mM3{6 r59 „a Fyv« -3 fiery eaa 3^ .wa iy aa+
100t° p VZ".w e� y3' rw Rie'iW
�mNt .".,il
f 3 {Presented *Aa xic `
„ i a 2 •I `, Time in Its ceaseless flight had once in local municipal • history. fore, with pride _speak ,ab
a new meaning for the town of Past and present were united in glorious past,'
g c ,Ingersoll yesterday as the "wide a manner That emphasized both . "One hundredglittering
i �� t3 span of 100 years, from Jan, 7, the vicissitudes and. the triumphs symbolizing a century of
I7852, to Jan. 7, 1952, was bridged in municipal advancement and out pal office, 100 'contributin
with historical data. , of them was undoubtedly born a welded into an � ever - le
a f r ;i •% E 3' ` % new s irit to continue with the chain. The last my own,
Time made an important con P open `and untried,
lribution: to Ingersoll of, lod�yin mrch aof time.
Of strikin interest, as
recalling p of those u-he g
well as "I indeed feel, it a higl
llin the spirit being most impressive was a that my recent election to
with faith in themselves, the com- p fice should round out the
4, rriunity and .the future shouldered mammoth anniversary cake pro-
a, with courage'the responsibilities of duck of the $arbrigg BalcerV, which a century. Nor am I unmi
civic government when it was first occupied a. foremost, position in- the singular distinction of
side the railing of 'the .'council easion.. To me the mellow
,¢.: s a elevated to self-governing. staters chamber ^at the evenin•� session, a hundred candles, gym]
ks in 1852. This huge cake, weighing 35 pounds lights back, y6ar by year,
-There was -inspiration in what teas richly adorned and bore 100 dim recesses of antiquity,.
"•-s= ' time revealed as it swept on c?ndics 'and the wording "The lives of men who served
• " t• through the portals of another new Corporation of the Town of Inger- office in the world we nev
year-on.the -first lap of another soil 100th Anniversary." I of a century ago. It is h
century, Time took on an entirely The cake was carried" into file think on ,this .occasion
!different-.meaningfrom the coin- council chamber by Roger Reeves tribute to their service I
-men system of reckoning in years, anil Rid- Bowman, an onskanhy democratic succession of a
months; ;weeks, days, minutes and became,a centre of attraction.. whether by election be accl
.seconds and under the all impres- The anniversary address was this honor is 'discharged
sive eircumstances'time swept on given by Mayor 'Thomas Morrison year..
i leaving in its -wake much forre- as follow. i ` - - "A centenary such as •t
joicing as well as much. for 'specu. "Forreasons that are not .alto- vides the opportunity of ex
--+ lation as.to, -what might be visual- gether clear to us the start 'of a the hope that your council
, ,•_, ized,inIngersoll's development at fresh year.is traditionally an oc- self may through effort
`. :•- the end of a second century.. easion which impels people to plication measure up to !
Mike noble resolutions, .organize standard of o u r prede
Plans for observance of Liger' not celebrations, select all-star whose service it is our I
sell's 100th anniversary in con nee. celebrate this evening,
Lion with the -inaugural-meetiing of teams, nominate the man of the •'I am -des ]
ear, review the hi hli hts of the deeply moved by
the 1952!council did not go awry, 12 months one b andgr to re- Pression. of public interest
v is ,The. observance was fitting ,in diet what is ahead in YtheP 12 unique occasion. Your
every respect and much was pi, a- months comiM, up.. here shows an aroused he
dueed that will be given proniln- ^On most of these counts- we your affairs which fir tun
. ,--• - `„ .find ourselves y equipped for an alert council. May
poorly e ui ed to Y
''cope with the situations and, there- a continuance of your sur
3elieved last to Canada
Ingersoll ekeKino Mersa
dNGE$SOLL, Feb. 15— (Speela) Palace and signed by the private .the council their smco,r
�;ye�' �.aza �3 £,� f s:s�"�a`"`",r�s"a •P °�$ — What may have been thelastsecretary to the Icing, Edward for the assurance of the e
m • `�� a- 3 l �q ... s,, s a• essage'of the King to any of his Lord, the message reads: and loyalty of the coon
Canadian peoples has been re-- „My dear town clerk (Town People of Ingersoll. The:
$ <as celved by Mayor Thomas J_Mar- Clerk El§nisi Wfnlaw)
i' esties send to them their
rie n of Ingersoll `- "I am ,in l=
receipt of your letter tulations on landmar
-TE message, read by the mayor of the 15th of January containing history of the town, an
' ��/Ir•7-{QaSci! today at civic memorial service to a copy of a resolution passed by good wishes to all its'inh
°� Anniversary Cake Receiped Lind Cut I His Majesty, was in .reply to a the council of the Corporation of during the coming years."
