027spy,, Advancement in the manufac END 0k'. �kA� 4aa l;' 1'� �'ID°p ® lureof cheese had then reae"hed a e-�y�aer�..�cLare% ithe stagewhere the products of 7/district factorleaWere being soldlif b��� r on a substantial reputation and'q® pa l�l -9$• 7 y^@rwere invariably asked for under �{4t�eese tA4Pi+�r he1L- losai i1�� nthe name "Ingersoll District®°e�ay�B®eB•�+��iI Q ®® Cheese:" "A g��edbauti "Of j tl * •rVb1$�'�14� New factoriessprang up in .Ys SL�� �, e,ai LCS, 'la didustry yf{jrgthe district with the result that J'Sf4f GJ11fan AJrd ��-� production was materially in- If for no other than a sentimen- tens recall the ann I o=da— �-ena by SdZTBy Rathr Haneul creased and no„favorable efforts tali reason there are, 'doubtless sessions of the Dairymen's Assocade a,total of 55 trips,CChe dosing of the cheese were s aced to ocean. 1ecaJ Jemyer.p gain all possible many residents of the town and cation that used to be held in thas been recorded that neXrred. dr. market in the Oxford County favor on the British market. It district familiar- with 'the back• town hall, the large.. number o1835 eFather ed that n t rot f,..ai -- town of Ingersoll has 'brought is recorded that on behalf of ground of the dairying industry dairymen, buyers and outstanding of the Salford district made the nsgroW brads, back memories of a great in- the cheese industry of the dis- I who will. regret the closing .of the speakers who attended and the first cheese for sale on the local.. q lira dustry, - trict the late Edwin Cogswell Ingersoll cheese market. stress that was placed not only L"ark C'eJ'%% market. He is also said to +have. ji�-ad-in7i4. i..ade a total ofjr—trips rocs. It was cheese that -brought upon increased production, but the had at one time a herd of 100aY It was cheese that brought the ocean. „ fame to Ingersoll back in its vil- most modern equipment and above cows. Other .prominent dairymen p B 13Na7r D nc"r fame to Ingersoll back in its vil- 'As early as 1835 "Father Ran- ]age days. and by reason of trade all, superior quality l$W mentioned in connection with the I pfae(.- lage days. By reason of trade ney" of the Salford district made connections on the British -mar- As early as 1563 (here had been development of the dairying indus- hOlJse connections on the British mar- the first cheese for sale on the kets to which tremendous quanti. much discussiorr" for the manufac- 7je /,we �tca( try are James Harrisand Harvey local marker'At one time he : ties were supplied by local ex- ture of what has gone into history . keta, to which tremendous quern- owned some 100 cows. - porters it became known as the as the "Mammoth Cheese" and the Farrington, 6xetperS=iw-law of Fa- hn oE" �B roses titles were'supli led b local ex- Prominent dairymen men + hub' of tie cheese industry" In arrangements were completed in they >Ranney:" The mammoth ;ua„!-brTBS• Y Y 1 Y'� Z cheese was made in the factory of 'porters, it became known as "the boned in connection with the I Western Ontario, and across Can, 1864.f,It was decided that all re- ,riot-�Y Jix., development of the dairying in- " ado as well 'Ingersoll' has been quif'ements should he made in In- James Harris, West Oxford, near hub of the cheese Industry" in Ingersoll. `Wvlla e'r71i" M duatry were James H rris and known as the 'Town," gersoll'in order to keep outsiders g f r� 6ro.e I Western Ontario. And across b s- from their purpose. The :Many young men came to In- ry,,,, , . r Farrington rs-in-�- ev¢n with the appelation being -ap- g p p0' ersoll and district to learn ')` Canada,.' as well,: Ingersoll has law'of Father annoy. The main- plied in sports competition to lo• cheese which weighed three and a gheese-making as well as mechan- �°]. fer•e., become known Ra the "Cheese moth cheese was made in ills cal teams as the "cheeses." half tons was successfully Ics to gain Information as to the OM 641A6h.a ',1 t Town. The application was factory of James Harris, West r 'Through the Ingersoll Choose ed and, was a feat which focused nature of the equipment manufaC- aS- Oxford. .Board, which was established foi- much attention and intereston In- r, h'Sr _—•p;,; tbred here to gain information as 7cCdS even used in sports' circles with a , ♦ to in the organization of the gcrsoll and tits surrounding coin- 7 }rta•neeB local teams both known as - g g to the nature of the equipments - g Many young people came to Canadian Dairymen's Association inanity. Advancement in the man- 1 fJ cheeses." ufacture of cheese had then reach- here for the purpose. Ingersoll and district to learn hers in cheese tremendous gnarl ed the stage where the products ` A statement for the year 1123 1 -- * - ♦ '• cheese -making as well as me• ties cheese were sold regularly, showed that there were 6,837,124 1"''I`"- Through the. Ingersoll Cheese chanics to gain information as and the "revenue thus derived was of district factories were tieing pounds of cheese produced in Ox- +£`!'