022reverseto places -of supposed safety, for.
,Mg •re's Cabinet factory in th
hearMr.'McDonald's block, -wa
yin Imminent danger' and must car
`talNy have gone had it not bgen fo
jthe superhuman 4.
efforts Of Mc-
!Intyre; aided by .his .men, who
workedlike Trojans on the roof,
j thus saving not, only their own
!buildings but both sides of King
'street which most certainly have
Igone had. -the fire once r,,,had thls
ilarge factory, as all of the Sur-
buildings are frame, and
'if they lied gone the amount of
!suffering- and destitution would
have been incalculable.
"When the fire was at its height
and thaefforts of our' own fire-
men with .their Inefficient apparat-
were , nearly exhausted, the
mayor -telegraphed to London and
Woodstock for -assistance. The re -I
sPonse• was Immediate, and too much I
praise cannot be given to the fire-..
men of these two .Places for the
manner in which they helped us In
-a our severe trial A public meeting
oflthe,citlzens of the town.has al -
tendered thanks for this
I timely assistance, by resolution and
Iwq are. sure it Ia"the outspoken ex- i
pression of every citizen of .the
town Many farmers and others -II
:the time the wall toll. 17rie state _
ment, however, .proved Incorrect,
and a few days after the fire, the
l man turned up at home in London,
gone to Hamilton for a day
t,,the knowledge of
for two vidtfriends."
pt sr-
phis friends."
is.�b`eFnport itds6-tites)
�•`(`P he aged
i� The aged report
CJ w^'y�'�(.
�1� a 1J�9�/71 P"f
also cites the
fifact that: a number of additional
(f V
�i arogr s wer.,of turned In during the
• _��-{� �� ��
( Ate.
progress .,of- the fire or after its ��
supposed .control. These were duep
the fact that
,to fire broke out In :
�J �C •'
.places atdvarled times, pre-1
sessive heat. Theflyiembers or ex
cessive -heat. The
.. .t
O'�loj So it
night was de
scribed as one of h.,Or.
The Chroniole further
"Many :: surmises. and theorle#
have been as
jj.f' // ( Y a�-SpJQ a �0 -
given the origin of
the fire but nothing is really
rl.� :_Tiu,G
known. as to the facts of the case,
�ry -. ix),0 s,_ tja,lke 1
71o il`b C�-6Q
who. were near at hand at
the first break out, say it mustl
have been the fiendish work
of all!
and that to make the�i
work effective, the part of the
building In which
_ (�
47� Ce"tCl�a.. d '- 1� i(; w a S
fire first
broke out, was profusely saturated
with coal
h - %_ U(
'r PiO'C�2� tG AE n', a
oil or some other inflate
m¢ble substance, This surmise,I
-V6r gross
owning teams in, the vicinity of tlrEf
seems to bear upon its fece the "
_Itown drove i❑ and rendered great
semblance of truth, as the vol.�
assistance in removipg goods .to
!places of safety; to tocae also,
!umes of smoke which rolled up from
thanks are due..
the u PPer loft of the barn, were of
that heavy, black nature which)
r*Qp h,6 k.0 (cao6d -6y
� �ZIA�
"'.;"While. the fire was at its
could. scarcely have been produced
without the
:heights, to add to the terrible ex-
aid of some size for-4
oY-L 4 " f/�
cftement, the. fearful report
sign substance. building had
'forth that a man had perished In
Ithe flames, and we regret to have
for some time past been unoccupied, `
and a new tenant was just about)
�w / 9 — . "Oe lie-0- (�x 0'eL
Ito report, then tact that this report to move In. No lights or fire had
!proved only too true. Mr. C C. been used on the premises by the
Paine,. pumpmaker of this town, H" new tenant, and It seems almost inr-
Possible that It could have had its
jilghly-respected citizen, while eq.
deavorin� to save origin accidentally..
6 goods from Mr. I
R. H. Young's, saddlery store, ro- PROPERTY STOLEN
- mates! tooYong in the building and "As if people were not sufficiently
met with a .fearful death, while tried by the loss which they sus -I
- those who stood by, knowing of the tallied by the property being con-
fearful tortures which he must armed by fire they must rlso suffer
have been suffering wer, powerless I the loss of being preyed upon by
- to ,render. assistance. His remainsravenous parties who flock togeth-I•
which were reduced to a small heap !-er on occasionsofthis kind, and
ofcinders, were extracted from the '.Possess themselves
/ w1�5 -(d f1,eY ��5 !n ��Ltry
of valuable[
. ruins oil the following morning and .,goods which had been rescued!. 'Whp.
JeUe CL ��- fie e/s Coe»ers
were only recognizable from the ;sometimes at the hazard of men's;.
Pact that they were found. about .lives from the flames. Such waa,.
the case
f+'r</rye 7'I0 w,O fc r5e w be sc, rods
'he spot where -he was last seen. at this fire. A large
alive. His remains were interred amount of valuable property, whlcn '.
7o Tw✓Grso l/ cl mgzoq lei
In the, cemetery on the Friday fol, was known to have been caved from
°'/ :-
s lowing. Shortly after, It was again the fire, has since been missing, No -
+ u r trace of It can be found
reported that another man had lost
r a,v'Co rsn sr e,' Tha rnc5
and thee0Y/,c
his life and this report we are sor- :only conclusion that can be arrived
ry,to say, also proved true, the on- Is that it must have been
« 1�a
iat stolen
fortunate victim on this occasion Vey tlofe heartless wretches who make
fees 'yi n ,�/,a ti,r>e. y„5rn9 a,
being Mr. John Omand, a native of P of reaping the harvest out
Brantford,"who-lied for some time lof the misfortunes of their unfor-
�jmsrr�J '7n e+r' eau aa.c
past, been In the employ of Messrs, itunate neighbors."
rrT-'" :.
N ;oXQn Bros. He. lost his life by the The great Ingersoll fire is still.a,{,y.
%t2, Tin df•E - errs
falling of a wall In Mr. Fawkes' :topic of deep local interest, particu-
'je'welry store while endeavoring to ilarly among older residents or, '
save -the goods: Hfs`remainawere {those who had relatives inbuslnesd
Gypsd.m /Cr nr (0'�d
j S/ '(�Rwo✓a
iremoved to�Brantford for Inter- j -_- ---`--_----
ment:gn the 1.15 train on1 Wednes- here that time. It is Pelt that
t rnt'v, %�7' J a 6eX
day.. Dr. Springer held I, coroners the detet ail precented herewith will
;Inquest on the remains of the two
d U Prove of Much interest.
unfortunates on Wednesday morn-
r�ryJyes „✓dS dRo,ma.z, fa
Ding and. verdict returned in i
- accordance with the above facts. A
third .report was raised that still
n "IC u o R.e
another life had been lost, but this
ire .�-
' •'
report, we are happy to be able to I
istate, proved Incorrect. It origim 1
'fated from the fact that one of the '
?London firemen was missing and I
!someone having said there was an
aother. man In Fawkes' building at ie