024Dates, Bock, To -Ear y,St. %1�1arys C
stone house is believed to have been the first permanent residence, uilt In St.
Dating back about a century, it was built by the Ingergolls, whose part in
l the Perth County settlement is describecl JnLA_ t :Garrett —elsewhere on this
twined in a stipulated time. ine
iown of Ingersoll is said to have
been named for him.
Jam nd 'Thomas Ingersoll)
were sons 'of the colonel and they
came to Bianshard and owned i
mostof what was later the St I..
Marys townsite. James afterwards!,
lived in Woodstock where he was jj
registrar of Oxford County and ", ..
known as Squire Ingersoll. Thomas'
remained at St. Marys and was l .v
active in developing the hamlet I
then known as "Little Falls."
1841 Log Cabin
Thomas Ingersoll made a clear-F
Ing and built one 6f the first log
cabins in the vicinity, about 1841,,
according to' local lore. Mainly'
through the activities of the Inger
soils, a sawmill end then a grist',.._
mill were built within the next
yearor two;
The stone house erected by the4
- Ingersolls, about a century ago, Isi
believed to have been the first
permanent residence in the com-[
munity, following the primitive log,
ahantlea. Constructed of flagstone,',
the house still stands in pictur-
esque surroundings, just west of
I n gersoll s U E. L. Family,,- The first settlement of St. Marys t ,the Thames River and north of the
U.E.L. . was mainly due to the Ingeraolls, B main thoroughfare. It was rebuilt
la U.E.Loyalist family who bad lj in 1914 and one of its many at -
.First Owners Of Tow" psite located on the Niagara frontier tractions is a modernized fireplace.,
One of them who served with the[: The atone house In now, the home
Now St. Marys In berth British forces in the War of 1812-� of Miss L_F. Ingersoll: Her father
14 was. Col. Ingersoll. As a reward,I , was Justus Ingersoll, the latter a
- - he received the grant. from the son of -Thomas Ingersoll.
t .I Government ,of the Township of ----
! !oxford with the proviso that a
I, certaln, number .of settlers be ob-
3tre�. i
'Six hundred gallons aminute is residents. Situated in the township gallons of water. The flow -of much air as possible can get
being pumped from this reservoir of West Oxford; th'e.P.U.G instal- water causing the spray is tolit. This process Is. called aeratl
to supply the thirst of Ingersoll latign holds approximately 560,0001break' up the water so that as (Staff Photo),