032I of this council; we do humbly and
% \.
respectfully convey by special me.l
1IIsage-to His Majesty,. .1{iag George)
]l 1 and to .et• , Majesty, Queen 'Eliza-j i
both, greetinga.and a pledge of con•,
timed love anti loyalty on Uellalf of,
this council and the people of Ing-
ersoll." -gf
Lending of tine ex mayors, Mr:;
r Daniel urged that the -towns busi-1
'less be conducted at the coaneill
table, -still not on -the Streets. Bon
big enough to Bette your difference;'
here" he urged. Dr. Alurray coil-,
gratulated the new mayor and coun-
cil, and Charlie Itiley commented
that he had the reeoi'(( of patting,
the town_ft^•thee in debt .than any!
one else, He said after 15 year's as
=:ouncillor, Mayor. Mo11'ismt was en-
titled to the Xa—iE Al Duchanji;
saidhe never knew anyone who had.
done more than Air. Morrison. Ife'
recalled "the brood old days," when,
,rowds overflowed council, and he'-
said there was much antisfactioll toy
be gained from public Life.
Tom s going to Ibe u good mavor ".'
said -Alex Edmonds , lumrtionnig hen
had served with four of the mayors.
present He mentioned Air. Buchalt=
,in had trouble when the bridge went
out, "and I hadminewhen the swim-
titer went in."
Mr. Ln lishrecalled the "-battles'"
in the old days, and suggested the
greenhorns could learn aplenty frolill
theOldernten, but not to depend .oil
a did"he said, there would be critf- Sroh f, a.� e�'�/
' at ar i a r a<, r• cism.",. Ingersoll wes a .wonderful , F1 l
g town -"make it prog esvive, beauti;: ba.Su Iri }ncmorta-
fy"it, ; .build wisely, and have the 'nit+ L
slizens help, too. :But you'll Kaye to Park - U)lt)t I113.
is spend money to make it." ` : I $ fbne G l uen ary d.
s Mr.. R'ilson haped the attendance+ d
augured Well'for community interest` delrJarod bq
it in the future. Mr. Bred ,oldest of; (e'�ron 1Bnvetq,
�4hy (1 them all, said it.'Ivas `l6 years agot -
': that night he was introduced to tli.ev Cllrn httitlb Oil
chair. Morrison he .said. Mould mtke i
-b a grood mayor. Ilary T. Bower )hr lu,rlti-a Sto nei
sits � speciall.: invited to speak rntioned, )ndgon
soma of Lrgersoll's history, and he,
`(old "council they would sot nt
most� -�
criticism fropeople who wouldn't G°hereTa SwtrH mnti
stand themselves. '
t,.nd Wadln.Y poor )
rbt� zs, a , " a Inaugural Address u�i It rA-beret
`«q t a -'" 1'I �' In .phis inaugural address, Mayoral
? y^ v` x�•j Alou•1son. said in Put Iq zµ
`'it + Ir g • !' t ' hete are initcinig from this
s�� ant w.IwuL 1�7r rt
` rf' j board many faces have 1 hha d <., .„,,.., vs>, ,,.,.,•, �ws„a <•„ r�the pleasure of working with for a�
�a y' ,*�y�' . ��y{ �, ion;. pet lord of time.They all have
f" Inaugural iVdee'�ln[� 18Yf ry■ 1l�_Arf p�y��l ya 1 �A"N. -/ ,j �, contribu teal much to the civic wflairs
7 J nil CentelL nial A 7 - � � of this Low". I particularly refer. tol
Thgersoll paused for abreath-� civic leaders. They arks, from Mayor Morrison and the eight tiripg mayor•, Mayor M6orricnn; llr• J• U Mmrrxy, who during his /hp, S•Lbnr-%S.oCd�.a,H
er-•by commemorating Its Y00th left to right, Mildred lijis, living ex ---mayors of Ingersoll- Sills lady, William =E,, -'sh, long Ite11Od of sc'roice has been onasL
'annrversary Monday night and I Glenn Tophant, Don B.,: !Pr, who attended the centennial eel- C� W: Ri1ev J.J M. �5.ilspn— unselfish with his time and resources.;
. ttivq} J;,i,@gam the steady march Mayor Thomas, JJ. 1Vlorr can, _ ebration. From the left arf: A. (Staff P�holo.) it, ,,.w �4 y ''To those whom now has been:
t@Svari1s the 200 year' .mark. Tommy Lee, H. W. FL*, Clair "d*,p0 entrusted the sacred duty of office,
,. - H. Edmonds, J. V. Buchanan, K. udL k„ pA..re, 3 !a I coo
In mthe top photo are the-Y9a2 Rigby. Tie lower photo shows - Q•5 •�' gratdate .you on your success:
: R. .L3aniel, Dr. J. G._Murray, re- __T_ AIr. Fick and Mr. TQ).{lia}p have
•,.vtch 100 candles,. m ionot of the lueatliered the storm and their work
l��q : community's birthday. Bearing .the 1lwail be. shared by four newcomers, _
