $1,400; 1
tkle devouring ' if' it was ;ings in'>tlii6. blockwere new'.`or total lose. Occupied by A. McLean, books and stationery, ,
' once' allowedto - get "under:'head- ?nearly. so, and were ()coupled by .three -storey building owned byip; Fawkes, jewellery, loss $1,300, in- $1,500, insurance $4,500; Jas. F. I
` Way., - ' i' John McDonald Esq., mayor:.. This tl
Mr. Vei bakery. and.copfection- Iu ing was very high and covered rg, cured for $800. McDonald; law office, loss $150;
Several reports of the fire have cry ^store. �': The upper; storey was with a slate roof, and. although the ha Building owned by ............ Miss Caldwell's room, loss on furni-
; been' iven in the, daily, . papers the Masonic hall; the store of the .........1 leas $3,000. Occupied by tore 700. ext building (frame) 4
furnished them by telegraph, estate of Air. Geer a E. Perkins— building was thoroughly riddled, ltsrs G. J. Shrapnell, grocery, lops $6,000;
In a great measure prevented th; r4 also belonging to the mayor, and !
which, of necessity, have: been very i both' these: stores. he very and e1. insured for $3,500; Miss Patterson, was occupied by L. Nee, fruiterer,
meagre, and in many instance in- some fronts; Messrs. Bowett and - - "]te: millinery; loss light; John tgt ,
"acAuracies have occurred which (Barker, hardware; the Niagaia .further spread of the. flames. While $300, insurance $400; R. Gaines o 3
j from' the harry from which" they district bank, :over which C.. E: it was burping the London fire -
from photographer, loss-$1,500, no to- ,barber shop $100. n,
l were prepared, were impossible to IG a tak, ESq., the agent, lived;' men .and having taken
aurance. uc`
men arrived,'
)avoid. Outside of the town,' few, 'IVI pears, J d H. Lim. grocers;.'1u a good position In .the Creek,W Building owned by G. J. Shrap-w,r.
I'd persons have any adequate,idea of Mr. merchant P
Ithe extent of the fire or of., the tailor- Mr. G•��-�W. Wa_l�l_s_1, crocks!' threw two good streams' upon It el nell; loss $5,000, insurance $2,500. time-11 o'clock
^-"loft y ! getting the fire pretty well under el Occupied by S. W. Macfarlane, dry ajecWre where
1 destruction. and. loss which has, and glassware; a srs. Pltghe ()()titre). Uplto this time-11 o'clock is goods, loss $B4O00, insured for '.The remaining -.
been Sustained. We have been at and W$I barristers; inu re per-' lure where a.:. $5,Oo0. - the street were
the greatest sins to gather the '-'� p -1t :woe hard 'toconjec
p storey was this Oddfeliows' hall;, the: fire would stop. The remaining a Building owned by Eastwood & r°eery, Mr. R.
minutest details and incidents eon• the Chronicle' office,. erected last stores on this side of the street were IWilllam Dun-
-Ty with -thz "destruction, and summer and only just completed by inson's grocery; Mr. R. h' Marr, lose $2,OOo... Occupied
J. Noe, fruiter,
'l shall endeavour give:.a full and Mr. J. S: Gurnett, editor and pro- Mr' R oo sp-Mr.,.Willlam Duns N. Elliott, grocery, leas $3,000, no as, barber. The
'correct report. While it,ls'to be 'I prleto ; no�`r h o this block on the Kerr's rocs Mr.. L. 62 fruiter,. n' insurance. }time buildings
sanYe side were three frame build- ass grocery, .eso r 'rl Building owned by J. Boles, loss own to prevent t
.l regretted that the town has sus- a Mr Robe afnea, barber. The ,
htamed such, a severe loss I pro i ings demolished almost as soon a' last two occupied, rams buildings 11
v $3,500, insured for $2,o00. Occupied ire, The other - -
Lertand wealth, the loss of the the took fire; occupied by J. F ra by Reid Estate, dry goods, lose tMesara. Kerr ( '
l lives of two 'of,0un,town's'peopl° Meti'ev: eabinetshory room, Byrm whichwere pulled Gown to prevent .