�Ao —.egg
-^. In the to�photo Roger Reeves, tennial. celebration he]d do the Coune[llor'Mills is `the first. resolution of loyalty and 'affection Ingersoll, Ontario, on ,trsthe SOOIncth Believed the first time
(left) and Bud Bowman place a town`•hall Monday night. (lower roll sg co ill theato Inger. town's 1001 nary passed
7bya% Ingersoll oCouncil celebrated 7th anniversary
rJa uary, 1852.fiThis Irhave by the oKing non it al00thn
1100-candled _ anniveFfi cake cillor Mildred.�ili_s
;In front of Mayor Thomas Mor- (photo) pauses before cutting I years of growth, (Staff Photo.).; its -100th birthday. On the royal laid' before the King and Queen, the letter was dated Febrr
as part of Ingersoll's comer -' the first portion from .the cake. stationery, headed .,Buckingham who Coleman -
risen me to express to 1952 The King died Febnr
_ J---------. �✓ / ,,,,�!:,ir1- 6 F € /le✓. �r//iarrrsoh,-�J7in,af<r-Giiarles br
Ito"our deliberations, we heat-. ee opportunity
such as this a pro- p -/ 5 � 2 m .0 ` � _
! late to make ,promises. There � are sides the .opportunity of expressing .J-„-u �tw yh zr�' Ca"
P the hope that your council and my / '�
.... manv items of extreme fin artsrnce �� �cG�
confronting us,- eaeh of }which will self .may through effort, and' applies-
be dealt pvith, with the hope that tion measure up to the high stand- t,ro
-- our conclusion will receive general and of our.; predecessors, whose a',-
approbation," - vice it is our honour. to celeibrate �� G ti,,;q.,-�� 1Ce. Ja-..oLL�.L cT-u-'U
- As the centennial Ibirthday cake this evening.
was �yn,u,-
was carried in,. the mayor. said, in "I. am deeply mr!oved ,by the ex- / ��'•�"'^�
part: !pression of civic interest on this
One hundred glittering candles ' occasion. Your presence here shows C.ti - �- �✓-•--/ �,f ` r , ,
symbolizing a`centur�y of municipal im aroused interest in your affairs,
l ufhee one 'hundred. contributing which. in turn makes for an alert
! iui,6s welded into an ever -lengthen- council. May there be a continuance %.,
j Ing chain, the last,. my own, as ,Yet of your support."a.7` G- o° cL • h+• - xsrw-o.,..oe. (° ?°
;:open.. and untried.:' �o Oo(�w`-Gu�.w. �%,{.� S'.n-�:->e.eE n- tu-•*�o '
"I indeed feel it a high' honour
that my recent election to this office
should round out the cycle of a cen- ti„- ^ .e>,�,.,� ^'' 'zLt ec" "✓+�V NY
tory, :nor am, I ypmmdful' of the Jo ^A
singular distinction of this occasion.
To ins the mellow light of a hundred
:candles, symbolically lights back, year
by year, into the dim recesses of
antiquity, into the lives of men who ° ¢„L ci>,.....e.....•.e� C� a-z,,..,� —44. _ z
served in this office in the world we
never knew of a century ago. It is 3 • j�� `9 z,�ea-.� kJz+� �• .Z++-. �+v� oZ; 8c' '+ s,.' 11
fitting,' I think on this occasion, to ��/ 02 S
Tray tribute to their service and the o� - -.
%democratic succession of a system fru tz 1 ,,� ar d. w w�- 0/ „+° QT _ �ja,� 3
whether by election or acclamation ���.. tiGL -cue°r ��
this honour is discharged year by reµer y - a *me
year. ,/Lu ,✓, � m.Cco-+tef ,�. y-' s,,,,