B® e�� ��� pods in paint and icing"Thegeisol- 1 tmongst Whom a lady, smncthing
_`IVY. pot aLion of the Town of Lteersoll� 1 new in the annals of Ingersoll s civic
YOOth anniversary" it was Mr. Ber-� ✓ history. li am sure this august body
me Zurbrig),s contribution to the will be enhanoed b i
I y her Presence,
iolebr3ton,�o e>✓,R,e,ey� and'Siud not only from the standpont of abi]-
'At Towns, Birthday , 'Bowin it both dressed like Benny rty but also of dignity. SA/� Sayl�er�,
1 t7ie Biker ,. carried it in as the crowd - 'At this season of the year, it is �lf. Tfll't
Eight hex -ma Fors of Ingersoll —al] s _ ga peci in amazement and. delight, - not oil}' one of• happiness, bun also q
y presiileiii- council ol�ch i chits, l and a very much surprised mayor l one of reflections. We "rust all rea-
those alive talay—mere in comcil y performed the invocation and asked 'Yrceived it. The cake about two feel line that our real ;work is reflected {�(�
chambers Monday night upon thej9 Divine gaidance for tihe council m its ' m whatever contribution. T6 ion�0 Aroar.
occasion of the inaugural meeting of deliberations. Thor Fathcr William ! by three and a half, weighed nearly s we male
G to a better life for ourselves and for
the 1952 council, and the, 100th an- a Morris of Sacred Heart Czech, in 40 pounds, and was a Ibeauty. Je,S to riLOb C&r b�d�S
niversar of Ing'elsoll's first council. Mayor Morrison, after tharlkin others. We ru•e nnoved at this time. J
Y his message, noted that the citizens s _ g -NY the spiritual, rather than the ma -
the all speaking a few, and of i5 too, have a responsibility i❑ cnsor- VLl Lur briyg;,- handed. the special Iterntl things of life• our hearts feel .�-K%`JpG to
the past and the Present, and ex- utg that the town was governed wise-J9 knife which' will be suitably. - oil- " li2 titer, our praise- and thankfulness t
pressing best wishes . to the new . ly and. well. To council, he said 1 ,iaved and given to the mayor; to i�rise more freely from our hearts. l^
council: for the Future, they nvere: s "the people have :put their trust m. Councillor AlUdied Mills, and. invited "The world takes on a new radi
William '1. a1iah now of Loudon; J. 9 you, and you must do a good Job." -- -- -� i sale because our thoughts quit -
R ehanan the earliest mayor of 4 'Father Morris stressed that coup- her to serve it. Mr. Zmbrigg got the Ihearts are looking forward. There
the group; S�ila 'r• dy; J. M. li - 16 __ _. 1 and then everyone in .
cil's service must _be unseltsh fliers lust trees, ;are is are
leaders the world rods
suit, Alex. If.. Fd=9juls, C. W. Ui , i t ould be crltcrsnt. Destructive cri2= council chambers shared in it, with ' ':tvho would abolish everything eve
now of. Beachville;- K. R. 'Daniel,' _ __ i g
rcism should -be ignored, but emu-l--Lhe councillors passing it around-� Bold dear. Even in our own coott'y,..
and the retiring ntiayorr.: Ili'. J. G. P g
Murr who holds .the record for stdfive trd dint heeded "G rom e,l An official resolution thanking inhere are some ,who ;preach hate and
-tuber end by and win .more falsest more•1 Mr. Zurbrieg was '.passed, and so mtolerance: We need,a light of faith.
number of terms as mayor. They happiness and more prosperity; you'll �. was a special mess tous were all .introduced by the new p age , loyalty te, [¢lids min the months ahead.
nta yor T houas_ J Morrison. w u wwiderlul orb " the King and Queen, upon the, 1 ' It is my sincere personal wish
y l town's 100th. birthday."Pile message that we be given strength and moral
As iicil convened`' before a I AsMayoraddress,
ess, tsar finished his
''{+�lin crowd, - Rev 0. D. �nnugural t<ldr ess, theie was a knud.� -t sad:. "Resolved that upon this his-. . `courage f le, fair tow behalf of all -
fnity.'United Chi Bch;, tnthe"door andm- strode Levu vouneg� tore, occasion the_100th anniversary] ..�crtizens of our lair town audio Yhem
,b YiEL• - - s cant ping a tremendous tulle! good health andhap,piness,ih abund-
'Iante in the coming year.