`t'°'"`"'O to the nature of the equipment at that time and is still re Cogniz- sold on a substantial reputation rJihe�ueQJ,-/Xt , Boardwhichwas established tat.the and were Invariably asked for ict ford' county, the value of which xtbh � + manufactured there for the par. In the having been a great factor "Inge was $1,326,231.66 which had rec- Iowing the organization ofthe•- ]n the. prosperity of the town end der the name.rsoll .District Eh uJ-co„r*y -poser, P P Y onus from other. products brought Canadian Dairymen's Associaion. A statement for the year 1923 the neighboring districts. Cheese." the. total to $4,207,445.72.- In 1867, large quantities of cheese showed that there were a,$37,124 �' A plaque on the north outside ' New factories sprung up In the ` -6'1 sold regularly. That reve• I pounds of cheese produced in wall of the postoffice building, er• district with the result that pro• SW, - were nue has long been, a great fac• {! Oxford County, the value of ected by the Historic Sites and duction was materially increased which was $1,326,231.66 which, Movements Board of Canada has and no efforts were. spared to gain 1 �- I71JBB �'.StZLnv1 for in the prosperity of the town el - with revenue from other prod- j the wording, "First Cheese Fact- and the neighboring districts. ory"—the first cheese factory in all possible favor on the British s�d. �• B _OlG i.�4.7..(; B g acts, brought the total to $4,207,- A plaque in the north wall of I� 445.72. Canada was established in the niarlret. IC has been recorded that - TN;, 6•e,v /ca e.+..-.,.r- r..��,�,.,L,,,• the post office building (erected '� Now, with the closing of the county of iOxford in '1864. The on behalf of the cheese industry 5+ _ pf n.piwlj-(''IL by the Historic Sites and Mean- Ingersoll,. Cheese Market, there widespread adoption of the co-op• Of the. district tile 3 e late Edwin d ,d,, g/'- - r M- ments Board of Canada) has the ; closes- a chapter in a cheese- erative' factory system in this and --------- - faller word "First Cheese .Factory- making era, featuring the Town other counties 'narked the begin Sam. nw,-4",e disc• 5' (,,..c2f-,}sI�„=�4v 1 ning of the modern dairying Indus- i',w,an,., ltAxrn,-nvsnv,EJt 0 built In the County of Oxford in/ of Ingersoll. 45i. er. ctieaY' Se.dL 1864. The widespread adoption ✓V1.0"r' try in Eastern Canada. The Can S' J4d rue.,., - 1 ct . na _y of the co-operative factory mys. ', � ," adian Dairymen's Association was obis..-IMa.GLt►aaA, •31 � tom in this and other counties founded in Ingersoll in 1867." jw," Itrx„�-suws`+; tsr"i1T"r', 'pO CiNO NO Ow'� G6'HRL,EdS}, marked the beginning of the mod- Many of Ingersoll s older sill ern .dairying industry in East• 011 1&611CNUe ern Canada. The CanadianSy�e Dairymen's Association was ow A.•P• 6C� errf 6t 0,ner e1 `. - ',- J ,�.. n „s r$-x*sl x founded cl6 in Ingersoll srt 1867' t L `�rZ '. ' •,J 4 4 t I.Y R O¢ ¢T 3 i � i l'Yj bk ZM >�), i bf'rLP n'. b d'¢.S.y k. Many of .Ingersoll s older riti- O'TI it zens' recall the-annualtwo-day { rslC44L.l7'JI0.! sessions of the latter association. °ere °rot a 1reeer t s its t,`$aFry's sb Held in the town hall, the meet- Ir trigs stressed not only increased J Deuso ulaJY bunt :rF<Krr� production but the most modern JTJr B / -st0e rnere(axYb aA_ " z ;r, equipment and,, above all, so. perior quality. nL,✓T �aB use .a(,•T I ' As early as 3863, there had O'd�d .frwe - JJ X,Me! .{ ' been much discussion for the '�,r drrlsl'ar, y '. manufacture of what has gone down do -history as "The Main-X moth Cheese;' the arrangements $-lovf♦rdY ¢ ' f being completed In 1864. It was lL)w SY'- bur/1 B7 ✓w,aius decided that all requiremens 74 Ile r, h- should be made in the town so that outsiders would not know lf1°/!er QBadL ;ear// 1Idy "=E their purpose',,The production of I ' the cheese wich weighed three ' 4 drtw l3BdwB aanL • 'R •p and a half tons was a feat which r.!' SB.a7.j[� et TF•L ' +%s ¢' •» Z e. g_ focused much interest on In- 0 (WB11 .•BUJ e, 7_4 1 gersoll and surrounding 'cam. . f14161C te. e. ' ^" jai c ,r rz j x munit . j (�"`^'�_ e d �..�a'Y « r E 1 Y ♦ ♦ 1 br,ek kens 8s•3 r " _ °&., , rz f ew17, af. °lino R..i � �st4�� ! •... -. 7 bu.erl- b,t Lk r. w, 7/ae. fro 7'n_Ssi�fJ-'( r3 i e ck or.r AO w cdB e - il,-w's 1-4 l�e+l ai I�iantiow C1y�S�Upt'I/ __ 7'-h0.n.df- W.17. 0�•faw Jfa+-e.J-. r)eY� rid watt'- � aru,s locK-""�+�ri.r"C.{ sl der o{ K!n ff-- 9 d �l- £a-BP O-f STre a.... d «+tTi.nd.:.q To o.7ar St'. 74-w0.6 rti Tiv, reco der .1' Ip•a s_ >\rT ib a.,l!^ Sa vero-1 1-IGQf6 aeL,ht6e �- I T l.c \3 row e;rf c, . nBrTl 51de 4 itchy S7`,and fait- 0{ M,d 3'f.�helrerBd 7o hat beat fbutl` �yy�ta.•!y One of`the .current projects. in the Town of Ingersoll is the widening )f Thames street, removal of poles and other apparatus restricting a ride open main street through this progressive Western Ontario mint. Long famousas the cerare of a rich farming and dairy .,.,:w.,.,._•.d,"-te.,�. - ..N. .5. ..a'r...;rr.sw.wesdwia - disl,ict. Ingersoll is increasing its population. augmentir' industrial business and increasing the numberrof residence* hospital and„new collegjale;[instilute ,anr. other .aroit