036red �:j�o Ian Amr lixltt2tll°ilaslEI,9 "�,o�sn Lauded by La so r Following is the text of the speech given yesterday by the Lieutenant -Governor, Hon. Ray Lawson, as he opened the; new, ATe`xandra Hospital:'— - - ; Today we are celebrating a momentous and an historical occasion in the history of Ingersoll. It is nearly two years since we last came to Ingersoll, our pleasure at*that time being the official opening of the Wilson Memorial Swimming Pool' During the intervening months I have heard many com- plimentary remarks regarding the pool which Dqr and Mrs. Ernest Wilson gave to this community..' This modern pool,. with all the newest accessories,"has been a model for other pools being built throughout the Province. Today we are marking another milestone in the history of Ingersoll We are pleased to take part in this ceremony opening this fine new Hospital, a building- erected for the benefit of the whole community. The people of Ingersoll and district are tto be congratulated on their vision and foresight and their great community achievement. The endeavour to extend to all citizens the best possible medical and surgical facilities with skilled nursing care, will contribute in no small way to the general well-being of all in this Community, and to all those who have given freely of their time in bringing this splendid structure to` such a suc- cessful completion, a great debt of gratitude is due. Need Pride in Community For pride in one's own community -the endeavour to extend to all citizens the best possible medical care and surgical facilities —is the very spirit that best serves to make i = a nation: prosperous, contentedand happy. The'progressive and energetic character of our people .acting together for mutual welfare is the forcewhich -makes so' many of our Ontario Communities outstanding models of self improvement. To all who worked or gave ,we wish to express our sin- cere thanks and to heartily congratulate them, for if ever a 'Hospital belonged to the people ` of 'a community, this Hos- pital is surely' an outstanding example. It is an example of what freemen and women in a free country can achieve, and so long as the 'bricks and mortar stand it will be a monument to those who have so loyally supported and worked for it. Our Province owes .a great debt to them. A Hospital in a community may well be likened to any public utility'or'any public service and you may well be very proud to have this Hospital completed with the highest poss- ible scientific, equipment so hospital care for all classes may be provided. Prepared To Save Lives the greatest of all services, "the saving of human lives." Here, by the services of the strong and well, , the ailing are protected through an agency which has for many years been deserving of praise and, blessings particularly in times of catastrophe and suffering. Great advances have been made in hospital facilities and accommodation, just as great advances have been made in medicine and surgery.' Any conventional ;hospital, though, faithful to the tradition of the past, must keep pace with the progress of the age. In our Province, actually under construction at the pres- cut time; there are, 21,new building projects under way, as well as 69 substantial additions being made to existing hospi- tals' which will provide a further 6730 new beds, making in all a total`of 23,227 hospital beds available when these building projects' have been completed. On all sides we ,hear people complaining of hospital charges being so much higher than they were 20 years ago, - - this may be correct as far as the daily ,rate is concerned, but medical, science has greatly improved and new, expensive "wonder drugs" are in; every -day use. The average person stays -in hospital less than half the time necessitated 20 yearo ago for the same ailment, and is usually able to quickly return to gainful occupation, so that the hospital bill in total is actually far less. , Shows Unselfishness During the past year many of the world's greatest doe- LIEUTENANT-GOVERNO] tors have visited our Province al reminded of Lord Whit ,who and the blood—Tankblood-Tank in the last Johnson President of the Royal an and Si_r James LearmQuth surgeon who operate on a in While on a trip to England If of again meeting these famous' d adian contribution to. medicine a the adMiraJion.of;;vjsiers from „a; ;rear""work could noihave been well-equipped and well -staffed gor`could it have been accompli men and women in our Province nore efficient hospitals and well The construction of this'inst and- has been in this community, ness which must be the corne 3roject. Greatly Im When I had the opportunity new building, I could not help b :he evidence on all sides of the applied by all concerned.' May I sincerely congratulate district for the vision in building humanitarian achievement. And ,in conclusion, let me ap great success in achieving a con verve to mark your untiring deA humanity in raising the standard ive a more effective and satisfyi I,know that if you are fort same' committees in charge who ;hemselves, there need be no api able value of this hospital to yol Always keep in mind thhat Au D K. ANGUS McKAy f Bcrq Zkfml. xh, gave, generous financial assist ince in'the founding of the Hospit and member of the original l Medical Staff. I Im t