is a.matteY which has been upper ,and McG9111Sk saddlers; Mrs Cur the spread oY`the fire.The other ; $10,500. Ong the hand -
most in the minds of all and the l Lis, in} IDeT and dressmaker; ,r. stores were, brick-Mesere.. Kerr el Building owned by W, McMi1- at summer by � ,1
�surviviitg friends. of the imfortun- _I I�liller, grocer;,Miss:."7 li t� inlh and. Robinson,.occupyIng th®'band-s; Ian, lose $5,500, insurance unknown. Ind their stocks
j ate victims have the united sym- liner gnd dressmaker; Mr. F. G. p e • damage by
athies of the whole people, - some. block'built last .summer by fu led by G. Chown & Co.,
p p photographers; and Mr. Cur. the HomF. Smith -and their stocks'! hardware, loss 0, Insurance fth end of this
START OF FIRE - .l 1£s toot and. shoemaker. The next $
"Tile fire broke out a feW `min- 7building on this side of the street I suffered ''co'�nairFeTable damage by a g,600; Mechanics' Institute, lose ',dad gas far re
'removal,. on the north end of this. Q $500; F. A. Baker, photographer, flee and store
:utea before eight o'clock_ on the .was Mr, M. B._Holeroft's grocery. lose $3,000, no insurance.
block the'fire extended' as far as addled and a` i
evening of ;Tuesday the seventh ',store, w'Tic - ein�o rick and : Dr; 5¢ott's brickoPflce and stare �' Barker Building jn the damage),
inst., in art of the stables attach- very high stayed ed.the pro ress ofN I{
P Y Y g which"wap badly riddled. and a Building owned by F.. Barker. l,vmr,,ea The
•ed too. the Roya-lExchange hotel, on Oc-
the Fla,aes-in this direction. His)) Fly vacated by,
Oxford street ,near the cornet of 'building and Stock was very .much,, great -lose sustained in damage ' 0 was saved as l
Charles. street.. The hotel was situ- '.damaged. and will require a good'.` of furniture and fixtures:. The ;. lose d by insured for $2,000, boots
)pled by Adair
�. ated. es the corner h Thames and 'deal e repair before it pre-'( frame building recently vacated by a copied shoes,
, H. $12,00leugh, boots ` Their stock
Charloiles the c s, r was owned by Mr. G..`J: Shrapnell' was saved. tie and shoes, lose $12,000, insurance 1
cents the fine appearance it did be-, also the -building. ()coupled by Adair $6,000; Holmes and Giolespie, dry iby. water and
!.:John Walsh, Esq. who also owned (fore the fire. The remaining, 111 �a lrga grocers. Their a oc goods, loss $16;000, insured for
a ergs amount of property in the stores in this block `are occupied' and C water' and - tEXTENDED r
f vicinity and was last, occupied as a y was:. Badly, dama8ed^by $12,000.
P h Ma J. 0' it gxoeei•; Robert h ._ Blocked owned by S Ponle, loss is been stayed' j(
hotel.hotel by. } Ijayv.'ard wile vacated Agurfbro er;. - ver, insurance 4 , removal EXTENDED -- a very uncer-
it about three weeks previous to the agent;, Warren` Harris, boots and ( FEAR& OF FIRS .=15,000, 'insui'ad-�ier $7,50D. Oceu- would have
,ffire. X)a Sgarles. had leased the shoes; R� Bro , hard- "Had not the ravages been stayed pled by Tripp & Co, r d4,000; Cs, I N i
lace a few days before and had l (where otters, it a It very uncer- .lose B4O00, insured for $4,000, A. s' families re I.. is
ware, a ;.of,.lvlrQWh6d..thely.,stoeksl >urnt district
' 'moved a part of his furniture into and furniture. more or damag- .Main matter it would- have $ ',,Is and were I�_A.�
it, preparatory to opening out ed by, water and removal. The ended: Hundreds of famitiea In, removed ye ••� -• - �"-
:again in the seine business. The (the vicinity" -of then burnt district in the hope) ','busily engaged tnV removing them
goods from many of the stores on - their g ,afe but sod 5
'barn and hotel were old -frame this side of the street were removed. ylpacked'up - f theflames :�' r �- ":',. ,Zw s„+'^s�*.l fasd-.-•-
-buildings and were thickly Sur- to the 'stores opposite, in the hope t busily' engaged la removing them t q 5�
"rounded by other small frame :'that they would be, Safe, but so SV P -`tenements which; rapidly succumb 'I fierce was the fury of.: the flames! t,f •�+«,< s'� r�'t<>, w<•.'�« ^+t't'�-
m p Y
`ed to the intense heat. From these d„ ._ --